22 When?

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When will I find what I search for?
Day and night,
To no avail.

From a world so far away,
I had ventured on to this Earth.
In search of a pair of eyes,
So rare, yet so common.
Lost to me after the war.
"Find me, remember me, if I ever get lost."
Those were his last words to me.

His eyes, however, are all I remember,
From the land where we once lived together.
Closing my eyes, I can see them clearly,
As if he's standing right in front of me,
I see their colour,
Chocolate brown and intense.
Yet, wherever I looked,
All I see to my heartbreak,
Are the copies of the pair I seek.

As if the photograph I have, was stolen and copied and dispersed through the land, to torture me with the lies, and deceit.
Tormenting me to a point of giving up.

Robbed of what was once uniquely mine,
I wander this planet alone,
In search of the original owner.

Those eyes you see,
Are the remnants of a clue,
The only one I have left,
To find my lost half.

Pieces of a puzzle that were scattered across the earth,
Continent to continent I cross,
Picking up pieces one-by-one,
Hoping that I have found them all.
Clues I have found,
Only to turn around and see just how far I am from the actual truth.

A pair of eyes so familiar,
They haunt me wherever I go.
So many people possess the same eyes,
It's difficult to recognise whom I should know.

As if fate teases me in a way so peculiar,
Making enigmatic jokes,
Mocking me with lies,
Fed on a platter of a gilded hoax.

O cruel one,
Hide no more, I plead.
Pity my heart and show

Thine eyes hath mine in search of thee.
Thy soul I recognise.
Thy presence I seek.

For the skies have signalled that I need to return,
To our home.
And I fear my dear,
I may soon leave,
While my search for you remains incomplete.

So now my dear,
I leave you a clue.
"Find me."
I whisper as I leave an image for him to find his way back to me.

"I whisper as I leave an image for him to find his way back to me

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Photo credit: Pinterest (AI version of Jin of BTS).

P.S. the photo inspired the poem 😊


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