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"Listen young lady, you are not allowed to go to Palm Springs with some possible lunatic that you just met!", exclaims Audrey Richards, Jennifer's strict, sophisticated, levelheaded mother. "Why don't you ever let me do something fun?!", bitches a teenage Jennifer, who is wearing a rather revealing, leather skirt along with a crop top, which is barley covering her chest. "Because if something horrible happened to you if I just let you go with that man to California, I wouldn't be able to live with myself! Now, go to your room. You're not coming to Orlando with us tomorrow. You will stay here, with Nana", reveals Audrey, who is fixing her hair through her reflection in the marble countertops of her kitchen. Jennifer, extremely agitated, races up to her room, crying and she slams the wooden bedroom door shut. Oliver Richards, Jennifer's nicer, low paid parent, comes downstairs after witnessing his daughter race past him, very upset. "Oli, was I too harsh on her? I'm just doing it for her own good", questions Audrey, who places her head in her hands. "Darling, you needed to be harsh on her", smiles Oliver. "Now! We better get packing, we have a flight to catch tomorrow!", pipes Oliver, as he hugs his wife.

The muffled sounds of Jennifer crying into her pillow are heard throughout her home. She is very upset. Walking past his sister's bedroom door, Holden Richards, who is two years older than Jennifer, hears his sibling's muffled crying and sniffs. He enters her lilac bedroom, laying his eyes upon Jennifer standing in front of her vanity, wearing an outfit, entirely colored in black. "I thought I heard you crying", states Holden, taken aback at what he is seeing. "Yeah, you did. I'm leaving. I just need to go and get some fresh air. Mom banned me from going to Florida tomorrow. Please don't tell them I'm gone. I'll be back in about an hour", pleads Jennifer, who's eyes are as red as blood from her tears. "Sure. I won't say anything", promises Holden, as he leaves Jennifer's bedroom, closing her door. Jennifer leaves the house through her bedroom window.

As he is walking down the long hallway of the three bedroomed semi detached house, Holden stops in his tracks, believing he has heard a noise behind him.  As fear overwhelms his emotions, Holden turns around and decides to inspect the strange sound. The dark, long hallway feels empty, but Holden believes that he is not alone. He walks to the very end of the hallway, where a door to the house's closet lies. Hesitantly, Holden places his left hand, which has a tattoo of a "H" on it, on the sliver, diamond, door knob. Slowly twisting the door handle, Holden opens the door. Suddenly, a hand grabs him, as he screams, releasing fear throughout the household.

"Did you hear that?!", freaks Audrey, as Oliver agrees and calls, "Holden!", hoping for a response that could be laughed about later. "He's not responding", whispers Audrey, who is terrified at what lies upstairs in her own home. The married couple, slowly, walk up the wooden stairs of their home, entering the hallway where Holden was before his scare. Audrey walls behind Oliver, clinging onto his red, cotton shirt, using it as a coping mechanism for her fear. "Where's Holden?", whispers Audrey, with fear making her voice sound oddly different. "I don't know", responds Oliver, who holds a baseball bat, across his left shoulder, ready to harm someone if they have harmed Holden. Oliver twists the same  door handle as Holden, and opens the door, with Audrey squinting, as if watching a horror film. Behind the door, lies a dark, gloomy, and damp, pig carcass. Audrey screams, as she is an activist for animal safety. Oliver does everything in his power to prevent himself from vomiting, but fails, reproducing his dinner all over the carpeted floor. Getting over the initial disgust and shock of finding the dead pig, Audrey asks the question that appears to be asked quiet often, "Where is Holden?!". Almost immediately after asking the question, a human, dressed in the exact same costume that the White Killer wears in present day, jumps over the pig's body, and pins Audrey to the floor. She screams a demeaning scream, as she fights off the home invader. Holden appears from Jennifer's bedroom. "I thought you guys were at Nana's! I saw that fucker and hid in here!", screams Holden, as he attacks The White Killer. Audrey, now free from the killer's grasps, gets up off of the floor and races towards the front door of the home. Oliver and Holden follow, with the killer on the floor. "Wait! What about Jen?!", shouts Oliver, remembering his daughter. "She's not here. She snuck out!", reveals Holden, who desperately races to the family Mercedes car, with his parents. Oliver gets inside the vehicle, deciding to be the driver, as Holden sits in the passenger seat, and Audrey sits in the back of the car. Pressing the ignition, Oliver and his family get away from the physcopath, who narrowly missed their opportunity to kill the Richards family.

"What the fuck was that?!", panics Oliver, as he drives down the road, during a foggy night. "I don't know, but I sure as hell am not going back there", mutters Audrey, who mentions that she will call Jennifer when they stop for gas. "Hey, dad, you're kind of going a little too fast. This is a country road. The speed limit is 50, you're doing 86", states Holden, who desperately wants his father to slow the fast paced vehicle down. "Listen, Holden! I am not slowing dow-", Oliver's sentence is interrupted by a girl crossing the street in front of him. Not wanting to kill the passerby, Oliver swerves the vehicle to the left, causing it to spin wildly out of control. The entire family scream, as the car enters the air, spiralling up and down. After flying through the air, upside down, the car smashes onto the Tarmac ground of the remote country road. Audrey is thrown though the windshield of the vehicle - being killed instantly. Oliver's stomach is impaled by the PRNDR - killing him. Holden's neck suffers great damage, as he is killed by whiplash.

The girl who was crossing the street, races towards the area where the crashed vehicle landed. She runs as fast as she can, in her high heels, and comes to the aid of the three victims. It's too late. Suddenly, the girl realizes that she recognises the car and the people inside it. The girl is Jennifer. Jennifer breaks down in tears, as she shakes uncontrollably.

The funeral of Audrey,Oliver and Holden Richards arrives. The sun splits the stones, as the three coffins are carried through the cemetery, six kilometres from Jennifer's home. She walks behind her brother's coffin, putting on a brave face, as the spectators mutter sentences such as, "She's so strong" and "She's must've killed them for money!". After being paraded across the eerie cemetery, Audrey's coffin is laid into the ground first, followed by Oliver's, then Holden's. "Jennifer, would you like to give your family members one final gift?", asks the priest. Jennifer nods, throwing three beautiful roses into the six foot hole, her tears fall into the hole, also, as she says her final goodbyes to her mother, father and brother. Behind her, The White Killer lurks, hiding themselves behind a large tree trunk, staring ominously at Jennifer.

In the face painting shop, Jennifer and Connor have just watched the deaths of Cyndi and Dale. "I think I've figured it out", announces Jennifer, as she turns around and stares at Connor. "What?", asks Connor. "When I was thirteen, my father took me to a face painting store, and I got my face painted as a ghost. My face was painted entirely white. He always hated the news and any reporter that was on the television. And, he loved murder novels", stares Jennifer blankly. "What are you saying, Jen?", questions Connor. "I think my father's the killer".

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