The Fraternity Brothers

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Dean Roth, the very strict and harsh dean of New Quay, exits her office, a few minutes after Victoria did. As she locks her office door for the night, she hears a scream coming from the direction of the main square on campus. She walks over to the sound's location rather quickly and finds it deserted. She questions if she didn't actually hear a sound and that she is just tired. When she is about to turn around and walk to her car, to drive home, she notices Victoria running into the library, being persuade by a person in a long, white, ghostly cloak. She pulls out her cell phone and takes a picture of the killer, guessing that they are the same person who killed Georgina, Mollie, Nelly and the multiple fraternity brothers. She then continues to call the police, hoping to finally stop the horrific events at her college. Right after she calls 911, she turns around and decides to drive to the library in an attempt to help Victoria. Driving along the deserted, dark and gloomy, Dean Roth, who's first name is Regina, suddenly and violently loses control of her vehicle after The White Killer appears in front of her yellow car. Regina screams, as her vehicle veers off the road and drives over the railing, into the river below. As the car sinks to the bed of the lake, Regina desperately attempts to exit the vehicle by opening the door. It's immovable. Regina screams as ice cold water fills the vehicle and she drowns, as the killer looks over the railing, and skips into the night's darkness.

The campus of New Quay is dead silent. The student body is shocked and devastated at the death of Dean Roth, however some immature and disrespectful students are jumping for joy, delighted that there is no more strict Dean. Victoria has slept on the floor in Jennifer's bedroom at the DMZ sorority house, following her traumatic night after being attacked by The White Killer. At 9am and in the kitchen, Victoria comes downstairs after about 3 hours of shut eye, and is greeted by a full English breakfast made by Jennifer, who is sitting on the marble island. Jennifer says, "Hey, how'd you sleep?". "Brilliantly", says Victoria, sarcastically. Julianna enters the house after her morning jog, sweaty, and she announces to the girls, "Have you heard? Dean Roth died last night. She and her car were found at the bottom of the lake near the library at around 3am by drunk party goers". Jennifer's face drops, as Victoria's eyes fill with tears. "Was it an accident?", asks Victoria, attempting to hold back the river, as she is sick of crying. "The police think it wasn't. They said that the road was in a perfect condition to drive and that it was a pretty clear night. My guess is that The White Killer got to her", answers Julianna, placing her hand on her heart, in sympathy. "Oh my god, poor woman", whispers Jennifer, placing her hand on Victoria's shoulder,showing her support. Julianna grabs a granola bar and goes upstairs to take a shower. "So, last night you said that the killer is a guy?", asks Jennifer, wondering if it was just an hunch. "Yeah, he had a y'know thing", says Victoria, not wanting to be crude. "Who could he be?", ponders Jennifer. "My bet is on that dick Connor, I mean he has a motive to hurt me. I told him I had an STD for god's sake!", states Victoria, convinced that Connor is guilty. "Well, it's not Augustus since he went to visit family in Florida after he got out. He really doesn't want to be here right now", announces Jennifer, defending her friend. "What about Fredrick? That idiot frat boy. He's always been a bit shady", states Jennifer, expressing her hatred for fraternity boys. "Yeah, but what motive would he have?", questions Victoria. "They've got to have a motive". "Well...didn't Julianna reject him a few months ago, when I wasn't here? Maybe that's his motive", smiles Jennifer, hoping to now have a lead. "Oh yeah, totally forgot about that. Should we go ask him some questions?". Jennifer nods.

Julianna exits the shower, her hair in strings from being drenched with water. After drying herself with a pink towel, she dries her hair with a hair dryer. Now being dry and looking normal, Julianna's phone beeps and she checks the text message. The message is from Nick and it says, "Thinking of you x". Julianna smiles and sends Nick a message saying, "Ahh same xxxxx". She smiles, feeling happy. Suddenly her mood changes when she realises that she hasn't had her period yet. She googles what it could mean and it says that she could possibly be expecting a child. Julianna's face drops, knowing her future could now be in jeopardy due to the soon possible arrival of a baby.

"Fredrick!", shouts Victoria in the college coffee house, The Bean. Fredrick says, "Victoria? What do you want?". "Can you, me and Jen talk in private? It's important", says Victoria, smiling, hoping to make Fredrick think its some dirty sex thing, since that is the kind of frat boy he is. Fredrick follows Victoria and Jennifer into a female bathroom stall and he smiles, thinking he is about to get lucky with two sorority girls. "Ugh, please you little pig. We need answers not sex", says Jennifer, being sassy. "Then, what the hell are we doing in a bathroom stall?!", asks Fredrick, disgusted. "Well, we have a little feeling that you or one of your surviving brother are the killer. Is that true?", asks Victoria, bluntly. "No! How could it be us? We all were attacked by that person, remember?", defends Fredrick. "Yeah, that's true. Sorry. We'll leave you to it, just don't ever think we want sex from something like you again. We aren't hoes", smiles Victoria, walking away, rolling her eyes.

As soon as the girls leave the bathroom, Fredrick locks the door and takes out his cell phone, which is black. He then texts an unknown person : "They are catching on...".

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