The Last Party

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Connor returns to a broken and shook New Quay, following news that Augustus turned himself in as The White Killer. Connor bumps into Fredrick, who is shaking and not acting like his usual cocky and confident self at all. "Are you alright?", questions a concerned Connor. Fredrick says nothing but he does shake his head. After his eyes begin to tear up, Fredrick shockingly says, "I have something to show you". Fredrick and Connor go to Fredrick's black Fiat, which was covered in brown sheets, to hide something. "What is it? Man, this better be good, I'm pretty tired", moans Connor, who had a rough flight back from New York. Fredrick pulls out his red laptop, which is made by a company called "H". Fredrick, reluctant turns on a video. Connor's face drops at the sight of the video. He vomits into a near by trash can. "What the fuck is that!?", screams a horrified Connor. "When you were gone, I was so bored and I wanted to have a little fun with those sorority girls. They were my targets because of what Victoria did to you. I put cameras in their bedrooms and bathrooms and I saw this in Julianna's bedroom. I think she had a miscarriage", admits Fredrick, feeling terrible. "Yeah, I can see that, but why bother putting cameras in like six rooms? That must've cost a fortune", suspiciously notes Connor. Fredrick looks on, looking worried and suspicious. 

"It is my of my utmost regret to announce that due to the horrible events that have occurred on campus, all classes are canceled until further notice", announces Dean McCarthy, over the campus's intercom. Cheers are hear throughout campus. "Why are they cancelling classes when Augustus has been caught?", asks Julianna, who has returned from hospital after her incident. Jennifer enters the house and announces, "Because he's been released. The police found texts on his phone from the killer that ordered Aug to admit to the killings, or he'd be killed. He's with his aunt right now". "So, the killer is still at large. Great", mutters Victoria, sarcastically. There's a sudden moment of silence in the room. Suddenly, there is a knock on the door. Jennifer, who is standing closest to it, answers. Behind the door stands Nick. Julianna's face drops. Jennifer invites Nick in and Victoria whispers, "Good luck, hon", as she and Jennifer go upstairs, leaving Julianna alone with  Nick, whose world is about to fall apart. Nick kisses his girlfriend, after not seeing her in almost a week. Julianna isn't into it. "Jules, what's wrong?", asks a concerned Nick. Julianna stares dead straight at the ground. "I, had a miscarriage", reveals Julianna, as tears from her eyes hit the floor. Nick takes a deep breath in, and holds Julianna's hand. "It's okay, it wasn't your fault". Julianna looks at him, and frowns - "Actually it was. I induced it, I'm so sorry". Nick drops Julianna's hand, as his face grows red with anger. "What? our baby's miscarriage?! You killed our baby?!", questions Nick, who cannot seem to digest the dreadful news. Julianna continues to apologise. Suddenly, Nick violently screams at Julianna and smashes a vase. "We're done, bitch", shouts Nick, as he exits the house. Julianna starts crying, again. All of a sudden, Julianna receives a shocking text, which holds the killer's identity. Julianna gasps, shocked. As soon as she sees the text, the killer bursts into the house via the back door and grabs Julianna. She screams. Victoria and Jennifer race downstairs, as they witness Julianna being kidnapped by The White Killer.

Augustus exits the police station with his Aunt Holly, who is questioning him about the killer. "Who is this person? Why are they doing this to you? I don't understand". "Neither do I, Holly. Neither do I", mutters Augustus, who frowns at the ground. Holly insists that Augustus leave the college campus for a while and come live with her in Atlanta for a few weeks. Augustus refuses. "I am not going to let the killer win, I'm staying right here". "Are you sure?", asks Holly, who is worried for her nephew's safety. Augustus nods. Holly plants a kiss on Augustus' cheek and she walks away, as Augustus walks the other way. As she is walking, Holly notices a party being held at a nearby fraternity house. Walking along the street, suddenly, the blaring music from the party is drowned out by piercing screams. Holly, who is a retired police officer, races in the direction of the screams and finds an absolute blood bath. Bodies are everywhere. Blood is everywhere. Silence. Holly walks around the crime scene, slowly. There are three bodies. All of a sudden, The White Killer appears from behind a closet door and attacks Holly with a hammer. The killer hits Holly over the head with the weapon, and she falls to the ground, lifeless.

A disguised person drags a black body bag into the middle of a green field. The person digs a deep hole about seven feet deep. There is a rock behind the hole. The person throws the body bag into the hole, and covers it up. After covering the hole up, the person carves words into the rock. "Julianna Burton - Knew Too Much". It is Julianna's grave.

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