Chapter 5 - Game Night 2.0

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Chapter 5 - Game Night 2.0

The living room was full of people, laughing and screaming at the unexpected situation they drew from the game Cards Against Humanity. Kara and Winn were busy pouring drinks and offering margaritas, beer, and snacks to everyone. Around the table, a group shuffled white and black cards, ready for the next round of improbable questions. The up tempo lounge music blasted from the speakers, adding to the lively atmosphere. The minimalist decor of Kara's apartment gave enough space for her guests to move around easily. She had more people she was counting on. James arrived with more ice and snacks and was received with applause. He bowed in satisfaction and made his way over to Kara.

"I thought Game Night was going to be a small gathering. You invited more people than I expected," James said as he handed Kara some drinks and snacks.

"Thanks, James. I don't know what I'd do without you and Winn," Kara replied, glancing around the room. She noticed that Winn was gathering more drinks for the guests. "Actually, I didn't invite so many people."

"Who did then?" James asked.

As they looked, a tall and athletic man entered the apartment with a group of people, including a brunette whom he was holding. He laughed and greeted everyone, Kara and James realized what was going on. Mon-El invited all those people without her consent. Kara marched over to him and pulled him from the crowd, visibly upset.

"Mon-El, what's going on?" Kara waved at him angrily. "Why did you invite all of these people? Some of them I've never seen before, I might add." She stood in front of him, demanding an explanation.

"Hey, Kara. Hello! Don't worry. Wasn't this supposed to be a gathering of people for a fun night of entertainment?" Mon-El smiled, confused by Kara's attitude.

She felt that Mon-El couldn't quite grasp some of Earth's social customs. It was as if he was behaving as he would on Daxam. She imagined that he must have had a carefree life in his homeworld. She also wondered if he was simply someone who didn't pay much attention to other people's needs. He had charm but was also self-centered. It was no surprise that he was often surrounded by girls; his good looks made it effortless for him. He was more laid-back than Winn and more unpredictable than James. She was trying to understand him, but so far, he had rejected most of her attempts to help him adjust smoothly to Earth. The fact he was mistakenly accused of trying to assassinate the President didn't make things easy for him.

Thankfully, Mon-El was exonerated from all accusations, and Supergirl successfully stopped the plot to assassinate President Olivia Marsdin. Following the resolution of misunderstandings, Mon-El gained acceptance within the DEO, and he was trying to adapt to National City's way of life.

"Mon-El, please, just try to behave, okay?" she said. "We're just trying to have a good time here. Don't draw too much attention to yourself. You've only been here for a few weeks, and you need to adjust. You know you can count on me to help you adapt to Earth." She stepped closer to him, her tone caring yet firm.

Mon-El smiled, taking a moment to admire her. Standing before him was a captivating woman, powerful and confident. Her authoritative presence was undeniable, yet there was a warmth and nurturing nature to her. It was a unique combination of qualities in a strong woman. She was easy to talk to, but he couldn't shake the feeling that she was closed off to his words. It seemed as though she couldn't comprehend the possibility of being too strict with her own moral standards. Mon-El found himself visualizing her as a suitable partner—she possessed the strength, looks, and attitude he admired. However, he couldn't ignore the fact that she seemed indifferent to his own feelings and experiences since he arrived on Earth.

"Kara, Kara, don't be bothered by my presence here. After all, you invited me so that I could learn more about the customs of this land, didn't you? You even told me to make more friends, to embrace new experiences, and accept the situations as they come. I believe this gathering is precisely an opportunity for that," Mon-El said.

Kara remained motionless, feeling a mixture of frustration and understanding. She could comprehend Mon-El's stubbornness in adapting to Earth. After all, she had arrived on this planet at the age of 13 and spent 12 years living with a human family, which gave her plenty of time to adjust and learn. In contrast, Mon-El was an adult man, without the support of a new family to guide him. Alone and abandoned. That's why she felt a strong desire to help him in his transition.

"Alright, fine," Kara sighed, realizing that their conversation had reached its conclusion. "I genuinely want to help you. Remember, you can always count on me at work." She offered a friendly smile, hoping that her efforts to support Mon-El would eventually make a difference.

"Thank you, Miss Danvers. You're kind and caring," Mon-El said. "May I join our friends in this frivolous game you're playing? It's been a while since I've engaged in something like this." He gestured towards the table filled with people, eager to participate in the game.

"Of course, mi casa es su casa," Kara replied as she stepped aside.

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