Chapter 46

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The Coming of the Destroyer

Nel and Kevin stood in Nel's office, stunned. The Master of the Black Hole had just told them that the real Destroyer was coming, and that they had to be ready for him.

"What do we do now?" Kevin asked.

"We need to find a way to defeat the Destroyer," Nel said. "But we don't even know what he is or where he's coming from."

"We have to start somewhere," Kevin said. "We need to learn everything we can about the Destroyer."

Nel nodded. "I'll start by looking through the files on the Destroyer," he said. "Maybe I'll find something we can use."

"I'll start by talking to some of my contacts in the intergalactic community," Kevin said. "Maybe someone knows something about the Destroyer."

Nel and Kevin split up and began their research. Nel spent hours poring over the files on the Destroyer, but he couldn't find anything useful. Kevin talked to dozens of people, but no one knew anything about the Destroyer.

After a few days, Nel and Kevin met back in Nel's office.

"I haven't found anything," Nel said.

"Me neither," Kevin said. "This is starting to look like a dead end."

Nel sighed. "I don't know what to do," he said. "We're running out of time."

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in," Nel said.

The door opened and Jamaica walked in.

"I have some news," she said.

"What is it?" Nel asked.

"I've been talking to the Guardian," Jamaica said. "He told me that the Destroyer is a creature from another dimension. He's the most powerful being in the universe, and he's coming to destroy ours."

Nel and Kevin looked at each other in horror.

"Is there anything we can do to stop him?" Nel asked.

"Yes," Jamaica said. "The Guardian told me that there is a weapon that can defeat the Destroyer. But it's hidden somewhere in the universe, and we need to find it."

"So that's our mission," Nel said. "We have to find the weapon that can defeat the Destroyer."

"We'll do it," Kevin said. "Together."

Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica left the office and set out on their quest to find the weapon that could defeat the Destroyer. They knew that it would be a dangerous journey, but they were determined to save the universe.

As they flew through space, Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica talked about their plan. They decided to split up and search different parts of the universe for the weapon.

Nel would search the Milky Way galaxy. Kevin would search the Andromeda galaxy. And Jamaica would search the Triangulum galaxy.

They agreed to meet back in Nel's office in one month.

Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica said their goodbyes and flew off in different directions. They knew that they had a difficult task ahead of them, but they were determined to succeed.

Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica left Nel's office and set out on their quest to find the weapon that could defeat the Destroyer. They knew that it would be a dangerous journey, but they were determined to save the universe.

Nel flew to the heart of the Milky Way galaxy, where he believed the weapon was hidden. He searched for weeks, but he couldn't find it. He began to lose hope.

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