Chapter 37

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The Calm Before the Storm

The Celestial Guardians and the human resistance stood on the battlefield, surveying the damage. The destroyer's machine had been destroyed, and the destroyer himself had been defeated.

But the battle had come at a cost. Many humans had been killed, and the human resistance had suffered heavy losses.

The Celestial Guardians knew that they had to help the human resistance rebuild. They also knew that they had to prepare for the destroyer's return.

The Celestial Guardians met with the leaders of the human resistance to discuss their plans.

"We need to help you rebuild," Nel said. "We also need to prepare for the destroyer's return."

"We appreciate your help," one of the human leaders said. "We could not have defeated the destroyer without you."

"We are all in this together," Jamaica said. "We must work together to protect Earth and the humans who live here."

The Celestial Guardians and the human resistance began to rebuild. They worked together to rebuild the cities and towns that had been destroyed in the battle. They also began to train the human resistance to fight the destroyer and his army of corrupted humans.

The Celestial Guardians knew that the destroyer was still out there, and they knew that he would be back. But they were determined to protect Earth and the humans who lived there.

The Celestial Guardians and the human resistance continued to prepare for the destroyer's return. They knew that he was out there somewhere, and they knew that he would be back.

One day, the Celestial Guardians received a message from the destroyer. He said that he was coming back, and that this time, he would be unstoppable.

The Celestial Guardians and the human resistance knew that they were facing their greatest challenge yet. But they were also determined to win. They knew that the fate of the universe depended on it.

The Celestial Guardians and the human resistance spent the next few months preparing for the destroyer's return. They trained their soldiers and built new weapons.

They also worked to unite the people of Earth. They knew that if they were going to defeat the destroyer, they needed to work together.

The months passed, and the destroyer still did not return. But the Celestial Guardians and the human resistance remained vigilant. They knew that he was out there somewhere, and they knew that he would be back.

One day, the Celestial Guardians received a message from their scouts. The destroyer had been spotted on a remote planet on the other side of the galaxy.

The Celestial Guardians knew that the time had come. They gathered their forces and prepared to travel to the planet where the destroyer had been spotted.

The human resistance stayed behind to defend Earth. They knew that the destroyer might try to attack while the Celestial Guardians were away.

The Celestial Guardians boarded their starships and set off for the planet where the destroyer had been spotted.

The Celestial Guardians traveled for several days before they reached the planet where the destroyer had been spotted. It was a barren planet, with no signs of life.

The Celestial Guardians landed their starships and began to search for the destroyer. They knew that he was somewhere on the planet, but they didn't know where.

They searched for days, but they couldn't find the destroyer. They were starting to lose hope when they received a signal from their scouts.

The scouts had found the destroyer. He was hiding in a cave system deep beneath the surface of the planet.

The Celestial Guardians gathered their forces and prepared to attack the destroyer. They knew that he was powerful, but they were determined to defeat him.

The Celestial Guardians entered the cave system and began to search for the destroyer. They fought their way through hordes of corrupted humans and robots.

Finally, they reached the heart of the cave system. There, they found the destroyer waiting for them.

The destroyer was even more powerful than they remembered. He was surrounded by a dark aura that pulsed with energy.

The Celestial Guardians attacked the destroyer, but he was too powerful. He knocked them all to the ground with ease.

Just when it seemed like the destroyer was about to win, the human resistance arrived. They had traveled to the planet in secret.

The human resistance attacked the destroyer from behind. He was caught off guard and was unable to defend himself.

The Celestial Guardians and the human resistance fought together, and this time, they were victorious. They defeated the destroyer once and for all.

Or so they thought.

As the destroyer's dark aura began to fade, a new presence appeared. It was Xylo, their old enemy who had promised to return.

Xylo had been watching from the sidelines, waiting for the right moment to strike. He knew that the destroyer was powerful, but he also knew that he had a weakness.

As the destroyer's aura faded, Xylo used his own power to absorb it. The destroyer screamed in agony as his power was taken from him.

Within seconds, the destroyer was nothing more than a husk. Xylo had absorbed all of his power.

Xylo turned to the Celestial Guardians and the human resistance. He smiled.

"Thank you for your help," he said. "But now, it is time for me to take over."

The Celestial Guardians and the human resistance were shocked. They had defeated the destroyer, but now they were facing a new threat.

Xylo raised his hand and unleashed a wave of dark energy at the Celestial Guardians and the human resistance. They were caught off guard and were unable to defend themselves.

One by one, the Celestial Guardians and the human resistance fell to the ground. Xylo had defeated them with ease.

Xylo stood over the fallen Celestial Guardians and the human resistance. He laughed.

"Now, I am the most powerful being in the universe," he said. "And I will use my power to rule over all."

Xylo turned and walked away. He left the Celestial Guardians and the human resistance to their fate.

The fate of the universe was now in Xylo's hands.

The Celestial Guardians and the human resistance struggled to their feet. They were wounded and battered, but they refused to give up.

They knew that Xylo was a powerful enemy, but they also knew that they had to fight him. They had to protect the universe from his tyranny.

The Celestial Guardians and the human resistance gathered their forces and prepared to face Xylo.

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