New Blood

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Three days. 72 hours. Multiple moments of recapping the past few months of the horrors that have occurred at New Quay. Nick, who Victoria discovered is one of the killers, is in a cold, isolated hospital room, in a coma. He lost ten litres of blood from Victoria stabbing him. He is in a critical condition. A nurse, with wavy blonde hair, enters Nick's room, to check his heart beat rate. As she is about to write down the results, the sound of high heels clattering off of the floor is heard from down the hall. Victoria enters the room, wearing staggering high heels. She smiles at the nurse, who is staring at Victoria, as if to say, "What are you doing here?". Victoria's smiles fades when she sees Nick in the bed. She sighs, turns her head to the nurse again and says, "Make sure he dies". Victoria giggles, smugly, and exits the hospital room. The sound of her high heels clatter against the tiled hospital floor once again, as she walks with her head held high. As Victoria exist the hospital, she finds Jennifer on her cell phone standing outside, waving her hands in the air to make sure no smoke from the people smoking cigarettes around her gets into her lungs. Victoria walks towards Jennifer and grabs her shoulder. "Get these fucking shoes off me! Who needs a killer when you've got these on your feet!", shrieks Victoria, who smiles, as she leans on Jennifer, taking her heels off. "Why did you even wear them? More to the point, why did you go in there?", asks the inquisitive Jennifer, who continues scrolling through her Twitter feed. "I had to be certain that Nick will die in there", shrugs Victoria, who thinks there is nothing wrong with that statement. "Don't stoop to his level. It's not worth it", says Jennifer, maturely, as she shakes her head. "Whatever, what's so interesting on your phone anyway? You haven't even looked me in the eye". "It's Augustus. He is not taking the news of his Aunt's death very well", reveals Jennifer, who sympathises for Augustus. "Oh", mutters Victoria.

As the two girls are walking by a park at 9:02pm - Jennifer carrying Victoria's high heels - Victoria screams. Jennifer jumps with fright. "What's wrong?!", shouts Jennifer, who has been on high alert since the killers were unmasked. "I stood on a god damn stone", screeches Victoria, as she rubs her injured bare foot. As Jennifer helps dust off the rock particles from Victoria's foot, she sees something shocking in the bushes. "Oh my god", exclaims Jennifer, as she points in the direction of an opening in the hedge. "I saw her. Julianna". "Don't be stupid. The police are scouring the earth for that bitch. Do you really think you would see her?", complains Victoria, who believes she has broken her foot. "Follow me", states Jennifer, as she grabs Victoria's left hand and runs towards the hedge opening.

Moving out of the DMZ sorority house, Connor and Fredrick now live in a dorm room. They are roommates. Connor enters the room and lays his eyes upon Fredrick, who is playing Grand Theft Auto on his Xbox. "Where were you?", questions Fredrick, who doesn't take his eyes off the TV screen, addicted to his video game. "The library. Trying to get a good education", bitches Connor. "Why bother? Classes are canceled, remember?". "Yeah, but Nick and Julianna were exposed. It won't be long before school starts up again", states a confident Connor. Fredrick doesn't reply, attempting to pass a difficult level on his game. Changing the subject entirely, Connor asks, abruptly, "Why didn't you help us save Victoria?". "Because I'm a dick. I thought you'd know that by now", mumbles Fredrick, who still hasn't looked at Connor. Angered, Connor walks to the TV and plugs out the electric wire, shutting the television off. "What the hell, dude?!". "Why didn't you help Victoria?!", shouts Connor, getting sick of Fredrick's antics. "The question should be why the fuck did you?! That little sorority slut said she had an STD and she scared the shit out of you, remember?!", roars Fredrick, stressed and pissed off that Connor turned off his game console. "I did it because I'm a good person. Unlike you. You know what?! Fuck this. I'm moving out in the morning", announces Connor, who slams his fist in the wall. "Good. I hate living with you", states Fredrick, his face red with anger. Connor walks towards the door, opens it, exits and slams it shut. Fredrick smiles, because he loves to wind people up. He pulls his phone out from his back pocket and types a text. "What's next?", reads the vague text.

