Chapter 17 - Recovery and Discovery

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Chapter 17 - Recovery and Discovery

The infirmary was a circular room furnished with advanced machinery and equipment. The crystallized walls represented sophistication, while the soft, dim lights illuminated the four beds within. In one of those beds, Supergirl was sleeping. She shifted her body slowly, settling into a comfortable position on her side. She smiled happily as she slightly bent her legs. Above her, a scanner monitored her vital signs, displaying her physical condition on a nearby screen.

Superman entered the room and was pleased to see his cousin peacefully asleep. He couldn't help but notice the smile on her face and wondered if she was having pleasant dreams. Superman approached her and checked the screen displaying her vital signs.

"Looks like you're enjoying a good nap, Kara. After spending twelve years sleeping in the well of stars, I guess it's no surprise. You've always been a bit of a sleepyhead," he said to himself with a smile, gently placing his hand on her left shoulder and thigh. The scars from their recent battle had healed nicely.

"Okay, Kara, it's been two days. Time to wake up." Superman encouraged her, while Kelex, the AI robot responsible for medical support and analysis in the Fortress of Solitude, placed a tray filled with freshly made potstickers and other typical breakfast food near her. The irresistible aroma of one of her favorite snacks went through the air, capturing Kara's attention. She gradually opened her eyes, momentarily lost in the enticing smell. It took her a few seconds to recall that she was in the Fortress of Solitude.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," Superman greeted her, assisting Supergirl in getting up from the bed. "Breakfast is ready."

"Oh, hi Kal. It smells delicious. I'm famished."

"Before you dig in, why don't you go to the bathroom, freshen up, get dressed, and come back? Kelex will guide you there."

"Okay, Kal. I'll be right back."

After a few minutes Supergirl returned to her infirmary bed, her tray placed neatly over her chest. She ate with delight, savoring every bite.

"It feels like I haven't eaten in ages. How long was I out, Kal?" she asked.

"Kara, listen carefully," he said. "You were in a coma for a total of 107 days." Superman delivered the news with a serious face.

"Noooo. No way," she said with her mouth full of french toast in disbelief.

"Yep, the beta particles from the Promethium had deeply affected your system, making it a complex medical situation. Kelex spent weeks restoring your tissues and organs. Isn't that right, Kelex?" Superman turned to the floating robot.

"Oh my God. This can't be happening," Supergirl said.

"To be honest, Master Kal-El, I'm afraid there might be some confusion in the explanation you provided to Lady Kara Zor-El. It only took me a few hours to attend to her damaged parts," Kelex stated matter-of-factly, as any AI would describe a situation.

"Kal! You scared me to death," she sighed in relief.

Superman grabbed one of the potstickers and took a bite. "It's good, but Ma's cooking is still the best. A farm breakfast can't be beaten. Kara, you do have a slight problem. You're a bit of a compulsive eater," Superman teased, happy to see his relative safe and sound. "All joking aside, I'm relieved that you've fully recovered. I was worried when you mentioned wanting to sleep just as we were leaving Laos."

"If I may interject, sir and madam," Kelex said. "I believe the stealth suit and its nanites played a crucial role in Lady Kara's healing process by temporarily shutting her down to aid in the recovery. It was an intelligent procedure."

"I'm glad to hear it. The suit is designed to adapt and learn from its host. The data displayed here contains all the necessary information. The suit's learning capabilities are improving everyday," Superman said.

"Ah, just like those apps that track your daily steps and water intake," Kara said.

"I suppose you could see it that way, Kara," Superman replied smiling, feeling slightly annoyed and rolling his eyes. "Although this description simplifies months of research and hard work."

"Kal, now I understand why Lois teases you all the time. Not only are you a genuinely nice guy, but you're also a big nerd. It's adorable. She must have a field day with you."

"Please, don't say that to her. I'll never hear the end of it. Let her believe that you think I'm brooding and mysterious." They both shared a laugh.

"Humor. How quaint," Kelex added.

"Feeling up for a stroll?" Superman invited her.

"Yep! Let's go! Thank you, Kelex, for taking care of me." Kara petted the android caretaker and followed Superman out of the infirmary.

"You are more than welcome, Lady Kara." He bowed slightly as they left.

Superman held back his excitement from revealing the project he was working on for years. The long-awaited moment was upon them, and young Supergirl remained unaware of the significant turning point her life was about to encounter.


"What do you think the 'project' Superman has been working on will be?"

To find out, read: Chapter 18 - "The Corridors Of The Fortress" on December 3rd.

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