16 Rain

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Sitting in the silence of your room,
Can you hear the deafening boom?

Listen and you will hear,
The sound of water droplets tip tapping,
Look and you can peer,
Downhill, a stream is gracefully flowing.
Take in a deep breath,
Smell the petrichor wafting in through a window.

Like a song, the rain is drip dropping,
Put down your book and fluff a pillow.
A phoenix song lulling you to sleep,
Where the wind and rain meet,
A world with oceans so deep,
And a midsummer with no heat.

A cool breeze blows, 
And a familiar feeling rises,
A melody your heart knows.
For in it you feel hope's surprises.

Brightened colours shining through,
Green and red, and purple too.
Puddles, pebbles, and skipping stones,
Rainbows, coffee, and scones.
Piping tea and steamy windows,
Reading books or watching tv shows.

Catching rain drops in your palm,
While watching water wend it's way.
Can work on the soul like a balm,
Bringing you a new dawn today.

Can work on the soul like a balm,Bringing you a new dawn today

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