55 Laaste lag

12 4 9

Daar was 'n tyd toe ek het gehelp,
Die mense sê ek nooit werk.
Ek sal probeer, ek belowe,
Maar hulle sê ek het geen eersug.
Hoe voel jy as 'n mens vir jou sê?
'Dis nie genoeg nie, ek wil meer hê.'

So lank as die son in die hemel sal skyn,
Sal ek vir u probeer, om meer te gee.
Maar, vandag het ek besef,
Jy niks in die wêreld verdien.
Want vir jou, al my inspanning, is net speeljies,
En eendag sal ek nooit vir jou beteken.
As jy nooit my werk herken.

So, ek los jy, op jou eie mors.
Nou hier's ek terug, 'n nuwe mens,
Kyk vir my nuwe lewens.
Die men's wat laaste lag, lag lekker,
Kyk nou weer, dra jou brille,
En jy sal met jou eie oë sien,
Dat ek lag lekker!


Last laugh

There was a time when I used to help,
People said I don't even work.
I will try, I promised,
But they said I didn't have any ambition.
How would you feel if someone says to you?
'It's not enough, I want more.'

For as long as the sun shines in the sky,
I will try to give you more.
But today, I realised,
You don't deserve anything in the world.
Because to you my hardwork is a game,
And one day I'll mean nothing to you.
Since you don't recognised my work.

So, I left you in your own mess,
Now I'm back, a new person.
Look at my new life,
The one who laughs last, laughs the hardest.
Look again, put on your glasses,
And with your own eyes you'll see,
I'm laughing the hardest!


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A/n: Just another attempt of mine at an Afrikaans poem... 😊 I'm trying something new.


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