Chapter 26 - National City Battle

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Chapter 26 - National City Battle

Supergirl and Mon-El were ready for the challenge ahead of them. The street was full of OMAC Agents, guns pointed at them. Supergirl noticed they were just waiting for Ignisia's orders to begin the assault.

"Be careful, Mon-El!" Supergirl shouted.

Mon-El had taken the initiative to charge against Ignisia, but the cybernetic woman immediately launched several metal tentacles to stop his attack. With surprising strength, she spun him multiple times, sending him back to Supergirl, but she caught him mid-air, trying to buffer the impact.

"Are you alright?" She held him by the armpits.

"Yeah, just a bit dizzy. Thanks for that."

"No need to play hero. Let's team up. Grab the guns from those guys, and I'll distract her. When you're ready, shoot, and I'll hit her with my heat vision."

"Got it. But how do I get past her?" he asked, searching for a way.

"Easy. Land on your feet," she said, using her super strength to toss Mon-El over Ignisia while shooting blue-fire from her eyes. Her face turned red with the heat vision's radiation power.

"Supergirl, don't do this. Noooooo!" Mon-El yelled, flying clumsily over Ignisia.

Supergirl persisted, unleashing her heat vision on Ignisia, emitting neon-blue beams of thermal energy from her eyes. However, the cybernetic villain transformed her left arm into a shield, effectively deflecting the powerful heat beams towards a nearby building. Fire spread on the streets as people screamed and sought shelter. Ignisia's troops joined the fight, shooting at Supergirl and Mon-El, while the local police had arrived and attempted to stop the villains.

In the midst of the city-wide battle, Supergirl noticed Ignisia's malevolent grin, enjoying the mayhem she had caused. Driven to put an end to this, Supergirl swooped low and, with both hands, grabbed her adversary, dragging her forcefully along the asphalt.

"Great, great. Let's dance, Supergirl!" Ignisia challenged the Kryptonian hero.

Both women faced each other, and Supergirl sensed that Ignisia had grown stronger and more prepared for their battle. Supergirl was certain that Ignisia had gained valuable experience from their previous encounter, and now she seemed almost aware of her moves. Taking a brief moment to strategize, Supergirl decided to test her theory by employing her typical maneuvers. She rapidly flew over Ignisia, encircling her while creating a powerful whirlwind to throw her off balance. Ignisia remained firmly grounded, unaffected by the wind, and retaliated by launching flames at Supergirl. However, the flames were weakened by the fierce gusts of wind. Supergirl increased her speed, causing Ignisia to vanish amidst the turbulent air and dust.

Supergirl saw a hole in the ground, realizing that Ignisia had dug an escape route to evade her attack. With her focus now on Mon-El and the police in combat, she made a decision to assist the scattered civilians in the vicinity. Some were disoriented and in shock, while others recorded the chaotic scene on their phones.

Approaching a group of people, Supergirl smiled and addressed them, "Hello there. Please, head in that direction. The police and paramedics are there to help you." She gestured to the safe route she had pointed out. Supergirl approached a woman holding a 5 year-old girl in her arms, both frozen in fear. Kneeling down to comfort them, Supergirl spoke gently, "Hi, what's your name?"

"I'm Nicole and this is my mommy, Giselle." The little girl raised her eyes and saw the golden hero before her.

"Okay Nicole, can you help your mom walk to the other block?"

"Yes, I think so." Nicole brushed her brown hair from her face and stood proud.

"Please, head in that direction, the..." The ground beneath them rumbled, and Giselle shouted while holding her daughter, "Supergirl, behind you!"

Ignisia's tentacles grabbed Supergirl and she was pushed underground. There were screams and the ground cracked. Giselle then saw Supergirl go through the ground and fly over disoriented. Supergirl rolled over the street, but quickly recovered. The mother grabbed the little girl and ran in the opposite direction. Mon-El came back to help her.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yes, I am. She seems to be anticipating my every move. She got that from our last fight."

