Chapter 12 - Undercover In Vientiane

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Chapter 12 - Undercover In Vientiane

Supergirl had concealed her superhero identity under the Stealth Suit, which altered her iconic Supergirl costume into civilian attire. Her choice of clothing followed her usual preppy style, though with a more professional touch. She avoided the attention-grabbing colors, replaced by a combination of earthy browns and greens. She was still impressed how well the Stealth Suit worked.

She wondered how Cat and Snapper Carr would react when they discovered she was there. It was a unique opportunity for a novice reporter. She was in the capital city of Laos, Vientiane. She was crossing the streets at a fast pace. She realized she was practically blind, relying basically on her smartphone for guidance. She realized that Superman was right about getting information about places and people. She attempted to appear as natural as possible, assuming the persona of a seasoned reporter.

She was taken by the city's beauty, despite the severe state of war that prevailed. She couldn't help but notice the abandoned street markets, with many of the stalls left exposed to the elements and their products untouched. Some families gathered whatever they could salvage as tanks passed through the streets.

She observed the mix of architectural styles, ranging from ancient Buddhist temples to the remnants of French colonial buildings. Although she had limited knowledge of the area, she knew that Laos was once part of Indochina alongside Vietnam and gave her a sense of historical context. As she walked along the riverside promenade, the majestic Mekong River appeared before her, offering breathtaking views. Her super vision allowed her to see the heavily guarded Presidential Palace Museum, known as the Haw Kham, surrounded by military personnel and their war machines. In the midst of the chaos, she heard the faint cries of a young boy near one of the abandoned market stalls. However, before she could intervene, a couple appeared and comforted the child, bringing relief to Supergirl. She knew she had to maintain her cover until she received the signal from Superman.

Unnoticed by anyone, she used her super speed and made her way towards the blockade. The scene before her was tense. People scattered in every direction, vehicles maneuvering in and out of the area, and journalists scrambling to capture every moment. The main entrance was fortified with enhanced fences and barbed wire, a clear indication of the seriousness of the situation. Amidst the chaos, there was a peculiar sense of order underlying the events happening before her eyes. Suddenly, a loud shout came through the commotion.

"Hey, rookie! Get out of the street, for God's sake," called a tall, gray-haired man. Kara quickly made her way towards him and took shelter near his van.

"Blimey, woman! What the blooming hell are you doing here all alone, without a proper set of wheels or a crew to have your back? Are you some sort of nutter tourist looking for a front-row seat to the bleeding chaos?"

"Actually that's half the story. I'm a reporter from CatCo Worldwide Media, and by coincidence I was on vacation when this madness happened. I'm just trying to get information. By the way, my name is Kara Danvers," she said, extending her hand for a handshake.

"Apologies, love, but it does make me a tad uneasy to spot someone all alone in the thick of a war zone. I'm Grant, and this fine bunch here constitutes my crew. We've got Olivia, she's the producer, William handles the camera, Thomas takes care of the editing, and Charlotte assists with production," Grant introduced his crew with a cheerful and proud air. They all extended a warm welcome to Kara.

"Kara Danvers from across the pond, you're more than welcome to stay with us. It'll be great to have another reporter on board. Who knows, you might even pick up a thing or two," he said with a grin.

"Grant, Grant Sinclair?!" Kara exclaimed happily. "I know you and your work."

"Blimey, looks like you've got yourself a proper fan there, Grant," Olivia teased.

Grant Charles Sinclair is a good-looking man in his fifties. He's a well-known British reporter who's respected for covering tough situations worldwide, especially in war zones. Kara noticed he had a distinguished appearance and an air of experience and that comes from years of reporting from the front lines. His short salt-and-pepper hair, neatly styled, adds to his charming appeal. His well-groomed beard gave him a touch of ruggedness to his otherwise refined behavior.

"CatCo Worldwide Media Media, innit? Cat Grant, yeah? Proper love her!" Charlotte exclaimed. "That's the place that covers Supergirl round the clock, non-stop!"

"Is the Queen of all Media gonna send'er very own superhero here?" Grant asked with a touch of irony.

"I don't think so, you guys. She's busy in National City," Kara replied.

"She's right," Olivia pointed out, gesturing towards a small TV screen displaying news about Supergirl. "She's there, all right." No one suspected that the Martian Manhunter had taken her form to trick Equus and his group of mercenaries.

"I reckon she ain't got the mettle for a situation like this. With Cat Grant and Maxwell Lord barking orders at her, I doubt she's got the green light to venture beyond the city limits," Olivia remarked, her tone filled with skepticism.

Kara was taken aback by the situation. She was aware that she had never left National City since taking on the mantle of Supergirl. What surprised her even more was the misconception held by people overseas that she was somehow Cat's or Maxwell's pet.

"Come on, chaps, let's not be so harsh on her," Charlotte protested. "Give the lass a fair go. She hasn't been in the game as long as Superman, after all."

"You're right, Charlotte," Grant agreed. "Let's give her a fair crack of the whip, shall we? Just like we'll do with our young American reporter."

"I can't speak for Supergirl, but according to my sources, Superman will be arriving here shortly," Kara shared, hoping to feel more included among the team of experienced professionals with that piece of information.

"How do you know that, Kara?" Grant inquired.

"Cat Grant. She has connections with them. I mean, connections with Supergirl and Superman," Kara explained.

"We need to report this immediately. Superman's presence could have a significant impact on the situation. Kara, since you have the information, you're going to report it with me, my dear. It seems like you're about to become famous," Grant declared, his excitement palpable.

Kara instantly regretted sharing that information. It could potentially jeopardize Superman's plan. However, her concerns were alleviated as she received a call from Superman in her earpiece. She pretended it was a call from her cellphone.

"Excuse me, guys. I'm receiving an important call from my source."

"Supergirl, are you in position?" It was Superman's voice.

"Yes, Clark. I'm right here," Kara responded.

"Good. Prepare yourself. I'm going to create some commotion around the city to capture their attention. I'll fly over the Palace to attract Equus and then lead him away. Once that happens, it's up to you. The Chinese army is waiting for you. Secure transportation and escort the hostages."

"Got it. Thanks, Clark," Kara said.

"What's wrong, Kara?"

"Superman is minutes away and he's going to attack at any moment," Kara replied, her voice filled with concern.

"Alright, William, be on your toes. Kara, stick by my side. Once it starts, we'll capture some footage and then quickly retreat. We know Superman can cause significant damage to public property," Grant instructed his crew, getting them into position.

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