Chapter 25

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A Glimpse of the Past

Nel and Jamaica were on a mission to a distant planet when they saw something that made their hearts stop. They saw Kevin.

Kevin had been killed many years ago, but he was standing right there before them, alive and well. He was laughing and talking to a group of people, and he seemed completely happy.

Nel and Jamaica couldn't believe their eyes. They rushed towards Kevin, but when they reached him, he didn't recognize them. He looked at them as if he had never seen them before.

"Excuse me," he said. "Do I know you?"

Nel and Jamaica were heartbroken. They knew that it was Kevin, but he didn't remember them.

"Kevin," Nel said. "It's us. Nel and Jamaica."

Kevin frowned. "I don't know what you're talking about," he said. "I've never met you before."

Nel and Jamaica didn't know what to say. They couldn't understand how Kevin could be alive and why he didn't remember them.

"We're your friends," Jamaica said. "We were Celestial Guardians together."

Kevin laughed. "You're crazy," he said. "I'm not a Celestial Guardian. I'm just a regular guy."

Nel and Jamaica knew that they had to leave. They couldn't stay there and watch Kevin not recognize them. They turned and walked away, their hearts heavy with grief.

As they walked away, Nel and Jamaica looked back at Kevin one last time. They saw him smiling and laughing, and they felt a pang of sadness. They knew that he was happy, but they also knew that he was lost.

Nel and Jamaica continued their journey, but they couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. They knew that Kevin was alive, but they didn't know how or why. They also knew that they had to find a way to get him back.

They vowed to do whatever it took to save their friend, even if it meant facing their own mortality.

Nel and Jamaica continued their mission, but their thoughts were on Kevin. They couldn't understand how he was alive or why he didn't remember them.

As they were flying through space, they saw a bright light ahead of them. The light grew brighter and brighter, until it was almost blinding.

Nel and Jamaica shielded their eyes, and when they looked again, they saw a figure standing before them. The figure was wrapped in a long black cloak and wore a mask that obscured their face.

"Who are you?" Nel asked.

The figure didn't answer. It just stood there, staring at them.

"What do you want?" Jamaica asked.

The figure raised its hand and pointed at Kevin.

"Him," the figure said.

Nel and Jamaica looked at each other, confused.

"What do you mean, 'him'?" Nel asked.

The figure didn't answer. It just turned and disappeared.

Nel and Jamaica were baffled. They didn't know who the figure was or what it wanted. But they knew that it was somehow connected to Kevin.

They decided to follow the figure. They knew that it was their only chance to find out what was going on and to save their friend.

They followed the figure to a distant planet. The planet was desolate and barren, and there was no sign of life.

Nel and Jamaica landed on the planet and began to search for the figure. They searched for hours, but they couldn't find it anywhere.

Just as they were about to give up, they saw a light in the distance. They ran towards the light, and when they reached it, they saw the figure standing before them.

The figure was still wrapped in the black cloak and mask, but it was now holding a staff in its hand.

"I've been waiting for you," the figure said.

"Who are you?" Nel asked.

"That's not important," the figure said. "What's important is that I can help you save your friend."

Nel and Jamaica were hesitant. They didn't know who the figure was or what its motives were. But they were desperate to save Kevin, so they agreed to help the figure.

The figure led them to a cave. Inside the cave was a portal.

"This portal will lead you to another timeline," the figure said. "In this timeline, your friend is still alive."

Nel and Jamaica looked at each other. They knew that they were taking a risk, but they were willing to do anything to save Kevin.

They stepped through the portal, and they found themselves in another world. This world was different from the one they had left. It was a world where Kevin was still alive.

Nel and Jamaica tracked down Kevin and found him living a happy and peaceful life. He didn't remember them, but they didn't care. They were just happy to see him alive.

Nel and Jamaica explained to Kevin what had happened. They told him about the other timeline and how he had died. They also told him about the figure who had helped them save him.

Kevin was shocked and confused. He didn't believe what they were telling him, but he could see that they were telling the truth.

Nel and Jamaica stayed with Kevin for a while, helping him to adjust to his new life. But they knew that they couldn't stay forever. They had other worlds to protect and other people to save.

They said goodbye to Kevin and promised to visit him again someday. Then, they stepped through the portal and returned to their own timeline.

Nel and Jamaica were glad that they had been able to save Kevin, but they were still worried about the figure who had helped them. They didn't know who it was or what its motives were. But they knew that it was somehow connected to Kevin.

They vowed to keep an eye on Kevin and to protect him from the figure. They also vowed to find out more about the figure and its true intentions.

Nel and Jamaica knew that the story was far from over.

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