Chapter 1

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You opened your eyes and tried to catch your breath. It has been like that every night for two weeks. Every night you woke up sweaty because of that one dream. 'It was just a nightmare. I'm gonna be alright.' you tried to calm down. You looked at the clock. You knew you had to get up earlier that day so you would have enough time to pack your suitcases. 'Of course I have to do that at the last minute. I'll probably be late and the train will leave without me' you were overthinking and your body was shaking with anxiety. That day was the day you were leaving your old life behind and transferring to a new school - Hogwarts. You buried your head into the pillow and soon you fell asleep again. You woke up few minutes before your alarm started ringing. You packed your stuff and your parents drove you to the train station. Fortunately you weren't late. You got on the train and found yourself an empty compartment. When you got to Hogwarts professor McGonagall informed you you had to be sorted into your house so you had to wait with the first year students to get sorted. "Slytherin!" the Sorting Hat uttered resolutely. You headed towards the Slytherin table and as you were about to sit down you saw a black-haired girl waving at you and motioning to you to come sit with her. You went towards her and sat down.
P: "Hi! I'm Pansy Parkinson! And these are my friends - Blaise Zabini, Draco Malfoy and Theo Nott"
You introduced yourself to everyone and shook hands with them. You couldn't help but notice how handsome all of these three boys were. 'Maybe it won't be so boring here afterall' you thought to yourself. You all talked and everyone seemed so nice. They warned you about some of the Gryffindor students and told you that Slytherins usually don't talk to people from other houses.
P: "They kind of...hate us all. It is hard being a Slytherin. Everyone thinks we are evil or something." She laughed.
You didn't mind. You have been called outcast and a black sheep your whole life so it was nothing new to you. You learned how to don't give a damn about anyone else. You liked spending time by yourself. You felt like you never needed anyone. But now, sitting there at the table and laughing with the people who you've just met you felt like you finally belonged. It felt amazing. It felt like home.
D: "We're better than everyone else anyway." said the blonde boy sitting next to Pansy. You've heard of him. His family was one of the pureblood families of wizards who think they are superior to everyone. 'Thanks Merlin I'm a pureblood' you thought to yourself. 'Otherwise I don't think I would be allowed to sit with them much longer'
P: "C'mon, Y/n, I'll show you your dorm."
Y/n: "See you tomorrow, guys"
P: "I'm gonna go to bed early today. Goodnight, love" Pansy said and kissed Draco
You both headed towards the Slytherin common rooms.
Y/n: "Soooo, you and Draco...How long have you been together?"
P: "A year"
Y/n: "You look great together" you smiled at her.
She showed you your dorm. You had the whole room for yourself so you were happy. You unpacked, took a shower and went to sleep.
You sat up on your bed all sweaty again. You couldn't get that picture out of your head - a man chasing you. It was always the same dream. You find yourself lost in a labyrinth. It's dark and you are cold and desperate to get out of there. Suddenly a small light appears in the distance in front of you and quickly starts getting closer to you. You think someone found you and they're gonna help you find your way out. You feel safe. Soon you discover the light comes from a lantern. A man is holding it in his hand and fastly walking towards you. He is tall, dressed in black and has dark hair. You are sure he is handsome - he reminds you of an old time movie star. Until he gets closer to you and you see he has no face. You are terrified of this man and don't know why. "Y/n!" he calls out to you, his voice echoing. He reaches out his hand trying to grab you. You turn around and start running deeper into the labyrinth. Then you wake up. But this time...This time it was different. He held the lantern in front of his face as always but when he removed saw his face. You didn't know him. You had no idea who he was and why he was chasing you every night. Why were you so terrified of him? You were so desperate for answers. Next day went well but you had trouble concentrating. That man's face kept popping up in your head. No matter what you did your mind kept going back to that dream of yours - back to him. After lunch you went to the library to work on your homework. You were searching for a place where you could sit alone but there seemed to be too many students everywhere. You went into the back of the library and to your surprise the whole area was empty. You noticed there was an entrance into the Restricted Section. You went to sit by the window. You placed your books on the table and as you were about to sit down you looked in front of you. Your heart stopped and you froze completely. There, right across from you at the other end of that part of the library was someone watching you. A young man - probably few years older than you. His captivating eyes staring right back at you as he was sitting there motionless and quiet. Your mind and heart were racing, your whole body trembling with tingly sensation. You knew him - it was the man from your dream.

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