Chapter 2 - Maxwell Lord's Desires

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Chapter 2 - Maxwell Lord's Desires

Maxwell Lord sat at his desk, eyes fixed on the computer screen before him. His thoughts were deeply on the subject of Supergirl, the Girl of Steel, who represented a risk he simply couldn't afford to take. With knowledge of her secret identity and relationship to "agent" Alex Danvers, both parties have declared a non-spoken truce. But they knew enough to incriminate him, or worse, expose him to the public eye. And now, an idealistic junior reporter like Kara Danvers could prove to be a dangerous threat to his plans. Despite this, Maxwell was aware that Supergirl was currently preoccupied with Project CADMUS and didn't not view him as the primary concern at the moment.

But there was another opportunity on the horizon - a new alien in town by the name of Mon-El. Maxwell had learned that Mon-El was from the planet Daxam and possessed most of Supergirl's abilities. This only added to his frustration and annoyance. He devised a plan to exploit Mon-El's weakness for pretty women and use the young alien to further his own interests, since Mon-El seemed more interested in the ladies than helping the DEO.

Maxwell knew he needed to move quickly, as he was certain that Supergirl's charm and kindness would quickly win over Mon-El, blinding him to the true nature of their fight. Before he knew it, Mon-El could be fighting alongside Supergirl – or worse, falling in love with her.

His phone rang. He pressed a button and his door opened. A seductive blonde bombshell named Eleanor Wilcox entered the room. She was a vision of beauty, with her golden locks cascading down her back in waves. Her curves were all in the right places, with a figure that was both voluptuous and toned.

Maxwell first met Eleanor back in college, in an Ancient Greek History class. Even though his main focus was Railway Engineering, he believed branching out was important for a well-rounded education. This was something his parents had always pushed—balancing tech skills with an understanding of the human side of things. So, Maxwell went for a dual degree, wanting to expand his thinking beyond just numbers and mechanics. That drive for knowledge led him to explore how ancient history could connect with modern engineering.

Maxwell couldn't help but notice how Eleanor's striking beauty drew attention from the other grad students. Maxwell himself was an attractive man, standing at a solid 5'9". His physique was finely tuned, with a well-proportioned build and broad shoulders, a result of his disciplined diet and rigorous commitment to the university's rowing team. His tan complexion complemented his inquisitive brown eyes, which were in perfect harmony with his rugged and handsome facial features.

Maxwell could tell right away that Eleanor came from a rich family. She had that sophisticated, effortless elegance about her. Her designer clothes, though subtle, showed off her natural curves perfectly. While he couldn't deny she was stunning, Maxwell didn't really give much thought to the charming blonde. Ironically, his indifference seemed to catch her eye. She tried to get his attention during study groups, but Maxwell was usually too wrapped up in his projects or busy with rowing practice with his buddies.

College took a different turn for Maxwell when he realized there was more to Eleanor than just her looks. She wasn't just another pretty face—she was the top student in their class, and that caught his attention. As they spent more time together, he learned about her ambition to become a lawyer emancipating herself from her parents' influence. Maxwell, who couldn't quite grasp the notion of children rebelling against their parents, since he had none, found her determination fascinating.

"Max, sweetheart, how are you?" she asked, a sultry smile on her lips as she entered the room. "What's the matter now? Did a pesky cop give you a parking ticket and you need me to make it disappear?" Maxwell barely glanced up from his computer screen, unimpressed by the woman's attempts at seduction. He knew she was only there to do a job, and nothing more.

Maxwell and Eleanor started a romantic relationship that, at first, seemed to work. But over time, they realized they were better as friends than lovers—there was no real spark between them. Despite that, they knew they could always count on each other when things got complicated. Maxwell noticed Eleanor enjoyed the art of seduction, whether with men or women, and her charm proved useful in handling tricky situations. As a high-powered lawyer, she often won their battles in court, and when that wasn't enough, they teamed up to take down their enemies. They became lifelong partners.

Maxwell rose from his seat, offering Eleanor a glass of ice-cold water. "Eleanor, it's a pleasure to see you again. You look stunning, as always."

Eleanor grinned, kissing him on the cheek. "And you, Max, always the charmer."

"I need your help," Maxwell said, handing her a file with information and a stack of pictures of Mon-El.

Eleanor's eyes lit up with excitement. "Finally, a good-looking man in his 20's! What do you need?"

Maxwell's face turned serious. "I need you to win him over. I want him on our side. He's not interested in playing superhero—he wants the fast lane, not saving cats and battling aliens."

"Consider it done." She took his hand, and he gave it a squeeze. "Does he have a love interest?"

"Not yet, but if you don't move fast, he'll fall for Supergirl. As much as I hate to admit it, she is an exquisite woman and any man would be lucky to have her." He bit his lip in anger.

"Max, this is not something you would say on a normal day. Are you telling me you have a thing for Supergirl?" She eyed Maxwell from head to toe intensely.

Maxwell was taken aback by Eleanor's question and quickly composed himself. "No, I don't have a thing for Supergirl. I just know she's a threat to my plans and I can't let her interfere. And as for my preferences, that's not relevant now."

Eleanor nodded in fear, knowing better than to press the matter further. "Understood, Max. I'll do my best to seduce Mon-El and get him on your side," she said with a wink.

Maxwell smiled. "Thank you, Eleanor. I knew I could count on you."

As Eleanor read the files, Maxwell couldn't help but think about Alex Danvers again. He knew he shouldn't be distracted by his personal desires, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something special about her. He made a mental note to keep an eye on her and make sure she didn't interfere with his plans.

"Eleanor, from now on you'll know everything about my plans, and that includes Supergirl's true identity. I'm sick of this woman and her friends standing on my way. You work for me full time from now on. Bring me the man they call Mon-El and make him work for me. I need some muscle that can match Supergirl's."

"I know I will. But what happens when he refuses to fight goldie locks?"

"Then I'll persuade him with these." Maxwell Lord opened a box with some samples of lead. "Lead is poisonous to Daxamites."

Eleanor's eyes widened at the sight of the lead, her expression shifting to one of concern and disapproval. "Max, this is dangerous. Coercing an alien with something like this? Employing coercive tactics, especially against extraterrestrial beings, raises significant legal concerns. I have to remind you of President Olivia Marsdin's political agenda in accepting and harboring aliens in the United States."

She paused and then continued, "We must consider the implications carefully. Using lead could escalate things with extraterrestrial communities. There's no need for violence."

Maxwell smirked. "I am well aware of Marsdin's Alien Amnesty Act. And besides who said anything about violence? Just a little leverage, Eleanor. But don't worry, I'll make sure Mon-El is taken care of, one way or another. And maybe then, I'll use your skills as a counselor."

Eleanor nodded reluctantly. She knew better than to argue with Maxwell when he was in this mood. "Okay, I'll do it. But let's be careful, Max. We don't want to attract too much attention."

"Agreed. Now, let's get to work." Maxwell grabbed his coat and headed towards the door, with Eleanor following closely behind. They had a plan to execute, and nothing was going to stand in their way.

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