Chapter 45

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The Power of the Guardian

Nel, Kevin, Jamaica, and Xylo felt the power of the Guardian coursing through their veins. They were stronger than ever before.

"Thank you," Nel said to the Guardian. "We will not let you down."

The Guardian smiled. "I know you won't," he said. "Now go and save the universe."

Nel, Kevin, Jamaica, and Xylo turned and flew out of the Guardian's world.

They flew back to the black hole, where the Destroyer was waiting for them.

The Destroyer was surprised to see them. "You're back," he said. "But I thought I had destroyed you."

Nel smiled. "You miscalculated," he said. "And now we're here to finish you off."

The Destroyer laughed. "You're no match for me," he said. "I am the Destroyer, and I am invincible."

"We'll see about that," Kevin said.

Nel, Kevin, Jamaica, and Xylo charged at the Destroyer.

The Destroyer fired a blast of energy at them, but they dodged it easily.

They countered with their own attacks, and the two sides clashed in a fierce battle.

Nel, Kevin, Jamaica, and Xylo were now evenly matched with the Destroyer. They used their newfound power to fight him on equal terms.

The battle raged on for hours, but neither side could gain an advantage.

Finally, Nel saw an opening. He blasted the Destroyer with a powerful energy beam, knocking him to the ground.

Kevin, Jamaica, and Xylo flew down to the ground and stood over the Destroyer.

"It's over," Nel said.

The Destroyer looked up at them, his eyes filled with hatred. "You may have defeated me this time," he said, "but I will return. And when I do, I will devour the universe."

Nel knew that the Destroyer was right. He would return, and he would be more powerful than ever.

But Nel also knew that he and his friends had to defeat him once and for all. They couldn't let him destroy the universe.

Nel raised his hand and prepared to deliver the killing blow.

But then, something unexpected happened.

A portal opened in the sky, and a figure stepped out.

The figure was tall and imposing, with long black hair and piercing red eyes.

"It's over," the figure said. "The Destroyer is defeated."

Nel, Kevin, Jamaica, and Xylo looked at the figure in surprise.

"Who are you?" Nel asked.

"I am the Master of the Black Hole," the figure said. "I have come to take the Destroyer away."

The Master of the Black Hole raised his hand and a beam of energy shot out.

The beam of energy hit the Destroyer and he disappeared.

The portal closed, and the Master of the Black Hole was gone.

Nel, Kevin, Jamaica, and Xylo looked at each other in amazement.

"What just happened?" Kevin asked.

"I don't know," Nel said. "But I'm glad it's over."

Jamaica nodded. "Me too," she said.

Xylo smiled. "We saved the universe," he said.

Nel, Kevin, Jamaica, and Xylo flew back to their home planets, heroes.

They had defeated the Destroyer and saved the universe from destruction.

Nel landed on his home planet of Earth and was greeted by a cheering crowd. He smiled and waved to the people, but inside he was troubled. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

He went to his office and sat down at his desk. He opened a file on the Destroyer and began to read. The more he read, the more he realized that something was off.

The Destroyer had been described as a powerful being with incredible abilities. But Nel had defeated him relatively easily. And now, he was starting to wonder if the Destroyer had even been real.

He stood up and walked to the window. He looked out at the city below. The people were celebrating, but Nel couldn't shake the feeling that they were celebrating a victory that had never happened.

He turned away from the window and walked back to his desk. He picked up the phone and called Kevin.

"Kevin," he said. "I need you to come over here right away."

Kevin arrived a few minutes later. He sat down across from Nel and looked at him with concern.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I think the Destroyer was fake," Nel said.

Kevin's eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

"I've been reading the file on him," Nel said. "And everything about him seems too perfect. He's too powerful. He's too invincible. And I think he was just a hologram."

Kevin shook his head. "I don't know," he said. "That seems crazy."

"It's the only explanation that makes sense," Nel said. "Someone or something created the Destroyer to test us. To see if we were strong enough to defeat him."

Kevin leaned back in his chair and thought for a moment. "Then who?" he asked. "Who could have created such a powerful hologram?"

Nel shrugged. "I don't know," he said. "But we need to find out."

Nel and Kevin stood up and walked to the door. They were determined to find out who had created the Destroyer and why.

But as they were about to leave, they heard a voice behind them.

"You're right, Nel," the voice said. "The Destroyer was fake."

Nel and Kevin turned around and saw the Master of the Black Hole standing in the doorway.

"Who are you?" Nel asked.

"I am the one who created the Destroyer," the Master of the Black Hole said.

Nel and Kevin were shocked. "Why?" Kevin asked.

"To test you," the Master of the Black Hole said. "To see if you were strong enough to defeat him. And you passed the test."

"But why?" Nel asked again. "Why did you need to test us?"

"Because the real Destroyer is coming," the Master of the Black Hole said. "And when he comes, you will need to be ready for him."

The Master of the Black Hole turned and walked out of the room. Nel and Kevin watched him go, stunned.

They knew that the Master of the Black Hole was telling the truth. The real Destroyer was coming.

And they had to be ready for him.

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