"What do we do?"

"You die and go to hell," Ignisia said, closing on them.

"Just shut up, you mean girl," Supergirl replied.

Mon-El rolled his eyes in disapproval. "Great job on the trash talk, Supergirl. Let me demonstrate how we do in Daxam."

"Hey, you piece of stinking &%$#. You think you're so tough, I've seen better &¨%$ than your skinny !@#%. You can't even ¨%$#* if you tried to $%¨&@ you whole *¨$@ and don't forget to &¨$# and let your *@&¨% in you poor and sad @!&*."

Ignisia was appalled by such a foul mouth. Supergirl was speechless, knowing that there was a price to pay for that kind of provocation. Mon-El leaped over Ignisia and delivered a powerful blow to her head with both hands. Ignisia fell, and Mon-El started kicking her. The fight had turned into a bar brawl. And then, Supergirl had an idea on how to defeat Ignisia. She needed to be spontaneous and leave strategies and choreographed fights for another occasion. Just plain and simple unexpected attacks would do the trick.

"You take that you &*¨%$@!" Mon-El was really enjoying his moment.

"Insolent boy!" Ignisia stood up on her knees and elbows, her limbs transforming into deadly pointed spears. She charged at Mon-El, but he diverted from her attack, placing his feet in her way. She stumbled, and part of Mon-El's uniform became a spear, piercing her left leg. Mon-El then jumped on her, poking her eyes. Supergirl noticed that Mon-El was fighting dirty and decided to join the assault.

"Mon-El just hit her, don't think, go nuts!" Supergirl ordered.

Mon-El grinned and followed Supergirl's lead. They pummeled Ignisia, using every means possible, including biting and grappling, to subdue her.

"You two are insane!" Ignisia roared, holding both of them firmly in her hands and slamming them against each other.

"Fantastic way to end our date, Supergirl!" Mon-El groaned in pain.

"What better way to end it than with our bodies being smashed together," Supergirl laughed in pain.

"Do you find this funny?" Ignisia seethed with fury.

Supergirl never imagined that Mon-El's antics would provoke Ignisia to the point of forgetting to taunt them. Using the opportunity, Supergirl turned around and delivered a powerful kick to Ignisia's mouth, freeing herself from her grip. In a desperate move, Ignisia unleashed a flame attack on Mon-El, but his Stealth Suit provided protection. He got distracted, and she seized the moment, striking him in his right rib cage with her pointy elbow, causing him to fall and crawl away, trying to escape her wrath.

Supergirl helped him escape her attacks as he moaned in pain. Ignisia's soldiers regrouped and began shooting at them. Supergirl shielded him from the blasts, standing tall between him and her assailants. The police sent reinforcements, but they were no match for the enemy's advanced technology. The situation became dreadful, and Supergirl decided to take drastic action. With a powerful leap, she descended with both feet, shaking the Earth violently, creating an enormous crater that sent everyone in front of her flying several meters away.

"Watch out!" Supergirl heard several voices screaming and shrieking.

She knew Ignisia would be near. As the dust settled, Supergirl used her X-ray vision to locate her enemy. A voice came through her com link.

"Supergirl, are you there?" Hank Henshaw's voice crackled through the comms.

"I'm here, Hank. How are you holding up?"

"We were caught by surprise, but we're handling it. What about you?"

"It's crazy. I'm in the city's culinary district, and it's a mess here. Any chance you can send reinforcements? The NCPD can't take these guys."

"I was about to ask you the same question. Equus has infiltrated the DEO, and there are choppers firing missiles at us. It's a war zone over here," Hank said.

Before Supergirl could respond, Ignisia ambushed her, pinning her to the ground. With a menacing grin, she covered Supergirl's face with her right hand, blocking any attack from the hero. Ignisia raised her left arm, ready to deliver the final fatal blow.

"Time to die, pretty girl..."

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