Saying Goodbye

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The ominous smell of burning wood begins to fill the cabin, spreading rapidly. Jennifer, Julianna, Nelly, Victoria and Nick are all trapped inside the burning cabin. "How the hell are we gonna get out?", asks Victoria, angrily kicking at the locked front door. "I think somebody doesn't want us to", says Jennifer, staring at the ground, thinking that the killer has finally beat her. Nelly announces, "When my father and I used to come to the woods around here, I used to sneak in here and take the soda that the owners used to have in their refrigerator, I used to sneak in through the cat flap in the patio door. Maybe we can get out that way?". Jennifer leaps up from her seat and hugs Nelly, calling her a genius, which shocks Nelly since Jennifer had threatened her hours ago. As the deathly smoke begins to crawl into the lungs of the trapped students, they race towards the cat flap. As they reach the also wooden patio door, Julianna notices that Nick is not by her side. "Nick! He's not here! Where is he?!", panics Julianna, longing to find her boyfriend. As Nelly crawls out of the cat flap first, Jennifer and Victoria tell Julianna that if she goes back to look for Nick, she can guarantee that she won't make it out of the cabin alive. "I'm sorry, I done care!", states Julianna, as tears fill her eyes as she races into the living room of the cabin, engulfed in smoke, to find Nick.

Connor hasn't left his room since being told by Victoria that she is HIV positive and that she has transported the disease into him, which was a lie. Frederick enters Connor's rather small, grey colored room and says, "Me and the bros are heading for bowling, wanna come?". Connor rejects Fredrick's offer, by shaking his head. "Ugh, Con! You've been stuck up in this hole for nearly a week. Get over it! That little sorority bitch was probably bluffing, y'know those bitches...always lying. Come on, come out and have some fun", Fredrick says, hoping to make his 'brother' feel better. Connor eventually agrees to go bowling with his fraternity brothers. When Connor and Fredrick exit Connor's room, they find that the frat house is dead silent. "Where is everyone? I thought you said everyone was coming", questions Connor, thinking Fredrick is up to his old tricks. "No, I swear everyone was here when I came up here", says Fredrick, his voice shaking. The two fraternity brothers make their way down the hallway, into the main living area of the house. "Guys!", shouts Connor. "Ugh, I swear to god if those dicks ditched me I will make them pay", threatens Fredrick, angry at his frat brothers. Following his outburst, Connor draws Fredrick's attention to a puddle on the floor. "Wh...what's that?", asks Connor, fearing he may already know the answer. "It couldn't be...could it?", states Fredrick, slowing moving towards the puddle. When they reach the puddle, their fears are confirmed. The puddle is blood. "This is just a prank", assures Fredrick, "A sick, sick prank". "Come out, dweebs! I will guy you!!", laughs Fredrick, appreciating the creativeness of the 'prank'. Connor stands in the middle of the room, not sure if this is a prank or not. Fredrick makes his way towards the closet, where it seems that an unclear blood trail leads. He opens the closet door, slowly, expecting his fellow brothers to pop out and scare him. They do, but with a twist. Fredrick, with his husky deep voice, screams, as Connor covers his mouth, trapping his fear. The bodies of the six missing frat brothers tumble out of the closet, forming a bloody pile on the floor of the house. "What the fuck?!", shouts Fredrick, as he calls 911, as Connor races towards the front door, to get help. He opens the front door and as he is about to run, he bumps into a person - the killer. Wearing an all white, ghost like costume, with a spooky black mask, the killer punches Connor in the face and enters the frat house, to complete their collection of frat bodies.

"Well, son, you gonna talk?", asks Gellar, getting impatient with Augustus, as all signs point to him being the person who brutally murdered Georgina and Molly. "I had nothing to do with their deaths, I swear!", pleas Augustus. "Kid, if you don't start telling the truth, you could be adding YEARS to your already lengthy sentence", aggressively states Gellar, getting very bored of Augustus' pleas of innocence. "I didn't kill them. End of story", says Augustus, also getting sick of being falsely accused. "I am being framed!". A police woman enters the interrogation room, and whispers something unknown into Gellar's ear. "Alright kid, we'll have to end for today. But tomorrow, you better spill it, or else". Augustus stays silent, as he is dragged back to his horribly small cell.

"Should we go after her?", asks Victoria, looking out for her friend. "No. We can't risk our lives for her stupid decision", says Jennifer, not holding back, also coughing from the inhalation of smoke. Victoria agrees, as the two girls exit the burning cabin via the cat flap. Nelly is reunited with Jennifer and Victoria outside the burning cabin, which still occupies Nick and Julianna. "We have to get as far away from the cabin as possible, it will blow soon. There's a gas tank behind it", states Nelly, using her knowledge of the area. The trio race behind a bush about 20 meters away from the cabin, to watch and see if Nick and Julianna make it out alive. "She'll get out, right?", asks Victoria, requesting some reassurance. "Totally she always d-", Jennifer's sentence is interrupted by Nelly's scream. The killer emerges from the forest and grabs Nelly from behind. She screams, loudly, as Victoria and Jennifer also scream, simultaneously. "Guys! Help me!", chokes Nelly. The killer puts a silver knife up to Nelly's throat and slashes it, allowing the blood to flow onto to the ground. Victoria and Jennifer run in the opposite direction, fearing that they are next on the killer's hit list. They run deep into the woods, hoping to lose the pursuing murderer. They eventually find shelter behind a large rock, east of the cabin. Victoria starts to cry and shake, as Jennifer attempts to comfort her. The killer, wearing black combat boots, walks straight past the rock, missing the girls. As they know it is safe to do so, Jennifer and Victoria race back to where Nelly was murdered, in hopes of meeting Julianna and Nick. When they return, they find Nelly's lifeless body, facedown in her own blood. Victoria attempts to call the police but there is no cell service. As the girls contemplate how they are going to deal with the killer situation , they hear a horribly loud, ear piercing, sound coming from the cabin. Flames. Smoke. Ash. The cabin has exploded. Victoria and Jennifer scream, knowing that Julianna was inside, as they look at each other, wondering who the killer will pick off next.

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