Chapter 36

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The Battle Begins

Nel, Jamaica, and the good Kevin arrived on Earth and immediately began searching for the destroyer. They knew that he was somewhere on the planet, and they were determined to find him before he could corrupt all of humanity.

They followed his energy signature to a remote location in the mountains. When they arrived, they found the destroyer building a massive army of corrupted humans.

The destroyer saw Nel, Jamaica, and the good Kevin approaching and smiled. "Well, well, well," he said. "Look who it is. The heroes of the universe."

"We're here to stop you, destroyer," Nel said. "You're not going to get away with this."

The destroyer laughed. "Oh, I think I already have," he said. "My army is growing larger by the minute. Soon, I will be unstoppable."

Nel, Jamaica, and the good Kevin knew that the destroyer was right. They had to act quickly.

They attacked the destroyer together, but he was too powerful. He knocked them all to the ground with ease.

"You're no match for me," the destroyer said. "Give up now, and I may spare your lives."

Nel, Jamaica, and the good Kevin looked at each other. They knew that they couldn't defeat the destroyer alone. But they also knew that they couldn't give up.

"We're never giving up," Nel said.

"Not until you're defeated," Jamaica added.

"And that day will come," the good Kevin said.

The destroyer sighed. "Very well," he said. "Have it your way."

The destroyer raised his hands and unleashed a wave of dark energy at Nel, Jamaica, and the good Kevin.

They tried to defend themselves, but the energy was too powerful. They were all knocked unconscious.

The destroyer smiled. "Now," he said. "To finish what I started."

The destroyer turned to his army of corrupted humans and gave them a command. "Attack!" he shouted.

The army of corrupted humans charged at Nel, Jamaica, and the good Kevin. They were outnumbered and outmatched.

But Nel, Jamaica, and the good Kevin refused to give up. They knew that they had to protect Earth and the humans who lived there.

They struggled to their feet and prepared to fight. They knew that it would be a difficult battle, but they were determined to win.

The battle for Earth had begun.

Nel, Jamaica, and the good Kevin fought valiantly against the army of corrupted humans. But they were outnumbered and outmatched.

The corrupted humans were stronger and faster than Nel, Jamaica, and the good Kevin. They were also more numerous.

Nel, Jamaica, and the good Kevin were slowly being pushed back. They knew that they couldn't keep fighting like this for long.

Suddenly, a group of humans appeared behind the corrupted humans. They were armed with weapons and ready to fight.

"We're here to help!" one of the humans shouted.

The corrupted humans turned to face the new arrivals. Nel, Jamaica, and the good Kevin took advantage of the distraction and launched a counterattack.

Together, Nel, Jamaica, the good Kevin, and the humans fought back the corrupted humans. They pushed them back and eventually drove them off.

Nel, Jamaica, and the good Kevin turned to the humans who had helped them.

"Thank you," Nel said. "We couldn't have done it without you."

"You're welcome," one of the humans said. "We're all in this together."

Nel, Jamaica, and the good Kevin knew that they had won a battle, but they knew that the war was far from over. The destroyer was still out there, and he would be back.

They vowed to protect Earth and the humans who lived there. They knew that it would be a difficult battle, but they were determined to win.

Nel, Jamaica, the good Kevin, and the humans began to rebuild after the battle. They knew that the destroyer would be back, so they needed to be prepared.

They trained the humans to fight against the destroyer and his army of corrupted humans. They also built new weapons and defenses.

**The next day**

Nel, Jamaica, and the good Kevin met with the leaders of the human resistance. They discussed their next steps.

"We need to find a way to defeat the destroyer once and for all," Nel said. "But we don't know where he is."

"We can track his energy signature," Jamaica said. "But it's a faint signal. He's trying to cover his tracks."

"We also need to find a way to cure the corrupted humans," the good Kevin said. "They're still our people, even though they're under the destroyer's control."

The leaders of the human resistance nodded in agreement.

"We'll do everything we can to help you," one of the leaders said. "We're all in this together."

Nel, Jamaica, and the good Kevin knew that they had a difficult task ahead of them, but they were determined to save Earth and the humans who lived there.

The Celestial Guardians spent the next few days searching for the destroyer's energy signature. They traveled all over the planet, but they couldn't find him.

The destroyer was too good at hiding his tracks.

The Celestial Guardians were starting to lose hope. They knew that the destroyer was out there somewhere, and they were worried that he was planning something terrible.

One day, the Celestial Guardians received a message from the human resistance. They said that they had found the destroyer's location.

The Celestial Guardians immediately traveled to the location that the human resistance had given them. It was a remote island in the Pacific Ocean.

When they arrived on the island, they found the destroyer building a massive machine.

The destroyer saw the Celestial Guardians approaching and smiled. He knew that they were coming for him.

The destroyer attacked the Celestial Guardians. They fought valiantly, but the destroyer was too powerful. He knocked them all to the ground with ease.

Just when it seemed like the destroyer was about to win, the human resistance arrived. They attacked the destroyer and his machine.

A fierce battle broke out. The human resistance fought bravely, but they were outnumbered and outmatched.

The Celestial Guardians saw that the human resistance was in trouble. They got back to their feet and joined the battle.

Together, the Celestial Guardians and the human resistance fought back the destroyer. They pushed him back and eventually drove him off.

The destroyer's machine was destroyed in the battle. The destroyer himself was defeated.

The Celestial Guardians and the human resistance had saved Earth from the destroyer.

But they knew that the destroyer would be back. They vowed to protect Earth and the humans who lived there, no matter what.

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