Jennifer and Victoria continue pursuing a girl, who looks like Julianna in the dead of night, in the middle of a forest area. "Why are we chasing her, if it is her? Shouldn't we just go to the police. I mean, she could hurt us!", worries Victoria to Jennifer, who replies with, "I need some freaking answers. We still don't know why Julianna and Nick committed all those horrible murders". The girls run for about two minutes, until they find a note on the muddy and filthy ground. It reads : "Behind The Old Marine, find me". "She must be at the Old Marine, the bar. Let's go", exclaims Jennifer, as she drags herself and Victoria to the direction of the bar.

Augustus, who is lying on his bed, hears a knock on his dorm room door. His roommate, Arnold, has transferred to UCLA. Augustus gets up out of his bed, with his hair in a messy state and his clothes wrinkled and torn. He opens the door, and his face lights up. "Aria?! What are you doing here?! Come in!". On the other side of the door lies Ariana 'Aria' Carlson, Augustus's cousin. "Hey, A!", shrieks the excited Aria. "I'm enrolling here. My mom hit the bottle again and I needed to get out of that house. So, I decided to enrol here. Why not, you know?", reveals Aria, who hugs her cousin. "That's great! I'm glad your here", says Augustus, who is clearly not in the mood to celebrate. "Listen, there's actually another reason why I'm here. I heard about Holly, and I know how close you two were. I'm so sorry, she didn't deserve to go like that. It's horrible. I'm sure she's happy and safe now", smiles Aria, who curls her lips, hoping to stop tears from falling. "Yeah, she probably is", mumbles Augustus, who is still mourning his deceased aunt. "I'd love to stay here, but two people of different genders can't stay in the say room. Even when we' I'm going to pledge DMZ. That sorority intrigues me", announces Aria, who winks at Augustus, suspiciously, as she exits the room and makes her way to the DMZ house, to pledge.

A streetlight is the only light behind The Old Marine. The area is starting to get foggy, and creepy. "Okay, this is too scary for me", whispers Victoria, who stands behind Jennifer. "Hello?", shouts Jennifer, filling the empty space with the echoes of her voice. Suddenly, somebody emerges from the darkness, behind the streetlight. Victoria, gasps and emerges behind Jennifer, ready to hit the girl - Julianna. "Hey, guys", says Julianna, staring at the floor. "You bitch!", screams Victoria, who attempts to run towards Julianna and harm her for killing Donal. Jennifer stops her. "I'm sorry! Hear me out. When I was kidnapped by The White Killer, they used a voice disguiser and told me that if I didn't go to the movie theatre, where you and Donal were, the killer would kill me. I had no idea the people there were you and Donal. I found out after Nick killed Donal. I'm so sorry! I really am", reveals Julianna, who is not the killer. "What about Nick? He was there to. Is he the killer?", questions Jennifer, who is comforting Victoria, who is distraught at the thought of one of her best friends being involved in her boyfriend's death. "I have no idea how Nick is involved in this. I didn't even speak with him. I'm so sorry, again". Victoria, who collects her emotions, walks towards Julianna and spits in her face. "I hate you", mutters Victoria, to an obviously broken hearted Julianna. Jennifer grabs Victoria, without saying anything to Julianna, and takes her back to the sorority house. Julianna stands in the dark, crying her eyes out.

Aria, who is making her way towards the DMZ sorority house, receives a text on her cell phone. She takes her phone out. The text is from Fredrick - "What's next?". Aria smiles, devilishly, as she replies to the text.

"She is such a fucking bitch! To stand there and recall how my Donal was killed. How fucking dare her", rants Victoria to Jennifer. "I know, it's horrible. Let's just go home and get into bed, and deal with this tomorrow", states Jennifer. Victoria nods. As they make their way in the gates of the sorority house, Jennifer and Victoria scream, simultaneously. Arnold's, Augustus' roommate, body dangles from the roof of the patio of the house from a rope. Jennifer's phone beeps. She, reluctantly pulls out her phone. "Family is forever, and I'm just getting started", reads the text from The White Killer, which makes Jennifer's heart sink, knowing that the killings are about to start again.

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