Chapter 26

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The Figure Revealed

Nel and Jamaica continued to watch over Kevin, but they couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. They knew that the figure was still out there, and they knew that it was somehow connected to Kevin.

One day, Nel and Jamaica were visiting Kevin when they saw the figure again. It was standing in the shadows, watching them.

Nel and Jamaica confronted the figure, but it didn't answer their questions. It just turned and disappeared.

Nel and Jamaica were more determined than ever to find out who the figure was and what it wanted. They followed it to the same planet where they had first encountered it.

Nel and Jamaica searched the planet for hours, but they couldn't find the figure anywhere. Just as they were about to give up, they saw a light in the distance.

They ran towards the light, and when they reached it, they saw the figure standing before them. But this time, the figure was different.

The figure had removed its cloak and mask, and it was now revealed to be Kevin himself.

Nel and Jamaica were shocked and confused. They didn't understand how Kevin could be in two places at once.

"What's going on?" Nel asked.

"It's a long story," Kevin said. "But basically, I'm from the future."

Nel and Jamaica were stunned. They couldn't believe that they were talking to their friend from the future.

"So, why are you here?" Jamaica asked.

"I'm here to warn you," Kevin said. "A great danger is coming. A danger that could threaten the entire universe."

Nel and Jamaica were worried. They knew that Kevin was telling the truth, and they knew that they had to prepare for the coming danger.

"What can we do?" Nel asked.

"You need to find the Celestial Orb," Kevin said. "It's the only thing that can stop the coming danger."

Nel and Jamaica knew that they had to find the Celestial Orb, but they didn't know where it was.

"Where can we find it?" Jamaica asked.

"That's for you to discover," Kevin said. "But you need to find it soon. The danger is closer than you think."

Kevin disappeared, and Nel and Jamaica were left alone. They knew that they had to find the Celestial Orb, but they didn't know where to start.

They decided to split up and search for the orb on different planets. They knew that it would be a dangerous journey, but they were determined to save the universe.

Nel and Jamaica set off on their separate journeys, knowing that the fate of the universe depended on them.

Nel and Jamaica searched for the Celestial Orb for months, but they couldn't find it anywhere. They traveled to every planet in the galaxy, but the orb was nowhere to be found.

They were starting to lose hope when they received a message from the Celestial Mother. The Celestial Mother told them that the orb was hidden in a secret place, known only to the chosen ones.

Nel and Jamaica knew that they were the chosen ones, but they didn't know where the secret place was. They asked the Celestial Mother for guidance, but she just told them to follow their hearts.

Nel and Jamaica didn't know what to do. They were lost and confused. But they knew that they had to keep searching for the orb.

One day, Nel and Jamaica were meditating on a distant planet when they had a vision. In the vision, they saw the Celestial Orb hidden in a cave at the top of a mountain.

Nel and Jamaica knew that this was the secret place that the Celestial Mother had been talking about. They immediately set off for the mountain.

The journey to the mountain was difficult and dangerous. Nel and Jamaica had to face many challenges, but they persevered.

Finally, they reached the top of the mountain and found the cave. They entered the cave and found the Celestial Orb sitting on a pedestal in the center of the room.

Nel and Jamaica were overjoyed. They had finally found the Celestial Orb. They picked it up and left the cave.

As they were leaving, they saw the figure appear before them. It was Kevin from the future.

"You did it," Kevin said. "You found the orb."

"Yes," Nel said. "But what do we do with it now?"

"You need to use it to stop the coming danger," Kevin said. "But be careful. The orb is powerful, and it can be dangerous if it falls into the wrong hands."

Nel and Jamaica knew that Kevin was right. The Celestial Orb was powerful, and it could be dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands. But they also knew that they had to use it to stop the coming danger.

They returned to their home planet and began to prepare for the coming battle. They knew that it would be a difficult battle, but they were determined to save the universe.

The day of the battle finally arrived. Nel and Jamaica stood on the battlefield, facing the forces of darkness. The forces of darkness were led by a powerful sorcerer who wanted to destroy the universe.

Nel and Jamaica knew that they were outnumbered and outmatched, but they were not afraid. They had the Celestial Orb, and they had each other.

The battle raged for hours. Nel and Jamaica fought valiantly, but they were slowly being pushed back. Just when it seemed that all hope was lost, Nel had an idea.

She told Jamaica to hold off the forces of darkness while she used the Celestial Orb to deliver a final blow.

Jamaica agreed, and he charged into battle. Nel held up the Celestial Orb and unleashed its power.

A beam of light shot out of the orb and struck the sorcerer. The sorcerer screamed in agony as he was destroyed.

With the sorcerer defeated, the forces of darkness crumbled. Nel and Jamaica had won the battle.

Nel and Jamaica were exhausted, but they were also victorious. They had saved the universe from the forces of darkness.

They held the Celestial Orb high above their heads, and the people cheered. Nel and Jamaica were hailed as heroes.

But Nel and Jamaica knew that their work was not yet done. There were other worlds out there that needed their help. They vowed to continue to protect the innocent and to fight for justice.

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