Chapter 34

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The Alliance

Kevin stood before Xylo, who was seated in his throne.

"You have done well, Kevin," Xylo said. "You have betrayed your friends and joined me."

Kevin smiled. "I am honored to serve you, Master Xylo," he said.

Xylo stood up and walked over to Kevin. He put his hand on Kevin's shoulder.

"Together, we will conquer the universe," Xylo said.

Kevin nodded. "Yes, Master," he said.

Kevin and Xylo stood together, looking out at the stars. They were two of the most powerful beings in the universe, and they were determined to conquer it all.

**Meanwhile, on the Celestial Temple**

Nel and Jamaica were gathered with the other Celestial Guardians. They were discussing Kevin's betrayal and how to defeat Xylo.

"We need to find a way to stop Kevin," Nel said. "He is too powerful for us to defeat alone."

Jamaica nodded. "I agree," she said. "But how are we going to do it?"

One of the other Celestial Guardians stepped forward.

"I know a way," he said.

The Celestial Guardian explained that there was an ancient weapon that could be used to defeat Xylo. The weapon was hidden on a remote planet, and it was guarded by a powerful dragon.

Nel and Jamaica knew that this was their only chance to defeat Xylo. They decided to travel to the remote planet and retrieve the ancient weapon.

The next day, Nel and Jamaica set off on their journey. They traveled for many days and nights, until they finally reached the remote planet.

They landed their ship and began to walk towards the dragon's lair.

As they got closer, they could hear the dragon's roar. It was a sound that made the ground shake.

Nel and Jamaica took a deep breath and entered the dragon's lair.

The dragon was even bigger and more fearsome than they had imagined. It had scales as hard as steel and eyes that glowed like fire.

The dragon opened its mouth and roared. Nel and Jamaica raised their weapons to defend themselves.

"Why have you come to my lair?" the dragon asked.

"We have come to retrieve the ancient weapon," Nel said. "We need it to defeat Xylo."

The dragon laughed. "You think you can defeat Xylo with that weapon?" it asked. "He is too powerful."

"We have to try," Jamaica said.

The dragon sighed. "Very well," it said. "I will give you the weapon, but you must first defeat me in battle."

Nel and Jamaica nodded. They knew that they had to defeat the dragon in order to retrieve the ancient weapon.

They raised their weapons and charged at the dragon.

The battle was long and fierce, but in the end, Nel and Jamaica were victorious. They defeated the dragon and claimed the ancient weapon.

Nel and Jamaica knew that they now had the power to defeat Xylo. They returned to the Celestial Temple and prepared for the final battle.

Xylo, meanwhile, was preparing his forces for war. He had gathered a massive fleet of ships and soldiers. He was determined to conquer the universe, and he would stop at nothing to achieve his goal.

Nel and Jamaica knew that they were outnumbered and outgunned, but they were also determined to defeat Xylo. They knew that the fate of the universe depended on it.

The next day, Xylo's fleet arrived at the Celestial Temple. Xylo stood on the bridge of his flagship, looking down at the Celestial Temple.

"It is time to finish this," he said.

Xylo ordered his fleet to attack.

The Celestial Guardians and their allies fought bravely, but they were quickly overwhelmed by Xylo's forces.

Nel and Jamaica fought side-by-side, but they were eventually separated.

Nel found himself surrounded by Xylo's soldiers. He fought back as best he could, but he was outnumbered.

Just when it seemed like Nel was about to be defeated, Jamaica appeared and rescued him.

"We need to get to the ancient weapon," Jamaica said.

Nel nodded. He and Jamaica ran towards the central chamber of the Celestial Temple, where the ancient weapon was kept.

Xylo saw Nel and Jamaica running towards the ancient weapon. He knew that he had to stop them before they could use it against him.

Xylo flew down from his flagship and landed in front of Nel and Jamaica.

"You will not use that weapon," Xylo said.

Nel and Jamaica raised their weapons and prepared to fight.

"We have to," Jamaica said. "It's the only way to defeat you."

Xylo laughed. "You cannot defeat me," he said. "I am the most powerful being in the universe."

Nel and Jamaica attacked Xylo. They fought with all their might, but they were no match for Xylo's power.

Xylo knocked Nel and Jamaica to the ground. He raised his hand to deliver the final blow.

But suddenly, a beam of energy hit Xylo in the chest. Xylo fell to the ground, injured.

Nel and Jamaica looked up and saw Kevin standing there.

"Kevin?" Nel said. "What are you doing?"

Kevin smiled. "I'm helping you," he said.

Nel and Jamaica couldn't believe it. Kevin had betrayed them, but now he was helping them to defeat Xylo.

"Why?" Jamaica asked.

"Because I realized that Xylo is the true enemy," Kevin said. "He's not the savior that he claims to be. He's a tyrant."

Nel and Jamaica nodded. They knew that Kevin was right.

Nel, Jamaica, and Kevin stood together and faced Xylo.

"This is over, Xylo," Nel said.

Xylo looked up at Nel, Jamaica, and Kevin. He knew that he was defeated.

"I will not be defeated," Xylo said. "I will return."

And with that, Xylo disappeared.

Nel, Jamaica, and Kevin had defeated Xylo. They had saved the universe from his tyranny.

But they knew that Xylo would be back. They had to be prepared for the next battle.

But for now, they could rest and celebrate their victory. They had saved the universe, and they had done it together.

**Meanwhile, in Kevin's mind**

Kevin's mind was in turmoil. He was fighting two separate personalities within himself.

One personality was the kind and gentle Kevin that Nel and Jamaica knew. The other personality was the destroyer, the one who was allied with Xylo.

The destroyer was trying to take over Kevin's mind. It was trying to turn him into a weapon that could be used to destroy the universe.

Kevin was fighting back, but he was losing ground. The destroyer was too powerful.

Kevin knew that he had to find a way to defeat the destroyer, or he would be lost forever.

But how?

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