Chapter 5

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Tom was still facing away from you.
T: "Draco, what brings you here?"
He turned around and saw you standing there. You saw he was surprised. Draco pointed a wand in his face, ready to strike.
D: "Stay away from Y/n! She's not a toy, Riddle! You can't just do what you want with her!"
T: "Firstly put the wand down, Draco." he said in a calm, authoritative voice and to your surprise Draco obeyed.
T: "And secondly..." *he whispered to Draco* "I can and I will."
He whispered but you still heard it. A shiver ran down your spine. At this point Draco looked completely outraged. He pointed the wand at him again but Tom swiftly disarmed him.
D: "Why her, Riddle?"
Tom fixed his eyes on you. He smirked and slowly walked towards you, not breaking the eye contact. He stopped in front of you.
T: *whispering* "I think she knows why."
With that he left. You looked at Draco. He quickly ran to you and hugged you.
D: "Are you alright, Y/n? What did he say to you?"
Y/n "I'm alright...But...I have so many questions about-" you touched his left arm.
He sighed and sat down. You sat down next to him. You smoked and talked about everything. Draco told you his father forced him to join the Death Eaters even though he didn't want it. He also told you that him and the Riddle brothers have known each other since childhood but Tom was always problematic. Him and Draco weren't friends. In fact Tom wasn't capable of maintaining a friendship with anyone. He always thought he was better than everyone. He hated his brother Mattheo. He said he was weak because Mattheo didn't want to be like their father. But Draco and Mattheo were good friends. They understood each other because of how similar their relationships with their fathers were. You asked Draco if anyone else knows about his Dark Mark. He told you that Pansy, Theo and Blaise know.
Y/n: "Why haven't you told me?"
D: "I didn't want to scare you, Y/n. You are new here. I thought if I told you, you wouldn't want to be friends with us."
Y/n: "I understand. But...Draco, I don't mind. I'm so grateful to have you all. And thank you for trying to protect me."
D: "Be careful, Y/n. He is-"
Y/n: "I know, Draco. I will be careful. I will tell you if anything happens, alright?"
You headed back to your dorms. You were so exhausted you fell asleep. The next day you woke up feeling so hopeless. This constant tension that you felt because of Tom was almost unbearable. It was hard to even walk out of your room because you never knew when you will see him and how he's gonna react towards you. Days went by and you were trying to restrain yourself from going to the places where you knew you could meet him. You stopped going to the library and the Astronomy Tower. You spent your time only in classes or your dorm. Also you stuck to your friends, not wanting to ever be alone. But that one sentence he said to you "I think she knows why." kept coming back to your mind. He knew exactly how to manipulate you to want to know more, to not be able to get over him, to keep wondering about his words and asking yourself why. As you were sitting in your dorm one evening, looking out the window, you heard someone was behind your door. You slowly got closer, wanting to find out who but suddenly a small piece of paper appeared under the door frame. You picked it up. It was a letter. You opened it and read:
Do you want to know why? I will tell you.
Restricted Section, midnight.
- T. M. R.
'No. Not doing this.' you tried to convince yourself. As the hours went by you felt more and more nervous. You promised yourself you won't go and even tried to fall asleep but there was no use. Midnight was getting closer and you were pacing the room, feeling like you're going crazy. '11:55'. You stopped. You looked at yourself in the mirror and took a deep breath. "What are you doing to me, Tom..." you whispered and walked out of the door.

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