• How would they react if you hugged them from behind? • R!

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Sorry it's so short I didn't really know what else I could write for this

REQUEST BY: Player2206559


☆ Gangle ☆

• First of all how would you do this? 🤨

• If you did do Gangle would get flustered and very nervous

• You might get tangled in her ribbons tho

☆ Kinger ☆

• He would stay slient for a few seconds and realize what you were doing and start screaming

• "AAAAAH- Oh. It's just you y/n"

☆ Caine ☆

• Would just stand there until you let go of him

• Or just try to scrape you off idk

☆ Jax ☆

• He would freeze up and get a bit flustered but still shove you off of him

☆ Ragatha ☆

• Get a bit startled cause she didn't expect it but would still be kind and hug you back

☆ Pomni ☆

• She would stand there awkwardly and try to be polite I'm asking you to get off her

• If you didn't she would try to force you off

☆ Zooble ☆

• They would get annoyed and force you off them



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