Blood is Thicker Than Water

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There is a knife impaled in Victoria's ankle. She cannot move. "Why...why are you doing this?!", cries Victoria to the killer, who stands above her, as she sweats in terror. The killer stays dead silent, as they drag the blade out of Victoria's ankle, slowly and extremely painfully. She screams a deafening scream, which could smash glass into a million pieces. The killer drops the knife and picks Victoria's immovable body up. She screams, as the killer engages physical contact with her. The killer places duck tape around Victoria's mouth, to prevent her from drawing attention via her loud screams. The killer, who has Victoria carried across their shoulder, exist Victoria's bloody bedroom and walks down the stairs of the DMZ sorority house, where Julianna's body lies. Laying her eyes upon one of her best friend's in a horrific situation, Victoria screeches, again. However, her scream is muffled due to the duck tape around her mouth. All of a sudden, Victoria is knocked unconscious. The White Killer dipped the duck tape in gas. Victoria, however, can still hear sounds. Sounds that she hears include, the ignition of a car engine starting, crows, and the sound of digging. Suddenly, Victoria awakens due to the fact that she has been thrown off of the killer's grasp. Thinking that she is safe, Victoria breaths a sigh of relief. But then, she opens her eyes. Victoria is laying, horizontally in a wooden box. Her eyes widen as she realises her situation. She is in a coffin. "Help!! Help me!!", screams Victoria, banging on the coffin's wooden interior, desperately seeking help. She then hears the sound of something hitting off the other side of the coffin. "Oh my god!", pierces Victoria, as she realises that she has been buried alive by The White Killer.

"Julianna!!", shouts Fredrick, who finds Julianna's bloody situation at the end of the staircase of the sorority house. "What the hell happened?", shrikes Fredrick, who feels a little weak due to the amount of blood on the floor. "The killer happened", mentions Julianna, who is alive.


Jennifer, who is locked inside the female bathroom of the New Quay Science Facility Building, starts to shake in fear, as she is alone with one of the killers. "Please, take of your mask. It's over", pleads Jennifer, who is desperately attempting not to vomit from fear and anxiety. The White Killer, gowned in an all white outfit, and the ominous white mask, reaches towards the left side of their mask, ready to reveal themselves. Jennifer takes a heavy, deep breath in, as she prepares to finally know who the killer is. Suddenly, somebody else enters the bathroom. "What the hell are you doing here?! Go! Get help!", panics Jennifer, to the man. Augustus. "Don't take off the mask. It's not your time. Leave", smirks Augustus, who instructs the killer to leave, with their mask still on. They do. "How, how did you do that?", smiles Jennifer, thankful that Augustus has found her. As she gets up to give her saviour a well deserved hug, Augustus drops a bombshell. "Are you seriously that fucking dumb? Hello!! I AM the killer", reveals Augustus, the insanity making his usually soft voice sounding frighteningly familiar, different. "What?", shakes Jennifer, as her breath trembles. "Yes, yes, sister". "Si...sister?", questions Jennifer, as she falls to the floor, betrayed and stunned. "Okay, you seriously have a low IQ, don't you? I am Holden, your fucking brother", smiles Holden, revealing that Augustus was just an alias. "How? You look completely different", mentions Jennifer, sweating. "Well, Jennifer, dear sister. After mommy and daddy dearest died, I murdered Nana. And we all know how wealthy that old bitch was. I took all her funds and got myself a new face. Handsome, don't you think?", reveals the vain Holden, who touches his plastic surgery given face. "I got everything in Nana's will", questions Jennifer, her eyes thinning due to suspicions. "Yes, but you put all of it into the bank. And I came along and stole every last god damn penny", smirks Holden, devilishly. "Why? Why have you tortured me and my friends for so long? I want to know, I need to know", pleads Jennifer, as she leans against the bathroom wall, trying to digest all of the information that has just hit her. "It's simple, really. YOU were the reason that mom and dad died. It was your fault", shouts Holden, who's face turns red with rage. "What? How was it my fault? I wasn't even in the house!", explains Jennifer, trying to correct her insane sibling. "Don't give me that bullshit. YOU are clearly the person who attacked mom dad and me that night in 2011. We were running from you, when we got into that car. I realised that after the funeral", states Holden, who believes that Jennifer is the reason that their parents are now dead. "Holden, I promise you, I wasn't in the house that night. I was the person that dad swerved to avoid", cries Jennifer, who's memories have been completely tarnished by Holden's reveal. "What? So it was your fault! You bitch. I am going to enjoy watching you bleed out!", screams Holden, who is viciously angry. "No!", shrikes Jennifer, as Holden races towards her, wielding a knife. Jennifer dodges her sibling's attempt at killing her and she continue to attack Holden. After entering a scuffle, Jennifer realises that Holden is just too strong for her and he pins both her arms to the floor, as he raises his knife and drives it into Jennifer's stomach. She screams in agony. "Now, I'm going to watch. It's a shame I don't have popcorn", smiles the physcotic Holden, as he licks the blood off of his knife. Jennifer, who's lying on the floor, bleeding out, begins to cry, feeling that her life is about to end. "Oh!", pipes Holden. "I almost forgot! I have a fun surprise for you!". Holden opens one of the stalls in the bathroom, and he drags out Connor, who has clearly been beaten and tortured within an inch of his life. "You get to watch him die! How nice!", reveals Holden, as he places a knife to Connor's throat. Connor and Jennifer look into each other's eyes, as Jennifer nods at Connor, hatching a plan. "Say b-bye to Connor, Jennifer! hehe!", shrikes Holden, as Connor suddenly lunges back towards the window. Holden reacts with a loud, "NO!", as Holden is thrown through the glass window of the bathroom. Connor stares out the window, as a loud thump is heard coming from below. Holden lies lifeless on the concrete ground below. Jennifer breaths, another, sigh of relief, as she crawls her way towards Connor and the window. "B-bye, you fucking bastered", smiles Jennifer, knowing that Holden can't hurt her or her friends anymore."Th...thank you, Con", smiles Jennifer, as she kisses her saviour on the lips. "What was that?", laughs Connor. "A thank you", replies Jennifer, who calls 911 on her cell phone.

