Chapter 16

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When you entered the Great Hall next morning, Mattheo was by your side. There weren't many people at breakfast since it was weekend and already late. You saw Tom drinking tea and reading a book in his seat. When you and Mattheo walked past him, his eyes were burning holes into yours. You had a knot in your stomach. There was something unusual in his look. You couldn't figure it out. And how could you. You had no idea that he's just heard something that made his chest tighten with pain. The truth was that when you walked through the door, Theo turned to Draco and stated: "Look how she's walking...I think we both know what that means. I told you. They were definitely having lots of fun last night." Tom couldn't believe it. He hated his brother but this was the worst possible thing Mattheo could have done to him. If it was anyone else, Tom would have killed him, not even batting an eye but he was his family. Tom felt truly hopeless for the first time in his life.
You and Mattheo couldn't tear yourselves away from each other. You felt this burning sensation every time he was around and you couldn't stop thinking about the night you spent with him. You wanted more and of course you got it soon. The next evening you were in your dorm, reading a book when somebody knocked on the door.
M: "Y/'s me..."
You opened the door and Mattheo was standing there, panting.
Y/n: "What's wro-"
You heard a door slam and his lips pressed on yours, kissing you harshly and his hands slipped under your shirt, touching your chest. He pinned you against the wall, took your shirt off and then you felt your pyjama pants slide down your legs. It was all so quick. He picked you up, made you straddle him and carried you to your bed.
M: "Fuck, I need you"
Nights and days like these started repeating more frequently and soon the whole school thought you were dating Mattheo. People were confused because of your past behaviour. Now you suddenly acted as if nothing happened and you seemed like a normal girl. You even noticed some people tried to make friends with you now but most of them still thought of you as the girl who was linked up with the Dark Lord's son. They spoke of you as if you had made a deal with the devil. You even heard a few times they called Tom names like "the demon", "the devil" but it was all based on rumours about him. They hated him because of who his father was but no one actually knew the truth about who he was. You, Draco and Mattheo were the only ones who knew about his actions and about what he was capable of.
D: "C'mon, Y/n...When will you finally realise he wasn't the right guy for you? Mattheo is my best friend, I know how much he likes you. Just cut the bullshit and make it finally official with him."
Draco kept trying to persuade you but you liked it the way it was. Mattheo didn't want to pressure you into anything. In fact he was quite easy about you two just having fun. But you were having so much 'fun' you started skipping lessons, being late to classes and forgetting about homework.
You were laying in bed when suddenly you heard the door of your room open. You looked at the clock and it was 4 a.m. The door quietly closed and soon you felt Mattheo's warm hands caressing your neck.
Y/n: "Do you mind? This may sound like a surprising information to you but I was actually sleeping."
M: "Oh, you were? And I thought thinking of me keeps you up all night..." he said playfully.
Y/n: "You're so full of yourself Mattheo Riddle." You said as you climbed on top of him and then kissed him.
M: "Okay, I'm sorry for not letting you sleep but can you blame me? The moment I touched you for the first time, I just knew you were special. I can't get enough. You're too good..."
He mumbled those last words into your neck. His fingers slipped under your nightdress and started moving fast. You moaned.
Y/n: "Fuck, you already got me in so much trouble..."
M: "I know and I won't stop. The way you're all shaky every time I just look at you is too cute."
He whispered and pulled your legs closer to him.
That morning you were late to class once again. You and Mattheo rushed into the classroom but Snape was already there. You saw everyone staring.
S: "You are three minutes late. I will let it slide for today but don't let it happen again."
You took your seats and Mattheo laughed.
Y/n: "Snape may let that slide today but you ain't gonna slide in anywhere tonight." You whispered to Mattheo's ear. You both laughed but your smile vanished the moment you caught Tom's death stare. What was he even doing here? Was he changing classes to keep an eye on you? Your chest tightened as you sat there, looking into his eyes. You realised at that moment what was so unusual in his look. It was pain. He was trying to hide it but you could see right through him. You broke his heart. This was kind of a shock for you because you never thought he could actually feel pain. The thought of him not being able to forgive you for what you did was the worst. You felt the worst kind of ache in your chest. Your heart was breaking for what you've lost. You even caught yourself wishing he would just leave Hogwarts but you knew he could never. It felt like he won't ever leave you alone.
The next week, Mattheo suddenly stopped coming into your dorm and he was suspiciously cold and reserved. You knew something was up but you wanted to give him a chance to explain it to you when he's ready. After few days of him giving you the silent treatment, you finally found out. It was the evening and everyone gathered in the Great Hall for dinner as always but there was something eerie about the atmosphere that night. You realised you haven't seen Tom around all day and when you sat down at the Slytherin table, you noticed Draco was missing too. The moment Dumbledore rose and came forward, it all dawned on you. Your heart was racing.
D: "Dear students, it is my duty to inform you of what has happened today. It pains me to say it but this evening, the forces of evil managed to enter our castle. A dark wizard, who we all know under the name of Lord Voldemort, attacked a student. I think most of you won't be surprised to hear that it was Harry Potter. Harry is well and safe now but I need you to know one thing. There may come a day when we will have to defend our school and one another..."
Your head was spinning. You couldn't hear the rest. The thoughts, the worries in your mind got too loud. Mattheo took your hand under the table and gently caressed it. You looked at him. He was sad. When Dumbledore finished his speech, Mattheo led you out of the Great Hall and into his dorm. You both sat down on the bed.
M: "Y/ you realise what this means...?"
You nodded.
M: "My father won't stop until he gets here. Not until he gets to Harry and-"
Y/n: "Do Draco and Tom have anything to do with the attack? Please...tell me they weren't there. Tell me they didn't help him."
M: "They weren't there, no. Draco is with his parents now. There has been a meeting of...the Death Eaters. And Tom...he...let's say he made it possible for father to get here but...Tom needs to stay undercover in order for him to be able to stay here in Hogwarts. So he doesn't ever show up during any tasks."
You nodded. It wasn't surprising to hear that.
M: "Y/n...there is one more thing. What I need to tell you is that there is a big possibility father will try to approach you. He's gonna want you to join him. I will try my best to keep you safe but...this is the reality and I needed to tell you."
You looked up at him. You feared he would say this. In fact that was the first thing that crossed your mind when Dumbledore mentioned the Dark Lord. If only you could promise Mattheo that you won't ever join Voldemort's side. If only you could tell him you love him and that you are willing to do anything in order to stay safe and stick with him. But you couldn't because that wasn't the truth, so you just sat there and held your tongue.

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