Chapter 4

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For the next few weeks you were trying to keep yourself as busy as possible. He made you feel so trapped. No matter where you went, what you did, you kept seeing his eyes. The thought of him holding you in his arms and conquering you made you weak at the knees. You wanted him. You needed him. 'Is it bad? Is it wrong that I can't stop fantasizing about him?' Of course you knew the answer to that. But knowing something is bad for you won't stop you from doing it, will it? In fact it makes you want it more. You needed to escape from this urge but he wasn't making it easier for you. Whenever you saw him, he was gazing at you. In the Great Hall, in class, in hallways, in the common room, in the courtyard, in the library...he was everywhere. Always watching you. He never approached you to try to talk to you and that was driving you insane. All of your friends - Pansy, Draco, Theo, Blaise - kept on asking you what's wrong, why are you so sad and quiet all the time but you were scared to tell them. One day you just couldn't take it anymore. You were sitting at the back of the library in your usual spot. Tom was sitting across the room from you. It was like that every time - you needed to see him so you went to study there and the whole time you just kept glancing at each other. That day you decided to change it. You got up, gathered your books and marched towards him.
Y/n: "Alright, that's enough."
You slammed your books on the table and sat down next to him. He looked at you, completely enraged.
T: "What do you think you are doing?"
He gripped your wrist as you tried to close his book.
Y/n: "I am sick of this, Tom. I won't keep on playing this game with you. Either you will tell me what you want from me or you will stop staring at me."
He looked at you with amusement and then quickly went back to his usual cold expression.
T: "Alright. Come with me."
His grip on your wrist tightened as he dragged you out of the library and through the hallways. As you were trying to keep calm you haven't even noticed you walked past Blaise. He kept observing you while Tom pushed you into an empty classroom and slammed the door behind you. You were now alone with the Dark Lord's son. Your heart was practically jumping out of your chest at this point. He dropped your hand.
T: "Every time I see your face...I can't control myself."
You gulped. He took a few steps back as if he was trying to restrain himself from something.
T: "I want to...hurt you. So much."
This defnitely wasn't what you had expected.
Y/n: "You want what?"
T: "You heard me, Y/n. Stay away from me."
Y/n: "How am I supposed to stay away from you when you are everywhere I go? Tom...I am so exhausted." You looked at him with despair. He kept gazing at you, not saying a word. His eyes were cold as usual.
Y/n: "Bye, Tom."
You walked out of the classroom. You were so disappointed and angry. Now he had you in the palm of his hand and there seemed to be no way to make him love you the way you love him. You entered the Slytherin common room. Draco and everyone were sitting there by the fireplace and immedietely turned their heads to you.
D: "Y/n, come here."
You sat down next to them.
D: "Why haven't you told us anything?"
Y/n: "What are talking about, Draco?"
D: "I am talking about you and Riddle. Blaise saw you two together."
T: "Did he hurt you, Y/n? You can tell us."
You hesitated for a moment but then you decided to get it out of your chest. You told them everything - about the dream, about how he keeps following you and watching you everywhere but then doesn't want to talk to you. Of course you left out the part about how madly in love with him you are but that was just a small detail, wasn't it?
P: "I really don't like this. He never talks to anyone..."
B: "I agree."
T: "I won't let him hurt you, Y/n. I will go talk to him."
Y/n: "No! Please, Theo, don't. I don't think he would actually hurt me..."
D: "Bullshit!"
Draco got up and stormed out of the common room. You started chasing him as he ran towards the Astronomy Tower, completely furious, clutching a wand in his hand.
Y/n: "Draco! Wait! Please, don't do anything stupid!"
You both ran up the stairs to the Astronomy Tower. When you got to the top you saw Tom standing there, his back turned towards you. He was alone. You and Draco stopped and looked at each other.
Y/n: *whispering* "How did you know he's gonna be here?"
Draco looked at you with a cold expression. He lifted up his sleeve and showed you his left arm. You looked at his Dark Mark, completely shocked.
D: "I know him better than you think..."

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