• Yandere TADC •

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So basically it's what type of yandere they are and what they would do



• This girl would be delusional af. Anything you do for her she would think it's because you love her

• Stand up for her? You love her! Hang out with her? You love her! You help her fix her comedy mask? You love her. Talk to her? YOU LOVE HER- you get it

• Anything you do or say she will be flustered and stutter alot. Even if your standing there she would be flustered

• She will cling to you. Everywhere you go she will be right next to you or watching you from afar

• Gangle gets jealous easily. If she doesn't have your attention she will get sad and try to make you feel bad so you give her attention

• When she's not hanging out with you she likes to stalk you! She will sit down and draw you and her together. Sometimes she would give you the drawing she made of you



• Yeah Kinger is dependent of you. Running to you if anything happens

• He think of you as his comfort person (and lover-) and if he gets scared, happy, sad, angry he will run to you.

• Kinger tries to keep you with him all day.

• He will cling to you while or about and he will try to make you stay in his fortess with him everyday

• You will catch him staring at you all the time. Like he wouldn't try to hide that he is

• He he's you like he's Queen and will treat you like royalty as best as he can (were not gonna talk about Queenie. It makes me start sobbing)



• I just made a oneshot of a Yan Caine but I wrote it so bad lmao

• He would be so possessive over you

• Has to be by your side 24/7. If not, like everyone else he stalks you

• Caine forces you to go on dates with him. He will make it seem it's your decision but if you say no he will guilt trip you into going with him

• He would never hurt you but he will psychologically manipulate you.

• Caine would make you believe everyone else hates you or are against you. Eitherway whatever he does to you he will make you very distant with the others.

• He believes you guys were destined to be together and he would do anything to make it come true

• Even if it means putting people you got to close with into the cellar.

• By the end he would either put everyone in the cellar or create somewhere for you to stay trapped in, away from everyone

• Maybe even threaten to harm one of the others that's are close to you so you can be with him.

• Whatever he decides to do he will make sure you guys will be together in the end



• Jax would get very jelous easily when it comes to you

• If you spend time with anyone else but him je would be angry and might lack out a bit

• If you continue not hanging out with him me will try to manipulate you

• Or he would threaten the people you hang out with. And bully them even more then he usually does until they stay away from you

• He will be every loving towards you but make him angry and he will snap.

• He'd probably lock you in his room and try to convince everyone you were gone (bro idk)



• She thinks she owes everything to you

• Ragatha always that's to be with you to protect you so she will follow you everywhere you go, always holding your hand

• If anything happened to you see would have a panic attack

• She would give people basty glares if they got to close to you

• Will always stick up for you <33 (almost always Jax. Its always Jax lmao)

• Doesn't really like to manipulate you but if you keep on hanging out/ talking to someone she doesn't want you to she will stay to guilt trip you into not talking to them

• After all, she just wants whats best for you <3

☆ Pomni ☆


• She would love to stalk you. When if you think she's not near you she is

• If she was feeling jealous that you weren't giving for attention she would drag you away claiming she 'saw another exit'

• Whenever somthing happens to her she will go to you. Especially when she's having a breakdown.

☆ Zooble ☆


• Like Ragtha if someone was talking to you, even if their not there next to you they will give then a death glare

• Has a soft spot for you and will do anything for you

• Zooble gets jealous easily but doesn't really show it. It would be better to just give then your attention tho


I didn't know what to put for Pomni and Zooble so yeah!!

Omg two Yandere chapters in a row 🤯

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