Chapter 43

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The Rise of the Dark Guardians

The Mortal Celestial Guardians, Xylo, and the Celestial Guardians looked up at the Destroyer's ship in horror. They knew that they were facing a new and even more dangerous threat.

The Destroyer was an ancient and powerful being. He had been defeated once before, but he had returned now, stronger than ever.

The Destroyer's ship landed on the planet, and a ramp extended to the ground. The Destroyer stepped out of his ship, followed by a group of figures who looked exactly like Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica.

"What are they?" Nel asked.

"They are my Dark Guardians," the Destroyer said. "They are replicas of you, created with your own DNA. They have all of your powers, but they are under my control."

The Mortal Celestial Guardians, Xylo, and the Celestial Guardians were not shocked by the presence of the Dark Guardians, as they had fought them before and killed them. However, they were concerned that the Destroyer had been able to recreate them.

"Why have you returned?" Aion asked the Destroyer. "We defeated you once before."

"I have returned to finish what I started," the Destroyer said. "I will destroy the universe, and you cannot stop me."

The Destroyer and his Dark Guardians charged at the Mortal Celestial Guardians, Xylo, and the Celestial Guardians. A battle broke out, and the two sides fought fiercely.

Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica fought their Dark Guardian counterparts. The Dark Guardians were just as powerful as they were, and the battle was evenly matched.

Xylo fought alongside the Mortal Celestial Guardians. He used his vast knowledge of combat to help them defeat their opponents.

Aion led the Celestial Guardians against the Destroyer. The Destroyer was a powerful foe, but Aion was able to hold his own.

The battle raged on for hours. Neither side could gain an advantage.

Finally, the Destroyer saw an opening. He blasted Aion with a powerful energy beam, knocking him to the ground.

The Destroyer was about to deliver the finishing blow when Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica stepped in front of Aion.

"You'll have to go through us first," Nel said.

The Destroyer laughed. "You are no match for me," he said. "I am the Destroyer, and I am invincible."

The Destroyer attacked Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica. They fought bravely, but they were outnumbered and outmatched.

Just when it seemed that the Destroyer was about to win, Xylo stepped in. He used his teleportation powers to teleport himself and the Destroyer to a remote planet.

"Why did you do that?" Nel asked Xylo.

"I had to get the Destroyer away from you," Xylo said. "He was too powerful for you to defeat."

"But now you're stuck with him," Kevin said.

"I know," Xylo said. "But I'm willing to make the sacrifice to protect you and the universe."

Xylo turned to face the Destroyer. "I will not let you destroy the universe," he said.

The Destroyer laughed. "You are no match for me," he said. "I am the Destroyer, and I am invincible."

The Destroyer and Xylo charged at each other. A battle broke out, and the two sides fought fiercely.

The Mortal Celestial Guardians, Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica, watched from the sidelines. They knew that Xylo was their only hope.

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