Chapter 10

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Mattheo looked at you and Tom worriedly.
M: "What are you two-"
He was in loss of words. Tom just grabbed your wrist as usual and dragged you into the library. He slammed the door shut and pushed you down on a chair. Oh, how you missed this. He flashed his eyes at you once again.
Y/n: "Where have you been? I've been worried about you."
Tom sat down next to you.
T: "I was with father. I needed to talk to him. Let's say...I wasn't happy...about something."
Y/n: "You weren't happy about something? Well, that's unusual..."
His stare was now full of rage when he heard you make fun of him. That alone wouldn't be enough to make you become more serious but then you felt his warm hand wrap around your thigh. It made you freeze as always when he touched you. His thumb was now caressing your thigh. He knew very well what he was doing.
T: "Y/n, I want you to listen to me now. From now on everything is going to change. You will stay by my side. All the time. I don't wish to see you talking to Mattheo or any of his friends. Do you understand me? I am being completely serious right now. Don't you dare betray me."
You couldn't believe this. Of course you wanted to be with him but at what cost?
Y/n: "Tom...I love my friends, I don't want to avoid them. You can't tell me what to do."
He laughed at you. That was the first time ever you heard him laugh. But it wasn't a normal laugh. It was so sinister, it gave you shivers.
T: "Oh I can. And I will."
He lifted up you leg a little as if he was trying to pull you closer. His hand was now clenching your thigh so harshly, you almost groaned in pain. His other hand suddenly wrapped around your throat and squeezed it gently.
T: "You will stay with me now. You won't talk to anyone but me. Understood?"
He tilted your head to the side and placed his lips on your neck. His mouth was all over it. For a moment it even felt as if he wanted to bite into you. This was it. You became his at that moment and were determined to obey him. You moaned quietly.
T: "I see you finally understand..."
He stood up and walked towards the door.
T: "I'll pick you up tomorrow morning at your dorm."
Then he left. You stayed there for a few minutes, trying to process what had just happened. Once you regained your composure you went back to your dorm and walked straight into the bathroom. You took off your clothes and started checking your neck in the mirror to see if he left any marks there. He didn't but when you moved further from the mirror you caught a glimpse of your leg. There was a visible bruise - a painful imprint of Tom's hand. You were his. That night you slept peacefully, knowing that the thing you wanted the most, was finally yours. What you didn't know was that you were giving up more than just your friends. You were giving up yourself as well.
When Tom knocked on your door the next morning, your heart stopped. You realised he was right when he said everything was going to change. People will be watching you. From now on you two will be inseparable and when you'll hear the others talking about you, you won't be just "the new girl". You will now become "Tom and Y/n". Everyone will know who you are. He entered your dorm and watched you with that stern look you loved so much. You stepped out of the room with Tom holding your hand and headed towards the Great Hall for breakfast. People were staring. As you passed them by, you saw the condemnation in everyone's eyes. This is going to take its heavy toll on you but there was no stopping it now.

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