Chapter 27 - Guardians In Combat

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Chapter 27 - Guardians In Combat

As Ignisia prepared to strike Supergirl, a sleek and futuristic motorcycle crashed into her, interrupting her attack. Supergirl used her knee to push the monster away. A man dressed in a black titanium suit and wearing a helmet extended his hand to help her up. It was none other than the notorious Guardian, James Olsen, in his alter-ego.

"Looks like I arrived just in the nick of time, Supergirl." His voice modulator came through his helmet.

"Am I glad to see you, Guardian!" Supergirl adjusted her skirt and red cape.

They both looked at the imposing cybernetic woman. Ignisia was pretty beaten, but her will to continue the fight was uncanny. She swung at Guardian, but he was able to defend himself with his metal shield. The shield shocked her hard, and she pulled her silver arm back. Ignisia stepped back, and Guardian quickly attacked. He used a steel rope to entangle her hands and grappled the other end high in a lamppost. He wanted to give Supergirl time to recover and get back into combat. Ignisia pulled on the rope, but it didn't split. However, the lamppost went flying to the other side of the street. Guardian was impressed with this display of power. When the Maid of Might was ready to return into action, he made a quick decision to assist the police.

"I know when I'm in over my head. I'll take care of the ground soldiers. Good luck, Supergirl!"

Supergirl looked at the terrifying scene before her. Mon-El lay incapacitated, his body slowly being poisoned by the deadly radiation of Promethium. Guardian, skilled as he was, could only do so much against the overwhelming army. Ignisia left no room for Supergirl to aid her friends and protect the people.

"Equus, call in the choppers. Supergirl is defenseless. Let's burn this place to the ground." Ignisia contacted her partner on the radio.

With time running out and the DEO unable to offer assistance, Supergirl needed to act fast. She knew she had to put an end to Ignisia's rampage once and for all. Gathering her strength, she made up her mind to break Ignisia in half and use her heat vision to ensure there would be no uploads to a new body. However, just as she prepared for her final move, Maxwell Lord's distant voice came from a megaphone.

"Ignisia and OMAC rogues, cease all hostile actions. This is an order from the US Army and the real OMAC Agency."

Supergirl's eyes widened as she turned around and saw a battalion of armored men in black approaching. However, there were distinct differences in their uniforms that set them apart from Ignisia's rogue soldiers. The 'sanctified' OMAC soldiers proudly wore American flag patches on their arms and didn't conceal their faces with visors. Shots and laser blasts filled the air. Amongst the smoke, Supergirl spotted Maxwell Lord near a tank, directing the soldiers and giving orders.

One of the OMAC soldiers approached her. "Ma'am are you okay? We're here to assist you."

Supergirl was relieved to see Donovan, a former familiar face from the DEO, among the OMAC soldiers. "Donovan, it's good to see you too," she replied, glad to have some backup.

"I don't have much time to explain," Donovan said. "We're here to stop the defecting rogues. It's a surprise to find them in American soil, let alone National City. We are at your command. Our com links are on the same frequency as the DEO's. Just give us your orders."

Supergirl studied the surroundings as explosions and energy blasts lit up the night in the city. Despite the military's assistance, Ignisia's forces proved to be an incredible match.

"How many units do we have?" she asked Donovan.

"Three units, ma'am," he said, "all standing by and ready for your orders."

"Alright, everyone listen up!" Supergirl hovered above the battleground, gaining a better view of the situation below. "Unit 1, focus on evacuating civilians and rescuing anyone trapped in the buildings. Unit 2, help Guardian and the NCPD, engage the rogue soldiers and restrain them. Unit 3, keep the metallic woman occupied and prevent her from causing more destruction." The OMAC soldiers promptly followed her orders, moving with precision and coordination.

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