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"Good morning, Jen", smiles Victoria, trying to move past the events of last night. "Do you want any breakfast? I'm going to go and get some coffee", states Victoria. "No thanks", mumbles Jennifer, incoherently. Victoria walks down the marble white stairs of the DMZ sorority house and opens the front door. There are at least two dozen people on the lawn. Reporters, police officers, coroners and Aria. "Hi!", perks Aria, introducing herself to Victoria. "Hey. Who are you exactly?", questions Victoria, who stares at Aria with a black expression. "I'm Aria. I just enrolled here, I'm a junior. I think you actually know my cousin, Augustus", states Aria, who peeks over Victoria's shoulder to have a look at what the inside of the sorority house looks like. "Nice to meet you Aria. Why are you here? You do know this is a crime scene, right?". "Yeah, I heard. The poor guy. Anyway, I actually would like to pledge", announces Aria, to a taken back Victoria. "We don't make girls pledge. If you want to join, all you have to do is pick a bedroom", smiled Victoria, pointing up to the direction of the bedrooms. "Oh. Thank you! We'll have a blast!", shrieks Aria, who enters the house, alone. Aria closes the door behind herself and texts somebody : "I'm in. This is working out perfectly".

Jennifer exits her bedroom, wearing her pyjamas. She walks down the stairs and spots Aria standing in the middle of the foyer with a red suitcase. Jennifer jumps. "Jesus. Who the hell are you?!", pants Jennifer, holding her chest. "Oh, I didn't mean to startle you, sorry. I'm Aria. I talked to Victoria and she said that I didn't have to pledge", smiles Aria. "Right, yeah. So...welcome. If you need any help, ask someone but me", mutters Jennifer, who isn't in a very positive mood. Aria's walks up the stairs and chooses a coral colored bedroom. "Perfect", whispers Aria to herself. Aria puts her rather large suitcase on the bed and takes out her cell phone. She dials somebody's number and begins a conversation. "You there? You have to mend that relationship between you and Connor", states a bossy Aria to Fredrick. "Why?". "Because he is important to my plan. Just do it. No more questions", grinds Aria, who disconnects the call between her and Fredrick.

Connor arrives at his former dorm room, where Fredrick is sitting on the couch...waiting for him. "You're really moving out?", asks Fredrick. "Yeah. Deal with it", snarks Connor. Fredrick hops up off the bed and sighs. "Listen, Con, I was just in a really bad freaking mood last night, I'm sorry. I really don't want you to go. And, you're pretty much the only guy on campus who can tolerate me", smiles Fredrick. Connor accepts Fredrick and the two former fraternity brothers "bro hug".

Jennifer is in her kitchen. She walks towards the refrigerator and notices that there is nothing in it. "Shoot", mumbles Jennifer, who wanted to put milk into her coffee. She pulls out her cell phone and as she is about to text Victoria to get some groceries...Jennifer receives a text. A sinister, ominous text...with a picture. The picture is of the killer in the back seat of Victoria's car, as she is driving. "She'll be dead soon. You all will be", reads the text. Immediately after reviewing the killer's text message, Jennifer calls Victoria, who picks up on her speaker. "Hey, Jen. Change your mind on that coffee?". "Vic, listen, get out of the car. The killer is in the backseat", warns Jennifer. Victoria checks behind her seat. Nothing. "Jen, there's nobody in the car but me. I just checked", expresses Victoria. "What?" breaths Jennifer down the phone. All of a sudden, Victoria screams, as she notices a person standing in the middle of the road. She slams on the car's breaks and successfully misses the deluded figure. After stopping, Victoria realises that the person is dressed as The White Killer. They are holding a sign. Victoria squints and realises what the sign says, "Hey Vicky". She screams, as the killer comes racing towards the car, with a knife. She presses her foot violently on the acceleration and she drives towards the killer. She narrowly misses them, and races home to the sorority house.

Victoria runs into the DMZ house, locks the door behind her, and hugs Jennifer. "Oh gosh, Vic, are you alright?", asks a concerned Jennifer. "No. The killer had a sign that said, Hey Vicky. The only person in this planet that ever called me Vicky was Donal", cries Victoria. "Don't cry, the physco is just trying to mess with you", comforts Jennifer. "While you were on your way home...I came up with a plan to finally outsmart the killer and find out who they are", reveals Jennifer, who looks at Victoria, confidently. "What is it?", asks an intrigued Victoria. "I'm going to fake my death but let everyone believe that I actually am dead. I'll hideout and watch everything from afar. That way, I could catch the killer in one of their acts", smirks Jennifer, who believes her plan could work. "Wow. That's so clever. You have to do it. One thing, how are you going to fake your death?", asks Victoria. "I already have that covered, I'm going to make it look like I through myself into the river behind the house. I leave a note saying how the pressure of the murders drove me over the edge. It's the perfect plan", smiles Jennifer. "It is", agrees Victoria.

Nick lies on his hospital bed, still unconscious. Two people enter his room. One is a nurse. "He should be ok", assures the nurse, to the other person. The person sits on a chair next to Nick's bed and says, "You better wake up". The person is Aria. She leans in towards Nick and kisses him. Aria whispers, "I love you" to Nick and she holds his hand. Suddenly, Aria feels Nick grip her hand. Her eyes light up, as Nick opens his eyes.

Killer On Sorority RowWhere stories live. Discover now