35 Love in its purest form

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A tender touch,
A stolen kiss.
My head upon your shoulder.
A king and queen,
A royal team.
Together, the world we shall conquer.

Thorns and weeds stop us not,
For loves power slays more than the sharpest blade.
Trust me love, and you shall see what true power can do.

Fated we are to rise like the phoenix from the flames,
Forevermore unmatched, Forevermore united.

The moon and the stars sing to us,
A song of sweetest joys.
For once again we unite today,
After years and years apart.

Now focus love,
The future is ours,
Let's take up from the start.

Together we stand here today,
Bejewelled with smiles and honour.
Love hath won in the end.
Over trials and storms we conquer.


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Happy Valentine's Day 💌

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