Under The Spotlight

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"This campus has been shaken to the core by the horrendous acts of violence that have occurred here. Car accidents, fires and most frightening of all - murder. Although the killer is yet to be caught, the students on this campus remain positive and happy. We will keep you updated as news of this horrific story unfolds", reports an ombré haired, tanned, thirty year old woman. "Great segment, Cyndi.", praises a chirpy also thirty year old man, Dale. "Thanks, hon. I'm so grateful we got this scoop! This could be our breakout story", smiles Cyndi, as she adjusts her make up. "Come on, let's pack up. We gotta head back to the hotel. I have a feeling this story will have a breakthrough soon", smirks Dale, as he kisses Cyndi, passionately. Following their amorous moment, Dale and Cyndi pack up their equipment into their van and begin to make the twenty minute drive back to West Valley, where their hotel is located. As the couple are discussing their new story, Dale hears a deafening scream coming from the DMZ sorority house. He slams his feet on the brakes of the van and he and Cyndi exit. Hoping for a progression in her story, Cyndi brings a camera. Victoria exits the house, crying and screaming. Dale rushes over to her and asks, "What's wrong? What happened?". Amid her broken breaths and gasps for air, Victoria mumbles, "Check upstairs". Cyndi places her hand on Victoria's back, as Dale races up the staircase of the sorority house. He enters Jennifer's room and finds nothing. He believes that he has been pranked. As he is about to exit, Dale catches a piece of paper lying on the bed from the corner of his eye. He walks towards the note and reads it. "You might believe what I have done is shocking but I couldn't take it anymore. Death is everywhere. As I watch it claim everyone around me, I accept it and allow it to come for me first" - reads the note. Dale soon realises that this is a suicide note. He smirks, knowing he now has another great story.

The next morning, all everyone on campus can talk about is Jennifer's suicide. Everyone is in complete awe. "How could she do such a thing? I thought she was fine", is the thoughts racing through every student of New Quay's minds. It seems with the shocking news, they have forgotten about the murders. Oblivious to the drama that is occurring on campus, Aria has stayed at Nick's bedside all night long. At 8.46am, an elderly nurse enters Nick's room and brings some splendid news. Nick will be allowed to go home. Aria hugs Nick telling him that everything is going according to plan. About an hour later, Aria aids Nick out of the hospital. "Do you remember what we talked about? Before this", grinds Aria, her eyes glaring at Nick. "Yes, I remember everything", mutters Nick, who doesn't seem very thrilled to be in Aria's company. "Then you know what you have to do right now. Or I will tell everyone", smirks Aria, controlling Nick. Nick nods his head. "Good. Everything is set up. All you have to do is go there and say the words. You got it?". Nick nods again, intimidated by what Aria has over him.

With the police now gone from the sorority house, Victoria is allowed back into the former "crime" scene. As soon as she closes the door, she takes out her cell phone and dials a number. Jennifer answers. "Holy shit, Jen! It worked. Everyone believes you're dead!", shrikes Victoria, almost child like. "Good. If everyone believes that, then the killer must as well", smiles Jennifer. "Where are you?", questions Victoria. "I'm in the woods, near enough where the cabin blew up. I have a birds eye view of the campus. It's the perfect location", reveals Jennifer. "Great, call me if you find out anything". "I will, promise", assures Jennifer, as she hangs up the call.

Hiding on the woods wearing dark clothes, Jennifer takes out a protein bar and a pair of binoculars from her backpack and starts spying on the students of New Quay. After about two hours of spying, Jennifer finds nothing suspicious. All she witnesses is a bunch of delusional freshman doing drugs behind the convenience store, trying to fit in. Jennifer sighs, frustrated that she hasn't found anything. Out of the blue, Jennifer notices a carving in a tree three feet away from her. She walks towards the carving, crushing twigs on the way and reads it. "2/3/11", reads the carving. Jennifer starts to cry and she holds her lower abdomen, as if to prevent herself from vomiting. The date is the day that her family was killed in a car accident. All of a sudden, Jennifer hears the rattling of bushes coming from behind her. She turns sharply and finds nothing. Suddenly, she hears a loud, "BOO!", from the other side of the tree and checks. Nothing. Jennifer notices another carving on the other side of the tree. "2/3/11 - Bet their not in heaven", reads the spooky poem. Jennifer looks at the carving, knowing that the killer knows something about her deceased family.

Sitting at the phone patiently waiting on a call from Jennifer, Victoria starts to loose her patience. Somebody knocks on the front door of the sorority house. Victoria answers the door and is disgusted to find Julianna standing on the other side. As she is about to slam the door shut, Julianna pleads, "Vic, please. Hear me out". Victoria sighs and allows Julianna inside. "I miss you, Vic. I promise I had no idea that it was you and Donal inside that movie theatre. If I knew, I wouldn't have gone through with it. God, I would allow the killer to kill me if it meant that you could be safe. I was so stupid. I'm so sorry", cries Julianna. Victoria smiles. "That's all I needed to hear". The two friends hug it out, as Julianna cries, relieved that Victoria has forgiven her. "So, I bought new heels and I'm not too sure how I feel about them. Could you give me your opinion?", asks Victoria. "Really? Even after what to Jen?". "Oh yeah, you don't know. Jen isn't dead. She came up with a plan to fake her death so she could find the killer, unnoticed. She's fine, I was on the phone with her this morning". Julianna is relieved again. She agrees to check out Victoria's new shoes. As they are walking up the stairs, Julianna spots a new picture. "Who's that?". "That's the new sister, Aria. She's Augustus' cousin", explains Victoria. In Victoria's bedroom, Victoria pulls out her new blood red high heels. Suddenly, Julianna gasps. "I remember". "The night I was kidnapped. I remember who kidnapped me. It was that girl Aria. That picture jogged my memory. She was the one who made me go the theatre. Vic, I think she's the killer", reveals a shocked Julianna to an even more shocked Victoria. "Oh my god. She's going to be here any minute", panics Victoria. "Listen, when I first came here. My father gave me a gun. He told me to use it if a frat boy ever wanted to rape me or something. I'll go get it", reveals Julianna, as she goes to her room to retrieve her weapon. She grabs it, as Victoria hears Aria come in the front door. The two girls slowly go down the stairs and Julianna points the gun at Aria, who is shocked, and says, "I know what you did to me". "You remember?", questions Aria.

Still shaken by the tree carving, Jennifer decides to browse the Internet on her cell phone. As she is browsing Facebook, she comes across a noteworthy post. "OMG. Nick has just told the cops that he is the killer. Guess we are all safe now!". Jennifer stares at the phone, wanting to believe that her nightmare is over, unbeknownst to her that Aria forced Nick to confess.

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