Chapter 30

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A New Hope

Nel, Jamaica, and Kevin were lost and alone. They had been trapped in the strange universe for days, and they were starting to lose hope.

They had run out of food and water, and they were exhausted. They didn't know where they were going or what they were looking for.

But they refused to give up. They knew that they had to find a way to get back home and stop the figure from using the Celestial Heart for evil.

One day, they were walking through a forest when they came across a group of people. The people were dressed in strange clothes, and they spoke a language that Nel, Jamaica, and Kevin didn't understand.

But the people were friendly. They gave Nel, Jamaica, and Kevin food and water, and they let them rest in their village.

Nel, Jamaica, and Kevin tried to communicate with the people, but they couldn't understand each other.

But one of the people, an old woman, seemed to understand Nel.

She took Nel to a private place and spoke to him in his language.

"I know who you are," she said. "And I know why you are here."

Nel was surprised. "How do you know who I am?" he asked.

"I have been waiting for you," the old woman said. "I have been waiting for the Celestial Guardians."

Nel's eyes widened. "The Celestial Guardians?" he said. "But that's us."

The old woman nodded. "Yes," she said. "You are the Celestial Guardians. And you are the only ones who can stop the figure from using the Celestial Heart for evil."

Nel was filled with hope. He finally had a way to get back home and stop the figure.

"But how?" he asked. "How can we stop him?"

The old woman smiled. "That is for you to find out," she said. "But I know that you will succeed."

Nel thanked the old woman and returned to Jamaica and Kevin. He told them what the old woman had said.

Jamaica and Kevin were filled with hope as well. They finally had a chance to get back home and save the universe.

They decided to stay in the village for a few days to rest and recover. And then, they would set out on their quest to find a way to stop the figure.

Nel, Jamaica, and Kevin knew that their quest would be dangerous. But they were determined to succeed.

They had to save the universe.

They set out from the village, following the old woman's instructions. They didn't know where they were going, but they knew that they were on the right path.

They walked for days, until they came to a mountain range. The old woman had told them that they needed to cross the mountains to reach their destination.

But the mountains were high and treacherous. Nel, Jamaica, and Kevin knew that it would be a dangerous journey.

But they had no choice. They had to cross the mountains if they wanted to save the universe.

They began their ascent of the mountains. It was a difficult journey, but they persevered.

They knew that the fate of the universe depended on them.

One day, as they were climbing a particularly steep cliff, Nel slipped and fell. He grabbed a vine to stop himself from falling, but the vine was old and rotten. It broke, and Nel fell over the edge of the cliff.

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