Chapter 44

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The Fall of the Destroyer

Xylo stood over the defeated Destroyer, his sword raised.

"It's over," he said.

The Destroyer looked up at Xylo, his eyes filled with hatred. "You may have defeated me this time," he said, "but I will return. And when I do, I will destroy everything you hold dear."

Xylo knew that the Destroyer was right. He would return, and he would be more powerful than ever.

But Xylo also knew that he had to defeat the Destroyer once and for all. He couldn't let him destroy the universe.

Xylo brought his sword down, ready to deliver the killing blow.

But then, something strange happened.

The Destroyer's body began to glow. The glow grew brighter and brighter, until it was almost blinding.

Xylo shielded his eyes with his hand. When he looked down again, the Destroyer was gone.

In his place was a black hole.

The black hole began to grow larger and larger, until it was the size of a planet.

Xylo knew that he had to get away. He used his teleportation powers to teleport himself back to the planet where the Mortal Celestial Guardians, Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica were located.

When he arrived, he told them what had happened.

"The Destroyer is gone," he said. "But he'll be back. And when he does, he'll be more powerful than ever."

Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica knew that Xylo was right. They had to find a way to defeat the Destroyer once and for all.

But how?

They didn't have an answer.

But they knew that they had to find one. The fate of the universe depended on it.

Meanwhile, in the black hole, the Destroyer was reborn. He was now more powerful than ever before.

The Destroyer emerged from the black hole and looked out at the universe.

"The time has come," he said. "The universe will be mine."

The Destroyer raised his hand and unleashed a massive energy blast at the nearest planet.

The planet was destroyed instantly.

The Destroyer laughed. "This is only the beginning," he said. "I will destroy every planet in the universe. Nothing will stand in my way."

The Destroyer flew off into the distance, ready to begin his campaign of destruction.

The Mortal Celestial Guardians, Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica watched in horror as the Destroyer destroyed the planet. They knew that they had to stop him, but they didn't know how.

They were facing a new and even more dangerous threat.

The fate of the universe hung in the balance.

"We have to find a way to defeat him," Nel said. "But how?"

"He's too powerful," Kevin said. "We're no match for him."

"We have to find a way," Jamaica said. "The fate of the universe depends on it."

Xylo nodded. "There must be a way to defeat him," he said. "We just have to find it."

The four of them sat down and began to brainstorm. They thought about all of the Destroyer's weaknesses, but they couldn't come up with anything that could defeat him.

"We're running out of time," Kevin said. "The Destroyer is getting stronger every minute."

"We have to keep thinking," Nel said. "There must be a way to defeat him."

Suddenly, Xylo had an idea.

"What if we could use the black hole to defeat him?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" Kevin asked.

"Well, the Destroyer was reborn from the black hole," Xylo said. "So maybe we can use the black hole to destroy him."

"But how?" Jamaica asked.

"I don't know," Xylo said. "But we have to try."

Nel, Kevin, and Jamaica agreed. They knew that it was a long shot, but it was their only hope.

The four of them stood up and flew towards the black hole.

As they got closer, they could feel the black hole's gravitational pull. It was getting stronger and stronger.

"We have to hurry," Kevin said. "We don't have much time."

Nel, Kevin, Jamaica, and Xylo flew into the black hole.

As soon as they entered, they were lost in a swirling vortex of darkness.

They couldn't see anything or hear anything.

They were completely disoriented.

Suddenly, they felt themselves being pulled in different directions.

Nel, Kevin, Jamaica, and Xylo screamed in terror as they were separated.

They were being pulled towards the center of the black hole.

Nel, Kevin, Jamaica, and Xylo knew that this was the end. They were going to be destroyed.

But then, something amazing happened.

A bright light appeared in front of them.

The light was so bright that it blinded them.

When they could finally see again, they found themselves in a strange new world.

The sky was purple, and the trees were blue.

Nel, Kevin, Jamaica, and Xylo looked around in amazement.

"Where are we?" Kevin asked.

"I don't know," Nel said. "But I think we're safe."

Suddenly, they heard a voice.

"Welcome to my world," the voice said.

Nel, Kevin, Jamaica, and Xylo turned around and saw a figure standing behind them.

The figure was tall and slender, with long white hair and piercing blue eyes.

"Who are you?" Nel asked.

"I am the Guardian of the Black Hole," the figure said. "I have brought you here to help you defeat the Destroyer."

"How can you help us?" Kevin asked.

"I can give you the power to defeat him," the Guardian said.

"But how?" Jamaica asked.

"I will give you a piece of my own power," the Guardian said. "This power will allow you to defeat the Destroyer."

Nel, Kevin, Jamaica, and Xylo looked at each other. They knew that this was their chance to defeat the Destroyer.

"We'll do it," Nel said.

The Guardian smiled. "Good," he said. "Now, close your eyes."

Nel, Kevin, Jamaica, and Xylo closed their eyes.

The Guardian placed his hands on their heads and began to transfer his power to them.

Nel, Kevin, Jamaica, and Xylo could feel the power coursing through their veins.

When the Guardian was finished, he took his hands off of their heads.

"You now have the power to defeat the Destroyer," he said. "Go and save the universe."

Nel, Kevin, Jamaica, and Xylo opened their eyes. They felt different. They felt stronger.

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