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Driton is mine. For the others, i simply don't care.
The first mask that appears is a red neon mask and golden blonde hair behind Max.

I guess that's Athos. And Dorian and Niko. They don't wear a mask. Well they don't need it, their face will bring more terror to Max than a scary mask.

They appear behind Max, ambushing him and taking the gun off his hand

Athos stabs him right on the arm, a scream tearing from Max throat as they drag him into the unknown.

That made me feel so much better actually.

Next that appears is Viktor. I spot four masks: One black mask paired with pitch black eyes, making him look terrifying. Damon Torrance

From all the horsemen, he was the one who always gave me the most dangerous vibe. And as always, my intuition never lets me down.

The second mask is black-grey and the one who's wearing it has a long black ponytail. Ms.Mori.

The other two persons are wearing the same mask :Madden and Mr.Mori.

I wouldn't recognise who is who except for their height: Madden is slightly taller than Mr.Mori.

They circle Viktor like wolves, hunting their prey and drag him where no one can see them.

Next, Evan Crist.

A red neon mask, like Athos' and a white mask with black and red hoover around him, appearing like hunters, hunting for their prey.

Terror flashes Evan's eyes while looking at Ms.Fane.

His son wouldn't kill him. She, however had a plentiful of reasons to do it. And by the look on her face, she would.

Pure hate and vindictiveness covers her eyes, as they drag him away.

Next, is my prey.

He is lurking around, just like the snake he is, fear in his eyes as he glances behind his back.

Yeah, how does that feel? Always looking behind your back for your demons?

I get before him, my ghostface mask on and his realisation that i was right in front of him.

Teo gets behind him and steals his gun, while he's still in shock. He did this with the prize of becoming my BEST best friend so he could tease Estella about it.

He's a crazy ass with a desire to get himself killed if Estella is involved in that business.

A.K.A he's been gugu gaga over her since he met her. I bet 1 grand that they will marry before 21 and i don't want those money to go to waste.

P.S i need a wedding after all this bullshit. Especially our type of weddings

Every hope leaves Driton's eyes, his very similar to mine eyes.

I advance towards him and he crashes his back on Teo, Teo not moving an inch as he shoves him right in my knife.

Like in the horror movies.

A choked breath escapes him and i look down at him.

I realise that all these years, i was scared of this weak creature and now he's completely at my mercy.

I twist my knife, making him scream in pain and shove him away, on the ground.

My stitches are ready to tear but i don't care. I've waited for this for a very long time.

I take off my mask and so does Teo, his grin appearing like a serial killer. Teo is the danger everyone knows but still doesn't suspect.

I see Driton on the ground "Say hi to Satan for me."

And i get on the ground and stab him.


He screams and chokes in his blood

And again




Blood is on my face but i don't stop until i feel arms, familiar arms getting me off him and on my feet.

I meet Mads grey eyes, who look deep in mine.

I must look like a monster

Driton got his wish. He created a monster. But right now, his gaze is making me feel like a human. Like i'm worth it.

I see Viktor on the side with a very beautiful blade, right through his chest.

Evan also. And Ms.Fane's hands are drenched in blood and tears in her eyes and Mr. Fane has her in a hug

That man destroyed her and her mother's life by killing their father.

At least she got her revenge

I look at Max who is on the ground, holding his wounds.

"Stella, come out please." i shout

She gets out of the room with dried tears in her face and approaches me. She hesitates a bit but the fear in her eyes disappears as Dorian takes her arm and leads her towards me.

I whisper in her ear and she disappears and comes back with Chaos, my dog.

Quick backstory about Chaos:He used to be into dog fights and was always the winner.

"Thank you Stella. You want to watch his death?"

She nods sharply while i take the leash off Chaos "Well, Max. I was thinking, since you were always a dog, it's only fair if you die from your own kind" and i lean near Chaos "Eat"

Chaos throws himself on Max, Max's screaming echoing through the place, ripping him into little shreds

Stella doesn't run away but only watches with pure hatred in her eyes.

"Cold." Teo whispers while blowing a breath.

Trust it to Teo to make this funny.

Estella and Teo's book is out:Hate you love you


Stella and Dorian's book:Broken Angel
which dates back a few months before these events


Athos and Niko's book:Maroon Angel
which dates back four years ago

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