"I can't believe this year's over!", smiles Jennifer, who is in full health again, as is Connor. Julianna is in a wheelchair. "I just wish that Vic could be here. I'm glad she's home with her family but it would've been nice to see her today", sighs Jennifer, unbeknownst to her that Victoria is still buried inside the coffin. Fredrick enters the DMZ sorority house, revealing some disturbing news. "I went to Victoria's parents house, to check up on her. She isn't there. Nobody has seen her in three week", reveals Fredrick, worried about his girlfriend. "What? Oh my god", says Jennifer. Suddenly, the refrigerator opens, and an item falls out. "What's that?", questions Julianna. "It's a severed hand", reveals Jennifer, who hesitantly walks towards the hand, which has a note on it. 'Holden may be in a coma, but I'm free as a bird. It's all starting again. Holden's mask may have come off but the madness has only just begun. It's time for chapter 2', reads the
ominous note. Jennifer throws the note on the floor and announces to Connor, Julianna and Fredrick, "It's not over".

A dark basement. Connor, Julianna and Jennifer are chained to the wall, all clearly in pain. A door opens, as two people walk down into the basement. One of them is Holden, the other one is the second killer. Holden bends down in front of Jennifer and smacks her right across her face. "Bitch. Wake up. Do you want to know who the second killer is?", whispers Holden, slyly. Jennifer nods. "Well, I can't just let you find out. The identity comes with a price. The price is up to you. You get to choose who dies! Connor, you're loving boyfriend or Julianna, you're best friend", reveals Holden, who holds a knife. "I won't do it, you can't make me", moans Jennifer. "Fine, then they both die!". "Wait! Kill me. Julianna doesn't deserve it", states Connor, who sacrifices himself for Jennifer and Julianna. "No!", screams Jennifer, her voice cracking from her tears. Holden hands the knife to the second killer. They walk towards Connor and place the knife to his throat. Connor mouths, "I love you", to Jennifer, as the killer slices his throat open, killing him instantly. As Connor's lifeless body drops to the ground, the killer takes off their mask. Jennifer's eyes widen, shocked, as she states, "That's not possible".

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