Chapter 3

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You turned around. Now you were leaning your back against the bookshelf, looking at Tom who was standing so close to you, you could feel his breath on your face. 'Wow...he's unreal...' you were completely mesmerized by him. He took a step back and straightened but his gaze intensified.
T: "Why are you following me?"
Y/n: "I...just wanted to talk to you..."
T: "About?"
Y/n: "I don't even know...But...I know you..."
T: "You know me?"
You nodded. 'He must think I'm crazy.' You two kept gazing at each other trying to make out what this whole thing means. Finally you decided to break the silence and tell him. There was nothing to lose and you wanted to tell the truth.
Y/n: "I've been seeing you in my dreams, Tom."
He seemed surprised but pleased with what you've just said. Suddenly you heard the door opening and the librarian walked in.
L: "What are you doing here, miss? You aren't allowed to be here!"
You looked around you. Tom was gone.
Y/n: "I am so sorry. I've heard some noise in here and thought maybe someone who shouldn't be here got in. I wanted to see who it was so I could inform you about it and they wouldn't get away with it. But when I walked in, no one was here. I was just about to leave now...I am so sorry. It won't happen again."
The librarian let that slide but told you it will have bad consequences if she ever finds you there again.
That night you couldn't fall asleep so you decided to sneak out to the Astronomy Tower for a smoke. You climbed up the stairs. You were all alone. You went close to the railing and lit up your cigarette. As you were smoking and enjoying the view, something disturbed you from your thoughts.
T: "That was impressive...How you lied to the librarian. You are smart, aren't you?"
You turned around to face him.
Y/n: "Is this how it's gonna be from now on? You sneaking up on me and then just disappearing suddenly?"
Tom smirked.
T: "We haven't finished our conversation. There is something I meant to tell you, Y/n. I don't usually do this...I don't talk to other students..."
Y/n: "Why are you talking to me then?"
T: "You aren't the only one with strange dreams. I've been having them too."
He paused studying your face.
T: "And you've been in them with me."
You heart was beating so fast at this point. You were hoping this wasn't just some manipulative strategy. But why would he lie to you? If he thinks everyone else in Hogwarts is inferior to him why would he talk to you?
Y/n: "What were the dreams about?"
T: "It was the same dream every night. I was walking through a labyrinth looking for something but not knowing what it was. Then I saw you in the distance. You seemed lost and in danger and I just knew I had to save you. I couldn't make out your face, it was all blurry. Somehow I knew your name so I called out to you but-"
Y/n: "But I ran away... My dream was exactly the same."
He was watching you as you threw away your cigarette and walked towards one of the pillars. You leaned your back against it. Your head was spinning but you didn't want to sit down on the cold ground so you just rested your hands on the pillar and held onto it. Tom came closer to you.
T: "Why did you run away?"
Y/n: "Because I was scared of you, Tom."
He took one more step towards you and suddenly was just inches away from your face, towering over you. You looked up at him. He was looking at you with cold, almost hateful expression.
T: "Are you scared of me now?"
You felt your mouth go dry. You wanted to resist him so badly. At that moment you just wished you had never set foot into this school. You were in a loss of words so you just nodded.
T: "Good. I'll make sure it stays that way." Tom said and walked away leaving you confused and shaking.

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