The Grave Cannot Hold You

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The day is gloomy. Rain, falling as fast as lightening, bounces off the concrete ground of the New Quay campus, as Aria's coffin is paraded down the long, bendy road, making it's way to the ever ominous and sinister cemetery, where Aria will be laid to rest, following her horrific passing. "Has anybody heard anything about Nick?", questions Victoria, who is marching behind the coffin, along with Julianna, Jennifer, Fredrick, Connor and Augustus. "No. He's disappeared", mumbles Julianna, grasping Jennifer's right arm, for moral support.

Augustus throws a prickly, blood red rose into a six feet deep hole in the middle of the eerie cemetery. Aria's dark, hardwood, coffin is then covered in soaked mud, creating a sludgy pile of dirt on top of Aria's final resting place. Following multiple moments of throwing sludge atop of Aria's coffin, the hole is covered up and Aria is finally put to rest. Jennifer lays her red, tearful, eyes upon Augustus, who's Adam's apple is moving up and down, signifying that he is holding back a tremendous amount of tears. As people begin to leave the burial site, Jennifer walks towards Augustus, who is kneeling in front of Aria's marble gravestone. "What did she do to deserve such a horrible death?", cries Augustus, who's flood gates open, as he buries his head in Jennifer's right shoulder. "I don't know, Aug. It's all gonna be okay. The police are gonna find Nick and they're gonna gas him", assures Jennifer, who strokes Augustus's head, gently.


"Students of New Quay", announces the dean across the intercom that is played throughout campus. "Since nobody has been killed in almost a month, I am going to allow Spring Break to occur. However, if you spot any person who looks remotely like...y'know, then contact the law enforcement immediately". Cheers are heard throughout New Quay, as students revel in some good news. "So, what do you think we should do for Spring Break?!", shrieks an excited Victoria. Jennifer and Julianna, both simultaneously stare at Victoria, with a puzzled look smeared across their faces. "Vic, I don't think we should do anything. Just because the majority of people on campus have forgotten about the killer, doesn't mean I have. I'm still terrified every time I hear a door creek", stutters Jennifer. Julianna agrees with Jennifer. "Ugh, fine", mutters a clearly irritated Victoria, wearing a rather revealing dress and staggering high heels, she exits the DMZ sorority house. "Who's she trying to impress?", laughs Julianna.

At 10:13PM, Victoria struggles to walk across the New Quay main square in her high heels and short, revealing dress. Taking her cell phone out, Victoria texts a contact which she has named, "Hot Stuff", in her cell phone. "I'll be there soon", reads the vague text. About three seconds after typing the message, a male hand grabs Victoria's mouth, possibly to prevent her from screaming, and pulls her into a dark alleyway.

"Hey! You guys made it!", smiles Julianna, as she invited Augustus and Connor inside into the sorority house. "Hey guys", greets Jennifer. "So, why did you girls want us to come over?", questions Connor, who fears he may become a victim of a sorority girl prank. "We were bored and thought we could all watch a film. We still don't feel safe, even though every idiot on campus is out partying", mumbles Jennifer, who throws herself on her couch and flicks though her Netflix cue. "Honestly, I don't think My Bloody Valentine is a great choice, considering the lives we all live", laughs Julianna. Jennifer agrees. After twenty minutes of decision making, the four friends decide to watch Titanic because Julianna and Jennifer wanted to watch a romantic film and Connor and Augustus wanted to watch anything but a chick flick.

About six minutes into the film, Jennifer spots something moving in the bushes outside the house, through the long, clear, vertical window placed right beside the flat screen television on the wall. Jennifer pauses Titanic, and mentions that she has seen something to her peers. "It's a windy night, of course the bushes moved",  mentions the in denial Connor. "No, I saw something or someone", fears Jennifer. She walks towards the window and places her hand on it, creating her handprint. All of a sudden, The White Killer pops up, out of the blue, as Jennifer screams. Connor, Augustus and Julianna also scream in unison. The killer smashes the window and enters the household. Creating deafening screams, Jennifer instructs her three friends to exit the house. They do, as Jennifer follows close behind. "Come on, Jen! Come on!", shrieks a petrified Julianna, who grabs Jennifer's arm and runs into the dead of night. With the killer pursuing the four possible victims, the group splits up. Augustus and Julianna race into the gloomy woods, in hopes of loosing the demented murderer, as Connor and Jennifer run towards the Main Street of New Quay, praying that The White Killer will panic and stop chasing them, fearing spectators. The killer decides to pursue Augustus and Jennifer. When the two terrified friends arrive on the Main Street, they find it dead silent. "Where is everyone?!", panics Jennifer. "We can hide in here!", announces Connor, as he points at an abandoned face painting store. As the killer notices that the two are entering the face painting store, they stop chasing Connor and Jennifer.

Hidden inside the dark and dusty abandoned store, Jennifer attempts to turn on a light, but fails, as Connor states that there is no electricity. All of a sudden, Connor's theory is proven false. An old, seventies themed, television set turns on, automatically. Screened is a live broadcast on the killer's "disappearance". Dale is reporting, while Cyndi is working the camera. " did that turn on?!", questions Connor. "I don't know, but I'm sure the killer wants us to see something", reveals Jennifer, who is cringing at what might just happen on the television screen. As Dale is reporting, Cyndi's piercing scream behind the camera is heard, as The White Killer appears behind Dale and drives their sharp, deadly knife through the back of Dale's neck. His blood sprays onto the camera. The killer then proceeds to beat Cyndi, live on camera, for the world to see. The world now knows that the killer has returned.

"Get off me you freak!", shrieks Victoria, who has been taken by surprise. As her fear dies down, she realises that she is completely safe. "Oh,it's you", smiles, a relieved Victoria. She proceeds to place a red lips, upon her 'captors'. Her kissing partner is Fredrick.

"Oh my god!", cries Jennifer, as she realises that this has all been apart of the killer's plan. Unable to take their eyes off of the screen, Connor and Jennifer continue to stare at it. As the beating of Cyndi is completed, the killer turns their attention to the camera screen. The White Killer dangles their blood soaked knife in front of the camera, knowing that Connor and Jennifer are watching. In their other hand, the killer lifts up a sheet of paper, which reads, "You are standing in clue No. 1". Jennifer's eyebrows raise, as she exclaims, "Oh my god, I think I've figured it out".

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