Chapter 2

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He was staring at you, you were staring at him not knowing what to do. You could have talked to him but you didn't feel ready for that so you gathered your stuff and stormed out of the library. 'Ugh...that was so embarrassing...' you thought. There weren't many things you were scared of. Usually you were confident and people didn't make you nervous but this man did. You saw his eyes and knew he could make you do anything. You ran to your dorm and haven't even noticed Pansy and the others were sitting in the common room. You passed them by without saying hello. As you slammed the door of your room shut and sat down on the bed someone knocked. It was Pansy. You let her in without a word.
P: "Y/n, are you alright? Did something happen to you?"
Y/n: "I- Yeah, I'm alright, don't worry. I just saw someone...I know."
P: "Oh, I understand. Someone from your past who you would rather not see ever again, am I right? Do you wanna talk about it?"
Y/n: "I don't wanna talk about it, sorry..."
P: "Alright, but if you ever need someone to talk to, you know where my dorm is"
Y/n: "Thank you, Pansy" you smiled at her and she left.
You decided it was better not to tell anyone about the dream yet. You desperately wanted to find out what it meant and who he was. When you entered the Great Hall to go for a dinner and sat down next to your friends you noticed he was also sitting at the Slytherin table and not so far away from you. You looked at him. He seemed focused on his food and wasn't talking to anyone.
Y/n: "Hey, guys, who is that?" you pointed at him.
They all looked at you and smirked.
D: "That's Tom Riddle"
Y/n: "WHAT? The son of the Dark Lord? What is he doing in Hogwarts?"
P: "Honestly, we were all surprised when he appeared here at at the start of the last school year but it seems Dumbledore wanted to give him a chance. After all he has never done anything bad...or at least we don't know about it."
You looked at him and this time he turned his head and gazed at you. 'Fu*k! This can't be happening...' your thoughts were racing. You couldn't look away. You knew yourself well enough to know you always fall in love too fast and too deeply. And it has always been with the toxic and manipulative men. But this felt so different. You felt he was special. He continued staring at you. He was so beautiful...
D: "Y/n? Why did you even ask about him?"
Y/n: "I saw him at the library today and he kind of scared me" you laughed.
P: "Yeah he does that a lot" Pansy smirked.
Y/n: "But...I heard he has a younger brother. Is he a student here too?"
D: "He does have a brother but no, he's not here..."
T: "I heard him and Tom are very different and they're not on good terms."
Y/n: "Have you ever talked to Tom?"
P: "No, he hates everyone. We're all probably inferior to him. He's always alone..."
Next morning you woke up and to your surprise you realized you slept peacefully.  The dream was just...gone. Of course that was a relief but the fact that you knew you will keep on seeing his face terrified you. After your classes you went to your dorm to study but your mind kept wandering away.  You decided this needed to stop. You got up and went to the library. You walked towards the door to the Restricted Section and as you reached the last corner you stopped. You took a deep breath. 'I'm gonna turn the corner and if he's there I will go talk to him' you decided. But before you knew it he was standing in front of you and walking towards the door to the Restricted Section. He went in without hesitation. You looked behind you to make sure no one was watching and walked in. The first thing you noticed was the comforting smell of old books. You looked around but Tom was nowhere to be found. You decided to at least take a look at few books. Maybe you will find something interesting. You slowly walked around the bookshelves, tracing the books with your fingers, trying to find a book that would catch your eye. All of a sudden someone's hand gently touched your shoulder. Your heart almost jumped out of your chest as you heard a quiet "Y/n..." behind you.

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