Chapter 6 - A Tempting Invitation

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Chapter 6 - A Tempting Invitation

Mon-El was walking out of the building when he saw Eleanor, and her good looks caught his attention. Her sudden appearance surprised him in more ways than he expected. The memories of his recent argument with Kara still rang in his mind, leaving him with a sense of frustration. Eleanor's presence was a welcome distraction from the tension that had happened at the party

"Well, hello," he greeted her, as he scanned her from head to toe. "I don't believe we've had the pleasure."

Eleanor's eyes sparkled and her lips turned into a smile. She was well aware of the effect she had on men, and Mon-El was no exception. "Oh, I'm quite sure you'd remember if we had," she said. "Eleanor Wilcox, at your service."

Mon-El took her extended hand and his lips brushed against her knuckles. His grin widened, revealing the confident charm he was known for. "Mike Matthews. The pleasure's all mine, Miss Wilcox," he replied. He even included a slightly exaggerated bow, leaning into the dramatic flair of the moment.

Eleanor laughed in a melodious sound that matched their situation they both were in. Two complete strangers looking for companionship. She appreciated his talent for the dramatic and met his playful energy with her own. "Well, Mike, I'd love to chat more," she purred, "but I'm late for Kara and James's party."

Mon-El watched Eleanor closely, charmed by her smooth movements and confidence. He noticed a difference between Eleanor's grace and Kara's demeanor. When Eleanor brought up Kara's name, Mon-El's expression changed briefly. He had to admit to himself, he had feelings for Kara, complex emotions that emerged after their fight.

"Don't cause too much trouble while I'm away," Eleanor teased, giving a wink as she spoke. Then she walked away gracefully, her laughter trailing behind her.

Left alone, Mon-El's thoughts led him to the fact he didn't want to be alone. Since he woke up from his pod he couldn't stand being lonely. He watched Eleanor leaving with a mixture of curiosity and a sense of fascination. Her unexpected presence had managed to momentarily shift his focus away from his argument with Kara.

Mon-El found himself caught between conflicting desires. Eleanor's appeal was undeniable, her beauty and confidence were a provocative temptation. He had a reputation as a womanizer, one that wasn't entirely undeserved, but he was also incredibly naive when it came to matters of the heart.

In the midst of his inner turmoil, Mon-El remembered the weight of his past and the complexities of his current situation. Initially suspected of the attempt on President Olivia Marsdin's life, Mon-El found himself entangled in a web of suspicion and mistrust when he arrived on Earth. However, his true intentions were far from malicious; he wanted to send a desperate message into space, trying to make contact with his fellow Daxamites. Despite being Prince Mon-El, heir to the throne of the Royal Daxamite family, he chose not to reveal his royal status to anyone. Wishing a fresh start in this new world, Mon-El kept his heritage hidden, even from Kara, all while guarding his regal lineage a secret.

"Eleanor. Wait." He raised his arm trying to reach her.

"Yes, Mike." She knew she had caught his attention and just needed a little push from him to take her to a more private place. The moment couldn't be more perfect.

His thoughts inevitably drifted to Kara, the woman who had captured his attention from the moment they met. He admired her strength, her sense of justice, and her over the top moral compass. Their recent argument had left him frustrated, struggling with his own feelings of inadequacy.

Eleanor's presence brought a different kind of getaway, a chance to enjoy life's simple joys. He wanted the attention and approval Eleanor offered, but he was torn between wanting immediate satisfaction and a deeper connection with Kara.

His thoughts were interrupted when Eleanor turned to look at him, a sly smile coming from her lips. Their eyes locked, and Mon-El felt an increase of excitement. Eleanor was a beautiful woman, and the prospect of a more intimate moment with her was about to become a reality.

"Looks like you need a friend to talk to, or even better, a companion to take your mind off your problems. You look troubled, Mike."

He hesitated for a brief moment, but in that moment, Mon-El made a choice, one driven by his own conflicted desires. He came closer to her and held her hand. "Lead the way, Miss Wilcox. I could use a companion right about now. And one as charming as you is just what I need."

She smiled and held his hand tighter as they started a journey into the night.

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