• How would they react if you couldnt talk because of a glitch? • R!

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So basically whenever the reader tries to talk a deafing sound comes out of you

REQUEST BY: soulboi202


☆ Gangle ☆

• She wouldn't really mind that you didn't talk

• Gangle wouldn't ask about why you didn't they just thought you couldn't

• And then they found out why you didn't..

• Yeah when they first heard you she jumped in surprise and dropped there comedy mask...which made it break again

☆ Kinger ☆

• Poor boy would be scared shitless

• His reaction would be a bit delayed but he would start screaming and covering his ears and then run to his pillow fort

• He would be scared of you for a bit and stay in his fort

☆ Caine ☆

• He knew you couldn't talk because of a glitch but didn't realize how bad it was

• He just thought your voice would glitch out

• That was until he heard it. He jumped a bit in shock and at first thought it came from somewhere else until he realized it was from you

• Caine would tell you to never talk again

☆ Jax ☆

• Jax knew you didn't talk but he didn't know why

• He just thought you just didn't want to so he made it his mission to bother/scare you until he could get something out of you

• He wouldn't work until one day you were minding your business and he scared you, causing you to shriek

• He would admittedly shoot up and cover his ears and back away from you

• After everything settled down he now knew not the try to make you to speak

☆ Ragatha ☆

• She was always curious about what you sounded like but never wanted to pressure you

• At first he thought you were mute until you explained to her what would happen if you did speak

• She would admittedly understand and wouldn't really speak about it to you

• Then she would hear you scream.

• She was frightened and shocked and also yelp loudly in surprise.

• She would look at you flabbergasted and would wish she would never have to hear you again

☆ Pomni ☆

• Would be confused why you didn't want to talk but didn't really care to hear you talk

• When she did hear you she would scream and cover her ears.

• After you the sound stopped she would look at you in shock and slowly back away

• Pomni would be a bit scared to be near you for a bit after that.

☆ Zooble ☆

• Couldn't care less that you didn't talk

• When Zooble did hear you they would scream in shock and probably curse while trying to get the ringing in there ears to stop



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