The Dorm That Dripped Blood

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"We have to find her". Victoria, Jennifer and Nelly all agree that they must join forces and find their missing sister, Julianna. "How are we supposed to find her when we have absolutely no idea where she is?", asks the pessimistic Nelly. "We just have to believe that we will. Hopefully, the rest will all just fall into place as we go along", says Jennifer, not happy with Nelly's attitude. Jennifer tells the two girls that they must leave now, before anything bad happens to Julianna. Victoria interrupts and says, "Sorry but I'm not going anywhere until I use the bathroom. I had a lot of juice this morning", jokes Victoria, hoping to ease the tension in the atmosphere. As Victoria exist the sorority house's foyer, Jennifer, who is determined to find Julianna seemingly threatens Nelly by saying, "If you don't lose that little attitude of yours, then trust me, this won't be a very pleasant experience for you. Got it?", snakily. Nelly nods, afraid to say a word.

In the bathroom on the house's ground floor, which is clearly that of a sorority house since it is overhead in baby pink and light purples. As Victoria finishes up in the wash closet, her phone vibrates in her skirt pocket. Hoping that it is Julianna telling her that she is completely safe and has been spending the day in a spa or something, Victoria pulls out her white iPhone, with a bright yellow casing protecting it from being damaged. The text is not from Julianna but the killer. "Quick!", reads the ominous text, which also has a photograph of Julianna tied to chair attached to it. Victoria rushes out of the bathroom and shows her sisters the text message. "Where is this? Do any of you recognise this place?", asks Victoria, worried. "Yes!", shrieks Nelly. "It's a cabin in the woods about fifteen minutes south of the campus. My father took me there to cut wood when I was really little", reveals Nelly, as the trio make their way to the cabin's location in Victoria's green Volvo.

Augustus is thrown into a jail cell. It is grey, dull, damp and cold. He is in a very bad place. Trying to use a coping mechanism, Augustus starts to count sheep, hoping that he will fall asleep and forget that he has been arrested for murder for a little while. He eventually manages to fall asleep. After just a few minutes of shut eye, Augustus is rudely awoken by muscular and abrasive police officer. "Come on, criminal. You're coming with me", states the officer, shoving Augustus out of his jail cell. Augustus is dragged down a seemingly never ending corridor until he finally reaches his destination. It's an interrogation room. Augustus takes a deep breath in, and then out as he steps inside the room, which he knows cannot hold a pleasant fate for him. As he enters the square, rather small room, an officer who introduces himself as Detective Gellar, hands Augustus a plastic bag, which contains his new clothing attire - an orange jump suit. "Why am I here?", asks Augustus, just wanting this moment to end. "You've been arrested for murder, I don't think you get to ask questions. However, you do get to answer mine", smiles Gellar, smugly. "We will start with your first victim - Georgina Prosaic. Why was she chosen by you as the first victim?", asks Gellar, wanting answers. "I didn't kill her! I didn't even know her", states a broken Augustus, who starts crying, fearing that he may spend the rest of his life behind bars. "That's a pretty little lie, isn't it?". Augustus' brow shakes, as he has no idea what Gellar is about to say next. "Following Ms. Prosaic's death, we examined the crime scene many times and we found your fingerprints on the deceased's neck. Explain that, sir", reveals Gellar, to a shocked Augustus. Augustus stares at Gellar, blankly, with no emotion, knowing that he is screwed.

As the girls are driving down the road that Nelly insists that the cabin is located on, the sky grows gloomy. After about sixteen minutes of driving, rain starts to pour down from the sky, as thunder and lightening accompany it. "Great", whispers Jennifer under her breath, sarcastically. Nelly tells Victoria that the cabin is right around the upcoming corner. As the car turns the corner, the girls lay their eyes on the cabin that Julianna is apparently trapped in. The three angry girls exit the vehicle, into the pouring rain but they don't care. Jennifer runs towards the wooden door of the cabin and attempts to open it. The door is locked. She moans in frustration as Victoria calls out Julianna's name. After many minutes of trying, Jennifer finally opens the door, as the three girls enter the cabin. They all call for Julianna, desperately seeking an answer. There is none. After searching every single room of the cabin, Jennifer comes to the conclusion that they have been tricked by the killer and that Julianna is probably gone forever. As they are all about yo give up and leave, Julianna emerges from the basement of the cabin, holding a baseball bat, ready to swing it. "What the hell are you guys doing here?", asks Julianna, thankful that it isn't a burglar. "Jul! We thought you were kidnapped by the killer!", announces Jennifer, with a sound of relief in her voice. Julianna giggles. "No, idiots. After Nick, Jen and I went to club, Nick and I came here for the weekend to get away from the commotion at New Quay. We decided to turn off our cell phones, so we couldn't be disturbed. Nick's downstairs. Thank you for worrying, but I'm totally fine", smiles Julianna, happy that her friends care for her. "Thank god, we were terrified", says Victoria, hugging Julianna. As the four girls are catching up, discussing things from Mollie's death to Julianna and Nick's relationship, Jennifer announces that she smells a strange smell. "Yeah, what is that?", says Nelly, smelling it too. "Smells like petrol", states Victoria, curious as to what the smell is and where it's coming from. "No, I smell smoke", says Julianna as her face drops, realising that the smell is coming from the front door. The girls rush towards it, to find the porch covered in flames and petrol. They all attempt to escape, but Nelly discovers that the flames are all around the cabin. There is no way out. Julianna, Victoria, Nelly and Jennifer stare at each other, knowing that their lives are in danger.

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