Chapter 38

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Regrouping And Planning

The Celestial Guardians and the human resistance struggled to their feet. They were wounded and battered, but they refused to give up.

They knew that Xylo was a powerful enemy, but they also knew that they had to fight him. They had to protect the universe from his tyranny.

The Celestial Guardians and the human resistance gathered their forces and prepared to face Xylo.

Xylo stood on a high cliff, overlooking the Celestial Guardians and the human resistance. He smiled.

"You foolish mortals," he said. "Do you really think you can defeat me? I am the most powerful being in the universe."

"We may not be as powerful as you, Xylo," Nel said. "But we have something you don't. We have each other."

"And together," Jamaica added. "We will defeat you."

Xylo laughed. "We'll see about that," he said.

Xylo raised his hand and unleashed a wave of dark energy at the Celestial Guardians and the human resistance. They raised their shields to defend themselves, but the wave of energy was too powerful.

The shields were shattered and the Celestial Guardians and the human resistance were knocked to the ground.

Xylo descended from the cliff and walked towards the Celestial Guardians and the human resistance. He smiled.

"It's over," he said. "You have no chance against me."

Nel struggled to his feet. He looked at the fallen Celestial Guardians and the human resistance. He knew that they were outnumbered and outmatched, but he also knew that they had to fight.

"No," he said. "It's not over yet."

Nel raised his hand and unleashed a wave of celestial energy at Xylo. Xylo was caught off guard and was knocked back several steps.

Nel took advantage of Xylo's distraction and gathered the Celestial Guardians and the human resistance.

"We need to retreat," he said. "We can't defeat Xylo here."

The Celestial Guardians and the human resistance nodded in agreement. They began to retreat, but Xylo was determined to stop them.

Xylo unleashed another wave of dark energy at the Celestial Guardians and the human resistance. But this time, they were prepared. They raised their shields and defended themselves.

The Celestial Guardians and the human resistance managed to escape Xylo's attack, but they knew that they were not safe. Xylo was too powerful.

They needed to find a way to defeat him, but they didn't know how.

The Celestial Guardians and the human resistance retreated to a secret base on Earth. They gathered their scientists and engineers and began to work on a plan to defeat Xylo.

They knew that it would be difficult, but they were determined to save the universe from his tyranny.

The Celestial Guardians and the human resistance worked tirelessly at their secret base on Earth. They knew that they had to find a way to defeat Xylo, and they knew that they didn't have much time.

Xylo was already starting to expand his power. He had conquered several planets and was enslaving their inhabitants.

The Celestial Guardians and the human resistance knew that if they didn't stop Xylo soon, it would be too late.

Their scientists and engineers worked on developing new weapons and technologies that could be used against Xylo. They also studied Xylo's powers, trying to find a weakness.

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