Chapter 47

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The Last Sacrifice

Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica were engulfed by the darkness. They struggled to breathe, and their powers seemed to fail them.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared in the darkness. The light grew brighter and brighter, until it filled the city.

The darkness dissipated, and Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica found themselves kneeling before a woman of ethereal beauty. She was tall and slender, with long flowing white hair and piercing blue eyes.

"Celestial Mother," Nel gasped.

The Celestial Mother smiled. "My children," she said. "I have come to help you."

The Celestial Mother raised her hands, and a wave of healing energy washed over Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica. Their wounds healed, but their powers remained diminished.

"Thank you, Celestial Mother," Jamaica said.

"We are grateful for your help," Kevin added.

The Celestial Mother nodded. "You have faced great challenges, my children," she said. "But you have remained strong and united. I am proud of you."

The Celestial Mother turned to face the Master of the Destroyer. "Now, let us deal with this evil."

The Master of the Destroyer laughed. "You cannot defeat me," it said. "I am the most powerful being in the universe."

"We shall see," the Celestial Mother said.

The Celestial Mother and the Master of the Destroyer clashed in a battle of epic proportions. The energy from their battle shook the city to its core.

Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica watched in awe as the two powerful beings fought. They knew that the fate of the universe depended on the outcome of this battle.

The battle raged on for hours, but neither side could gain an advantage. The Master of the Destroyer proved to be immune to the Celestial Mother's powers, and its own attacks were relentless.

Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica knew that they had to do something. They gathered their remaining strength and joined the battle.

The four of them fought together, but they were no match for the Master of the Destroyer. It knocked them back again and again, effortlessly.

Just when it seemed that all hope was lost, the Celestial Mother had an idea. She backed away from the Master of the Destroyer and gathered her power.

Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica understood what she was planning. They retreated as well, giving her the space she needed.

The Celestial Mother closed her eyes and focused her mind. She reached out to the universe, drawing on its power.

A massive portal opened in the sky above. The portal was filled with a blinding light, and energy crackled around its edges.

The Celestial Mother opened her eyes and raised her hand. She pointed to the Master of the Destroyer and shouted, "Banish!"

A beam of pure light shot from the portal and struck the Master of the Destroyer. The Master of the Destroyer let out a deafening scream as it was vaporized.

The portal closed, and the Celestial Mother collapsed to her knees, exhausted. Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica rushed to her side.

"Celestial Mother," Nel said. "Are you alright?"

The Celestial Mother smiled weakly. "I am fine," she said. "But the Master of the Destroyer is gone for now."

Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica helped the Celestial Mother to her feet. They knew that the danger was not over, but they had won a temporary victory.

The Celestial Mother turned to them. "My children," she said. "You have proven yourselves to be true Celestial Guardians. I am proud of you."

Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica smiled. They knew that they had a long journey ahead of them, but they were determined to protect the universe from the forces of darkness.

Together, they were the Celestial Guardians, and they would stand united against the forces of darkness, no matter what.

The Celestial Mother's Vision

The Celestial Mother had a vision. She saw the Master of the Destroyer return, stronger than ever before. It had combined its power with all the dark guardians and monsters of the entire multiverse.

The Celestial Mother knew that the Celestial Guardians were no match for the Master of the Destroyer in its new form. But she also knew that the Celestial Guardians had to fight the Master of the Destroyer before they could vanish.

The Celestial Mother called Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica to her side. She told them of her vision and the sacrifice that needed to be made.

Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica were shocked and saddened by the Celestial Mother's words. They knew that they would lose their powers and their lives, but they also knew that it was the only way to save the universe.

The Celestial Mother smiled at them. "I am proud of you, my children," she said. "You have shown great courage and strength. You are true Celestial Guardians."

Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica nodded. They knew that the Celestial Mother was right. They had to make the sacrifice to save the universe.

The Celestial Mother gathered her power and unleashed a blinding light. The light filled the city, and the Celestial Mother's body began to fade.

Before she vanished, the Celestial Mother spoke to Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica one last time.

"A prophecy has been written," she said. "Even though you will vanish from the universe, there will be seven stars who will inherit your powers. They will continue to save the entire planets when darkness will come again."

The Celestial Mother's body vanished completely, and the city was plunged into darkness. Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica stood alone, knowing that the Celestial Mother was right.

The Master of the Destroyer would return, but the seven stars would be ready to face it. Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica would make sure of that.

Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica knew that they had to fight the Master of the Destroyer with all their might. They gathered their power and charged into battle.

The battle was long and fierce, but in the end, Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica emerged victorious. They had defeated the Master of the Destroyer once and for all.

But their victory came at a price. Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica knew that their time was running out. The sacrifice that the Celestial Mother had spoken of was about to be made.

Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica gathered together one last time. They held hands and smiled at each other. They knew that they had done their best to save the universe.

And then, they vanished.

The seven stars had been born.

Stay tuned. Book II will be released soon...

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