• What would they do if you got abstracted? • R!

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I'm sorry I just like angst 😊



☆ Gangle ☆

• She would start sobbing VERY loudly and try in the spot where you got put into the celler

• At first They wouldn't leave that spot. They wouldn't do anything besides stay there and cry (somtimes going somewhere else but mostly there.) Because of that Gangke would skip out on challenges Caune set up

• No one could cheer them up for a long time and no one would really pick on them (*cough* Jax would see how much it hurt them so he would just leave Gangle alone *cough*)

• There comedy mask wouldn't come out for a long time

• Even after Gangle kinda accepted the loss most times they will still cry

☆ Kinger ☆

• It would take him a little bit to fully understand and realize you were gone forever.

• He would spend most days hiding in his pillow fort and crying.

• Sincw he was the first person to go into the digtal circus he's seen alot of people abstract but you were different. Kinger cared about you so much

• When he would get out of his pill fort he would avoid your room, whenever he did have to walk past it or was near it he would block the sight of it with his hand

☆ Caine ☆

• He had to. He had to put the abstracted people in the celler but when he had to put you in it..

• He couldn't. He hesitated alot before putting you in. He would stand there for a few seconds and teleport away from everyone.

• No one would see him for days and when he did come back it took him a bit to continue setting up challenges for the others.

• After all, he was still the ring-master and he had a job to do.

• Before putting you in the celler he tried to make you go back to your senses but he knew you were a lost cause.

• Once and a while he would get some flowers and put it by your door. He would try to not seem bothered by you being abstracted but everyone could tell

• Some days he go somewhere isolated and cry (idk how he would but he does.)

☆ Jax ☆

• He couldn't watch you get put into the cellar do he just go to his room. He wouldn't come out for a few days

• Finally when he would come out he would be alot more rude. He would play 'pranks' which were just plain cruel. He would be quiet but when he spoke or did somthing it would be hell for that person.

• He would pretende he wasn't bothered but he really was. He was devastated when you got abstracted and when he was alone in his room he would let it all out.

☆ Ragatha ☆

• She would blame Caine and beg him to try to help you.

• Ragatha couldn't find how sad she was and ran somewhere else to cry.

• She would be somewhere empty and cry there and some of the others would try to search for her.

• Then Jax would find her and begrudgingly try to comfort her (IM TRYING TO JUSTIFY ME SIMPING FOR HIM OK??? 😭)

• Once and awhile she would to the challenges Caine makes, but most of the time it would be spent in her room or in your room just sitting there

• She would be more reserved and quiet after. Not really talking to people

☆ Pomni ☆

• Pomni would be in denial for a while. Believing you were still there

• It was pretty much the only thing not making her get abstracted. You were the whole reason she kept trying to escape but with you gone she stopped trying

• Most of her time would be spent in her room and Ragatha or someone would have to force her out to do things

• She didn't care if she escaped the digtal circus or if she got abstracted

• When she would have rough days she would imagine you with her and pretending you were comforting her.

☆ Zooble ☆

(I'm 99% sure Zooble uses they/them but if not I'm headcannoning it)

• Zooble would pretend they were unfazed. They would hold everything in until they couldn't and they let it out when they were alone

• They would get even more irritated and angry at everyone. Any little thing could set them off and would make them curse whoever it was out.

• Wouldn't do anything for a long time. They would ever stay in there room or somewhere else alone

• Most of the time they would bottle up everything and it would cause them to explode in saddness/ angryness. They would start sobbing and hyperventilating or yell and fight everyone.



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