My Victim

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"I was so stupid", mumbles Jennifer. "I actually thought that I could outsmart the sick son of a bitch", laughs Jennifer, appearing to hold back her tears through laughter. "Jen, your plan was pretty clever. It just wasn't meant to work out", assures a sympathetic and caring Julianna, who strokes Jennifer's forehead. Victoria enters Jennifer's bedroom, laying her eyes upon Jennifer lying flat underneath her lilac bed sheets, as Julianna comforts her. "You have to take your meds in thirty minutes, ok?", reminds Victoria to Jennifer, who has been recovering from her wound for the best two days. Jennifer nods. "Do you want me to turn on Keeping Up With The Kardashians for you?", laughs Julianna, who cannot seem to understand how Jennifer receives entertainment from such horrible television shows. "Yeah, thanks". As Julianna switches the TV on using the remote control, she accidentally switches the channel from E! to Fox News. "Wait...wait. What is that?", asks a curious Jennifer, as she sits up in her bed, hoping to get a better view of the TV. "Jennifer Richards. The girl everyone believed to be dead, is alive. We, at Fox, have the exclusive interview with eye-witness, Augustus, Ms Richards' friends and classmates", reports Cyndi, as a disgusted Jennifer grabs the remote from Julianna and turns off the flat screen television. "He told the media. I thought I could trust him", grinds Jennifer, feeling angry and betrayed. Now the whole campus knows that Jennifer faked her death. Jennifer gets out of her bed, grabbing her injured area and speaks, "The only damn reason that I have been basically rotting in this bed for the past two days is because I didn't want anybody to see me. Now that everyone knows, there's no point anymore", rants Jennifer. "Jen, get back into bed. You have to", states Julianna, who tries to put Jennifer back to bed. Jennifer shoved Julianna, shouting, "Out of my way". Jennifer leaves her bedroom, extremely angered.

Staggering downstairs, Jennifer finds Aria, Fredrick, Connor and Victoria all sitting around the coffee table, discussing their plans. "Wait so, Jennifer faked her own death because she thought she'd catch the killer in action?", questions Fredrick, who laughs at the ridiculous plan. "Yeah, that's exactly what I thought, dick", mutters Jennifer, revealing to the group that she is out of bed. "Jen, you should be in bed", smiles Connor. "No, I shouldn't. I should catch the sick basterd  who's killing people. We have bigger problems", snaps Jennifer, who has clearly been effected by Augustus' betrayal. Julianna enters the living room. Connor's cell phone rings. "Sorry guys, I'll take this into the kitchen", excuses Connor.

"Hello?". "Connor! It's Augustus. I need to ta-", Augustus is interrupted. "You have some nerve calling. You sold Jen out. What kind of a dickhead friend are you?!", shouts Connor down the end of the phone to Augustus. "I know, I regret it so much. You're in the DMZ house, right? Don't tell Jen but I'm coming over, I need to make things right", reveals Augustus, who cuts the call off before Connor can stop him from arriving.

After about six minutes, Augustus arrives at the DMZ sorority household. Jennifer, sitting in front of the large grand marble fireplace, spots Augustus' face through the winded left off the house's front door. "What the fuck is he doing here?". "I'll get rid of him", announces Julianna, who walks towards the door with her head held high, hoping to intimidate the slightly insecure Augustus. Julianna opens the door and says, "Please leave. Nobody wants you here". Her words cut deep like a knife into Augustus, who pleads, "I'm so sorry for what I did to Jennifer. I wasn't thinking straight I was in shock". "I don't care. And, I'm sure that Jen doesn't care eith-". Julianna is interrupted by heart stopping sight. The White Killer, appears behind Augustus, as Julianna screams, the killer's cape, elegantly and terrifying breezing behind them. Julianna forcefully and protect-filly, pulls Augustus into the sorority house, and bolts the door shut, using the lock underneath the door handle, and the one on top, connecting the door to the banister. The White Killer forcefully bashes the door with their knife and fists. Everybody inside the DMZ sorority house screams their lungs out. "What do we do?!", screams Aria, petrified, yet glad that Augustus is inside with her. Stepping up as leader, Jennifer announces, "The basement. The door has a really strong lock on it. Back in the 70s, the leader of this sorority put it in as a way of protecting herself from frat boys, let's go!", shouts Jennifer, as Aria, Julianna, Victoria, Connor, Fredrick, Augustus all race towards the basement's location, which is beneath the stairs, hidden by a coat rack.

With Aria being the last person to enter the dark, gloomy, forever spooky basement, Jennifer shuts the door and places the extremely strong lock's latch over it. Jennifer tells everyone to stay as quiet as possible. As the dead silence fills the room, all that can be heard is the tremoring breathing patterns of all the six students trapped. After what seems like an eternity being trapped inside the basement, Aria delicately whispers, "The banging stopped. Maybe they gave up". "There's no way in hell I'm going to check", states Victoria, who is standing in between Julianna and Jennifer, leaning her head on Julianna's shoulder. "Maybe Augustus should", announces Jennifer, wanting to punish him for what he has done to her. Augustus' eyes fill with fear as he says, "Fine I will, if it makes you forgive me". "It will", assures Jennifer. Augustus makes his way to the top of the basement's stairs, unlocks the door, opens the door, hesitantly, and he checks to see if The White Killer has indeed gone. After checking the entire house, Augustus returns to the basement and tells the remaining five that, "Everything's clear". Jennifer smiles, "Thank you, Aug". Jennifer and Augustus hug, meaning their previously tarnished relationship. Jennifer exits the basement first, Victoria second, Julianna third, Fredrick fourth and Aria fifth.

"Do you realise that everybody we know is in this room? What if the killer is someone that we don't know?", questions Jennifer, adding another worry onto her already heavy plate. "Nick isn't, he's still out there", mutters Julianna, not wanting to mention Nick. "Actually, I am!", shouts Nick, who emerges from the basement. The girls let out an extremely high pitched scream, the guys - a lower pitched one. "Bitch", expresses Nick, as he grabs Aria and pulls her back into the basement. Augustus screams, and races down the basement stairs hoping to save Aria. In the middle of the grey and damp basement, Nick holds Aria and knife point, with the knife placed gently on her throat. "Please don't", pleads Augustus. "But, I want to", says Nick, insanely. Nick lowers the knife from Aria's throat but proceeds to cut a large hole in her abdomen. Augustus screams, as he lays his eyes upon Aria's spleen. He gags in disgust, as Nick continues to slit Aria's throat, killing her. The blood from Aria's corpse flows onto the basement floor, creating a pool of blood around her mangled body. Nick escapes the scene through a smashed window, taking Aria's body over his shoulder. Augustus collapses to the ground, his hands accidentally landing in Aria's blood.

Jennifer helps Augustus out of the basement,crying over her friends loss. Julianna, Victoria, Fredrick and Connor stay quiet and still, not knowing what exactly to do during this gut wrenching situation. As Jennifer helps Augustus onto the sofa, her cell phone beeps. It's a picture message. The text shows a picture of Aria's corpse, and in her arms, a stuffed teddy bear. "Oh my god!", shrieks Jennifer. "What is it?!", asks Fredrick. "The killer has my childhood teddy bear, and he put it in Aria's arms". "The killer has a personal connection to me", reveals Jennifer.

Killer On Sorority RowWhere stories live. Discover now