Chapter 13 - Air Diplomacy

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Chapter 13 - Air Diplomacy

As they positioned themselves, the sound of explosions filled the air, and dark plumes of smoke rose into the sky. The ground trembled, indicating Superman was close. Anticipation took over the minds of those nearby.

"Five, four, three, two..." Olivia counted the seconds of tension as she pointed to Grant Sinclair he was about to go live.

"Good day, ladies and gents. This is Grant Sinclair reporting live from Vientiane, Laos. We have breaking news, and joining me is Kara Danvers from CatCo Worldwide Media." He introduced Kara to the world. She nodded shyly.

"Miss Danvers has some crucial information to share. Kara?"

"Thank you, Grant. We have received reliable information that Superman will arrive in Vientiane to execute a daring rescue mission for the leaders of Laos. As we speak, there have been numerous explosions and tremors in the vicinity, it can only mean that the Man of Steel is nearby."

"There he is!" someone shouted. Eyes and cameras were directed to the sky above.

"As you can witness, Superman is flying over the Palace," Kara said. Her heart raced with anticipation. "At this moment, there appears to be a tense standoff between Superman and Equus' men. Surprisingly, there hasn't been a single shot fired. Grant, what are your observations on the situation?" Kara turned to Grant, seeking his expert insights as she tried to maintain her composure for the task at hand.

"Much obliged, Kara. I must say, you're onto something. Superman's current approach is rather unexpected. Instead of launching into immediate action, he appears to be engaging in some form of negotiation with the terrorists. It's as if he's holding an ace up his sleeve, ready to unveil a surprising strategy," Grant said.

Equus' men and the imposing monstrous figure himself ascended into the sky with the aid of jetpacks. They engaged in a conversation, their voices muffled and indistinguishable to the onlookers below. However, Kara's super hearing allowed her to listen to their dialogue. Grant, aware of the significance of the moment, provided a detailed account of the scene, while William skillfully captured the aerial encounter with his camera. The intensity of the situation was amplified by the presence of other news stations, each documenting the events happening above.

"Seems like Equus and Superman are in the middle of a dialogue, attempting to find some common ground, you know. Regrettably, we are unable to discern the specifics of their conversation, leaving us to speculate on the nature of Superman's potential olive branch, if you will. Despite the apparent challenges, there remains a glimmer of hope for a peaceful resolution. Kara, do you have any insights or reflections on the matter?"

"I understand your perspective, Grant, but I must express my reservations. Equus has a reputation for his merciless nature and lack of empathy or sound judgment. His usual modus operandi involves exploiting countries in distress for personal gain. While I do hope for a peaceful resolution, I find it difficult to believe that Equus will accept a peace offering. Superman, on the other hand, is well-prepared for any treachery that Equus might use."

"And there you have it, ladies and gents, a comprehensive analysis from me and our special correspondent, Kara Danvers. Let us continue to keep our eyes on the skies and witness what will come next."

"Blimey, are you sure you're a novice, rookie?" Grant was clearly impressed by Kara's top-notch professionalism.

Meanwhile, Equus and Superman engaged in a seemingly private conversation, with cameras capturing their every move. Millions of people tuned in, watching the high-stakes game happening before their eyes. It was a battle of wits, a strategic dance between two opponents on the international stage.

"Let me be direct, Equus," Superman said firmly. "Surrender now and release the hostages. There will be no more warnings."

"Let me also be direct, old friend. We won't surrender, and we won't release anyone. If you dare to stand in our way, I will unleash chaos upon China. You understand the consequences when Russia and China unleash their missiles. You're alone in this. Go home and savor your apple pies and live your simple life."

"I'm not going anywhere, Equus!" Superman's voice boomed as he unleashed his heat vision upon the villain and his group.

"You will pay for this, American scum! Blast him out of the sky!" Equus shouted. Deep down Equus knew he couldn't fail. His master was watching everything and he planned everything to the last detail. He would carry on with the task and give hell to the Man of Steel.

Superman flew past the armored men, delivering a fast succession of punches that left them dazed and bruised, provoking Equus' pride. Cautiously, the armored men closed in on Superman, but he rapidly spun in a cyclonic motion, creating a powerful cyclone that swept them off their feet. Equus, however, remained undisturbed, determined to get within striking distance of Superman and inflict harm upon him. "This little trick of yours doesn't scare me, hero. It gives a chance to get closer to you and scratch that brand new uniform of yours," Equus said.

Equus' men unleashed a jumbled onslaught, firing their weapons indiscriminately, with bullets and electrical charges ricocheting through the air. Some projectiles struck the ground and innocent bystanders, intensifying the panic that gripped the scene. Witnessing the distress below, Superman recognized the urgency to withdraw, but he also needed to give his adversaries an opportunity to pursue him. To make it work, he planned to grab Equus, allowing him time to distance himself. The tempestuous cyclone had dissipated, leaving Equus' henchmen momentarily disoriented but ready to get back into action.

"Are you up for the challenge, Equus? Your fancy technology may impress some, but intelligence is not your strong suit." Superman quickly accelerated towards him.

"Your trash talking is laug..." Equus barely had a chance to respond as Superman carried him several miles away in a matter of seconds. The battle had now shifted across the town, it was her clue to take action.

Machine guns rattled, spewing bullets in every direction. The insurgents made it clear that they intended to drive out the civilians and reporting crews.

"Seems like it's time for us to make an exit. We'll do our best to follow Superman and see how this ends," Grant said.

"Let's get out of here!"

"Hold on, hold on just a moment. Where's Kara?" Charlotte asked.

"Kara, Kara?!" They all shouted waiting for an answer.

Grant skillfully drove the van in reverse, desperately trying to put distance between them and the ongoing gunfire. As he and Olivia scanned the scene, they saw a blonde woman sprinting towards the main gate, clad in a distinct black outfit with a flowing cape.

"Could it be - Supergirl?" Olivia asked.

"It does seem like her, doesn't it?" So, it appears old Superman did have a trump card after all," Grant said.

"What's the plan, then? Do we tail Superman or stick with her?" William asked.

"We stay as close as we can from the Palace. Superman is just a diversion. The real story is happening right here with the Maid of Might. I only hope she's prepared for the task that lies ahead."

"What could possibly go wrong, right? Equus is with Superman. She'll probably just be dealing with ordinary blokes," Charlotte said.

"That's precisely what they want us to believe, innit? Let's hope this operation doesn't go pear-shaped. Alright, everyone, let's find a nearby shelter and stay alert for any chance that comes our way," Grant said.

"And what about Kara? She is out there on her own." Olivia expressed her concern for their newfound companion.

"You know what? I have a feeling Kara Danvers is in a better position than us," Grant said, his tone implying that Kara's resourcefulness and abilities would be enough to help her through the situation.

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