Chapter 32

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The Negotiation

Nel, Jamaica, and Kevin boarded their starship and flew away from the Shadow Collective's headquarters.

As they flew away, Nel looked out the window at the Shadow Collective's headquarters. He knew that Xylo was a dangerous threat, but he was determined to stop him.

He turned to Jamaica and Kevin. "We need to come up with a plan," he said.

Jamaica and Kevin nodded. They knew that they were in for a fight, but they were determined to protect the universe from Xylo.

"What do you think Xylo's next move will be?" Jamaica asked.

"He'll probably try to expand his territory," Nel said. "He'll want to conquer as many planets as possible so that he can build up his forces."

"So what should we do?" Kevin asked.

"We need to find out where Xylo is planning to strike next," Nel said. "And we need to be ready to stop him."

Jamaica nodded. "I agree," she said. "We need to stay one step ahead of him."

Nel, Jamaica, and Kevin continued to discuss their plan. They knew that it would be a difficult fight, but they were determined to protect the universe from Xylo.

**Later that day**

Nel, Jamaica, and Kevin returned to the Celestial Temple. They met with Rosene and the other members of the council to discuss their plan.

"We believe that Xylo is planning to expand his territory," Nel said. "We need to be ready to stop him."

Rosene nodded. "I agree," she said. "We need to send out scouts to gather intelligence on Xylo's movements."

The council members agreed with Rosene. They decided to send out scouts to gather intelligence on Xylo's movements.

Nel, Jamaica, and Kevin also decided to start training a new generation of Celestial Guardians. They knew that they would need all the help they could get to stop Xylo.

**The next day**

Nel, Jamaica, and Kevin began training a new generation of Celestial Guardians. They taught them how to use their powers and how to fight against Xylo and the Shadow Collective.

The new Celestial Guardians were eager to learn. They knew that they were being trained to protect the universe from a dangerous threat.

Nel, Jamaica, and Kevin knew that it would take time to train the new Celestial Guardians, but they were confident that they would be ready when Xylo struck next.

They continued to train the Celestial Guardians for several months. They taught them everything they knew about using their powers and fighting against the Shadow Collective.

The Celestial Guardians were eager to learn, and they quickly became skilled fighters.

One day, the scouts returned with intelligence that Xylo was planning to attack a nearby planet called Elysium.

Elysium was a peaceful planet that was home to a variety of different species. The people of Elysium were not prepared for war.

Nel, Jamaica, and Kevin knew that they had to act quickly. They gathered the Celestial Guardians and the resistance fleet, and they set off for Elysium.

When they arrived at Elysium, they saw that the Shadow Collective fleet was already in orbit. Xylo was preparing to launch his attack.

Nel, Jamaica, and Kevin knew that they had to stop Xylo before he could attack Elysium. They ordered the resistance fleet to attack.

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