• What would they do if you rejected them? •

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I couldn't help myself I love angst. 😋
(Not doing Kinger for this sorry)



• Gangle would apologize to you for making it awkward and walk away crying.

• Once there not near you they will start BALLING there eyes out.

• She would eventually stop or people would have to comfort them and make her stop.

• Gangle would avoid you for a bit and when you guys did talk they would apologize for the confession

• They still valued your guys friendship so they would try to move past it to continue being friends (they still cry about the rejection.)

• Even after you guys become friends again they would be a little more awkward and quiet with you now.


• He would awkwardly stand there and without saying anything he would teport out of there.

• Luckily he has Bubble and they would try to comfort him. (Might not be great but it's somthing.)

• Caine would still talk to you but for a bit he would try to minimize your guys interactions

• In the end he would mostly come to terms with the fact you don't like him and you guys would go back to normal

• (By force he would kinda need to since eyes the ring-master.)


• After the rejection him he would laugh awkwardly and say it was a joke even tho it wasn't

• Out of embarrassment to will make fun for thinking he was actually confessing (even tho he was fr) and then he would run out of there

• After all of that he wouldn't talk to you for a while

• Luckily after some time he'll start talking to you again and mutter an apology to you


• She would feel very hurt but she would apologize to you and say how she would still want to be friends with you

• Once you will she would definitely start crying. She didn't want you to see how much it actually hurt her

• it would be awkward and wierd for you both for sure but it would kinda go back to normal.

• She would still have feelings for you but she would never let them get into the way of your guys friendship again, bottling it up


• She would start stuttering and try not to cry infront of you

• Once she was in her room she would start crying and Ragatha would comfort her

• After the confession she couldn't face you. She was to embarrassed and nervous to


• They would act like they didn't care and just walk away.

• But they did care. Zooble didn't cry or anything. They were just angry and embarrassed.

• Embarrassed because you rejected them and mad because you didn't like them back

• Definitely would avoid you for a while. Your friendship would most likely not go back to normal. You guys would still talk hut not as much.


I didn't really know what to write and I gave up halfway through.

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