College Drop Out

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Positive. Julianna's world comes crashing down around her as it is confirmed via her pregnancy test stick that she is indeed expecting a child - Nick's child. Julianna, who fears that her entire life is now over, begins to cry a river as long as the Nile. She stares emotionless at the positive pregnancy test. After twenty minutes of letting the life changing news sink in, the now expecting mother, exits the gymnasium bathroom stall where she took the test and looks at herself in the mirror and she gives herself an unhelpful, lame pep talk, which only makes Julianna feel worse about herself. "How am I going to tell Nick? He'll dump me", the thought of Nick's reaction to the news races through Julianna's boggled mind, as she exits the grotesque smelling restroom, faking a smile. With her earphones in, Julianna exits the bathroom to the rhythm of a Taylor Swift song. On the stairs to the entrance of the gym, Julianna is tapped on the shoulder by an awkwardly shy, innocent looking male. Eli James, the newly appointed Dean McCarthy's nephew. "Are you Julianna Button?", asks Eli, placing his eyes anywhere but on Julianna. "It's Burton, and yes, I am. Why?", asserts Julianna, who is not in the best of moods. "The Dean wants to see you in his office, now", mutters Eli, who's shyness is getting the better of him. Julianna sighs in annoyance. "It's probably do to with my amazing GPA", jokes Julianna, hoping to make herself feel better, as she walks in the direction of the Dean's office.

"So, if it's not that dweeb Fred - dick, then it must be Connor. He's the one who has a motive against us!", announces Victoria, making her certainty known. "Connors in New York", sighs Jennifer, knowing they have no leads. "Proof?", questions an inquisitive Victoria. Jennifer smiles and pulls out her phone from her white jeans pocket. She holds the phone up to Victoria's face and shows a picture that Connor posted on Facebook of him and the Statue of Liberty. Victoria laughs, "Well, we're not friends on Facebook".

As Jennifer is about to put her cell phone away, it beeps, alerting that she has received a message. Jennifer's face drops. The message is from The White Killer and it has a picture attached to it. "Drop out, or she dies", reads the sinister text. The picture shows a red dot on Victoria's back, that is emerging from a lethal gun. Victoria starts shaking and says, "What? What is it?". "Trust me and don't move", whispers Jennifer, with fear taking over her voice box. Jennifer starts typing a reply to the killer's text which reads, "Okay. I'll drop out". The red dot disappears from Victoria's back, as she falls into Jennifer's arms, thankful for what her best friend has just done for her. Jennifer starts crying, as she goes upstairs to pack her bag and drop out of New Quay College. When Jennifer comes downstairs she says her goodbyes to Victoria. While the girls are hugging, unbeknownst to them Fredrick enters the house via the backdoor and he puts cameras in all the girls' bedrooms. Before she leaves, Jennifer says she must use the restroom.

"Ms Burton, I'm going to get straight to the point...your grades are atrocious. Possibly the worst in the class. What is with you and your DMZ sisters? If you do not pass the next exam, I'll have no choice but to expel you. Now get out!", shouts Dean McCarthy. Julianna walks out of the office, without saying a word, horrified that her school career could prematurely end very soon. Thinking that her unborn baby is the reason for her failing college, Julianna walks to the library, which is still very eerie after Mollie's tragic death. At the deserted book graveyard, Julianna logs onto a public computer, and her hands start to shake violently as she types in possibly the worst words a person can type, "How To Kill An Unborn Baby". Julianna tears up, as she finds a way to end her pregnancy. She walks back to her bedroom, out of sight from her fellow sisters as she doesn't wish to answer questions. Julianna staggers upstairs to her bedroom and enters her bedroom. She walks towards her closet and pulls out a hangar. She stares at it, cries and then uses it. Victoria hears a deafening screech coming from Julianna's bedroom. She rushes upstairs, fearing the killer might be there, and enters to find the room covered in blood, as Julianna sits on her bed, crying and submerged in her own blood. Victoria calls the ambulance services and comforts Julianna.  

After his awkward discussion with Julianna, Eli walks away from the gym, holding his book and staring at the ground. As he makes his way to the science facility, Eli accidentally bumps into a person. He doesn't look the person in the face and  continues walking, at a slightly faster speed. All of a sudden, Eli's backpack is tugged and he is dragged into an ally. The person Eli bumped into was the killer. Eli is stabbed to death violently in the ally behind the college science facility as the killer drags Eli's body away.

Finishing up in the bathroom, Jennifer exits the stall. As she exits, she looks at the usually clean floor and notices a red dot on the white floor. She stares at it, curiously. Jennifer tilts her head up towards the mirror and is horrified to find a message written on the mirror in blood. "You ain't going anywhere, bitch", reads the blood red message. Sick of the killer's antics, Jennifer makes her way towards the police station and brings two police officers - a man and a woman - back to the bathroom. Shockingly, when the trio arrive back at the bathroom, the mirror is clean and the message is gone. Jennifer stares on in dismay, sick of the killer.

A man, wearing blue jeans and a red sweater, walks into the police station, right after Jennifer exits the building. He walks up to the front desk and makes a shocking revelation to the officer behind the desk. "It was me. I am the killer". The man is Augustus.

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